To Jane Lampton Clemens and Pamela A. Moffett
26 June 1869 • Elmira, N.Y.
(MS: CU-MARK, UCCL 00322)
Elmira, June 26.
I shipped my old trunk & valise to you day before yesterday while in New York, intending to follow them in the course of a week or more. I shall probably go to Cleveland tomorrow or next day, but I doubt if I enter into any arrangement with the [Herald, ]for Livy does not much like the Herald people & rather dislikes the idea of my being associated with them in business—& besides, they will [ hardl ]not like to part with as much as a third of the paper, & Mr. Langdon thinks—(as I do,) that a small interest is not just the thing.1
We have all been to Hartford on a villainously expensive trip to attend Alice Hooker’s [ wee wedding]. My expenses were ten to twelve dollars a day, & Mr. Langdon’s about ‸over‸ fifty. We were gone fifteen days.2 I wanted to stay a day or so in New York, & so Livy visited with friends there & waited for me. I brought her home yesterday. She stood the trip right well.
I told Slote to send Ma $150;—a check for it, on John Daly or some book firm. Daly’s firm was “Daly & Boas,” I think—look in the Directory.3 If I come to St Louis I want to shut myself up in the house & not see anybody.4 I must write next winter’s lecture. Livy thinks I can ought to be able to write it here, but I doubt it. I’ll give it a trial tomorrow morning, but I don’t think it will work.5
Got a good letter from Orion today., for which I am much obliged.6 I guess I won’t have time to answer it to-day.
Explanatory Notes | Textual Commentary
Horace Bixby was Clemens’s old piloting mentor (L1, 70–71).
Source text(s):
Previous publication:
L3, 276–77.
Provenance:see Moffett Collection, pp. 586–87.
Emendations and textual notes:
My Dear Br Mother & Sister • [Clemens altered ‘Brother’ to ‘Mother’ before he added ‘& Sister’]
Herald, • [possibly ‘Herald.,’]
hardl • [‘l’ partly formed]
wee wedding • weedding