At Home Feb. 23.
Friend Bliss—
Why bless your soul, I never have time to write letters these days—takes all my time to carry on the honey-moon.1 I would like to talk to Mrs Bliss2 two or three or four hours about my wife now, if she could stand it——she used to stand it very well when I was [at ] your house.
Express gets along well. I have a strong notion to write a——
Well, never mind, I’ll [ w ] tell you about it another time.3
I am glad Mrs. Barstow has retrieved her credit—I was about to write you to charge her $150″ to me, when your second letter came. I am very glad, more f simply for her own sake, that she has kept up her credit.4
6,000 & upwards, in 16 days, is splendid—Splendid, isn’t it?5
I don’t go near the Express office more than twice a week—& then only for an hour. I am just as good [as] other men—& other men take honey-moons I reckon.
Hello!—there’s the bell—my wife is taking a nap & I am receiving calls.
Yrs Ever,
[letter docketed:] auth Mark Twain | Feb 23/70
Explanatory Notes | Textual Commentary
Four days after this letter, the Hartford Courant reported: “The American
Publishing company are now printing the sixtieth thousand of Mark Twain’s new book. They have already sold over fifty-five
thousand, and have orders ahead faster than they can supply them” (“Brief Mention,” 19 Feb 70,
Source text(s):
Previous publication:
L4, 77–78; MTLP, 32–33.
Provenance:See Mendoza Collection in Description of Provenance.
Emendations and textual notes:
at • at | at
w • [partly formed]