to Jervis and Olivia Lewis Langdon
27 March 1870 • Buffalo, N.Y.
(MS: CtHMTH, UCCL 00450)
‸ Afternoon. ‸ At Home, Sunday 26th
Dear Father & Mother—
It is snowing furiously, & has been, the most of the part the day & part of the night. We are glad that you are safe beyond its jurisdiction—for albeit snow is very beautiful when falling, its loveliness passes away very shortly afterward. The grand unpoetical result is merely chilblains & slush.1 Anoth
Cousin Anna is here—came last night.2 She enjoys the beautiful home, naturally. Livy has just gone to roost. Theodore’s dispatch ‸to‸ informing us that Anna would arrive at 8.30 P.M. made a mistake & said 8 A.M. The consequence was that we were up at such a vile, inhuman hour in the morning that we shall be torpid & worthless for a day or two. Livy & I are delicate creatures & cannot stand dissipation.
Anna brought flowers from Sue; & Livy has made some handsome bouquets, & immediately grew riotous & disorderly because, she said, “Nobody ever comes to call when we have fresh flowers.” Well, somebody had [ better ] come—else I will take a club & go & invite half a dozen or so. Our flowers are not to go to waste this time, [ f ] merely for want of a little energetic affability.
The roof of the house on the corner right opposite Mr. Howells’ (diagonally opposite Mr Lyon’s), caught fire this morning & blazed pretty lively for a while—& but for the snow on the roof there would have been a conflagration—for when I discovered it from our bedroom window & went over there to stir up the family, there was o but one man in sight anywhere, & he came to help, instead of going for the firemen. It burned so slowly that Patrick, who followed me, climbed out on the roof & put it almost out half out with snow before we succeeded in getting buckets of water to him. After he had got it under complete control the a couple of steam engines came, but the occupant of the house persuaded them to go away without damaging anything.3
There, now—perhaps we need not go to explaining, now, why we have not written you before (still, if any letters have miscarried & you haven’t received them, we [ wit wish ] to be understood as having written those [letters. ])—we need not, now, explain, perhaps, since it is so late in the day. I know it isn’t Livy’s fault. (Now if she stands by me faithfully & says as much for me, we are surely proven blameless.) Which I think she’ll do it.
Yes, mother, whenever you issue your call, we stand ready to voyage over the ocean with you, right cheerfully.
Thank you for Charley’s journals. I have given up Prof. Ford, & shall discontinue the “Round the World” letters—have done it. The Prof. has now been 6 months writing 2 little letters, & I ten—making 12 in all. If they continue their trip 18 months, as they propose, they Prof. will succeed in grinding out a grand total of 6 letters, if he keeps up his present vigor. So I shall quietly drop the “Round the World” business & simply take write ‸(from Charley’s journal,)‸ what shall seem to be simply a vagrant correspondence from some George M. Wagner or other person who writes letters when he happens to feel like it, & travels for the comfort of it.4 I am
I have taken the editorship of a department in the “Galaxy” magazine, New York, & am to furnish ten pages of matter every months (made up of my own r writing & contributions together,) for $2,000 a year, I s to absolutely own the matter & print it in book form after they have used it, if I want to. I shall write once ‸one‸ or two sketches a month for the Express, & I have an idea that for a good while I shall do nothing else on the paper.5 Thus the Galaxy & the Express together with will give me fully six days’ work every month, & I positively need the rest of the time to admire the house in. Need it, too, to write a book in. The “Innocents” sells just as handsomely as ever. 9 to 10,000 copies a month. It is still netting me $1,400 a month.6
But I [most ] stop, & leave room for a line from Livy. And so, with all love & duty, I am
Mother dear
Cousin Anna, Mr Clemens and I are sitting about the Library table, we have been having a pleasant visit— Now Samuel is speaking of Olive Logan— 7
Our house is just as prettie and pleasant as ever, perhaps a little more so, we want to see you & father here in it— I am sure you will think it a restful place—
I was out one two calling expeditions last week— I have rec’d about seventy calls— I had a very pleasant call at Mrs Wadsworths last week—I thought that I called there two or thr[◇◇] weeks ago, but discov[er]ed that I went to the wrg wrong house & left my card—, Mrs George Wadsworth has called too—she is also very attractive— 8 Mr & Mrs Gray (he is editor of the Courier) are attractive people, seem as if they might be friends— 9
Good night
Lovingly Livy—
Explanatory Notes | Textual Commentary
One Sunday morning Clemens noticed smoke pouring from the upper
window of the house across the street. The owner and his wife,
comparatively newcomers, were seated upon the veranda, evidently not
aware of impending danger. The Clemens household thus far had
delayed calling on them, but Clemens himself now stepped briskly
across the street. Bowing with leisurely politeness, he said: “My name is Clemens; we ought to have
called on you before, and I beg your pardon for intruding now in
this informal way, but your house is on fire.” (MTB, 1:413) Gwinn had lived in his Delaware Avenue house for at least
five years (Buffalo Directory: 1866, 220; 1870,
17, 376, 397, 429).
reached Cairo, Egypt. Thence they are to visit the
Holy Land, pass through Turkey, Russia, and Prussia, spend several
months in Germany, France, and Great Britain, and reach home about
Christmas. (“Local Jottings,” 8) Clemens did not make use of Langdon’s
journals, which are not known to survive. For the “Around the
World” letters, see 22 Jan 70 to Bliss, n.
Source text(s):
Previous publication:
L4, 98–102; LLMT, 149–51; Chester L. Davis 1982, 4, excerpt.
Provenance:donated to CtHMTH in 1963 by Ida Langdon.
Emendations and textual notes:
better • be◇tter
f • [partly formed]
wit wish • witsh [‘t’ partly formed]
letters. • [deletion implied]
most • [sic]
Som Son • Somn
◇◇ • [possibly ‘3’]