Washington, Dec. 1, 1867
Mr. Young—
Dear Sir: This ‸is‸ to acknowledge a draft for $65, from the Tribune Association as payment in full for foreign correspondence to date.
I am by no means sure, but at the same time it is possible that there is a mistake. I wish [ w ]Mr. McEwen would look at the memorandum of terms again, & the number of columns printed, & then, if the mistake is in my favor, very well; but if it is in the Tribune’s favor, why of course we won’t say anything about it. The matter of whether a mistake is in one individual’s favor or in a totally different individual’s favor, makes all the difference in the world.1
I am going to send a squib in a day or two which I think will do for publication.2
Yours Very Truly
Sam. L. Clemens
[letter docketed:] Ansd giving our record. McE. [and] File
Explanatory Notes | Textual Commentary
Source text(s):
Previous publication:
L2, 117–118.
Provenance:donated to DLC in 1924 by Mrs. John Russell Young
and Gordon R. Young.
Emendations and textual notes:
w • [partly formed]