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McDonald, Allen B. (b. 1805?), “the desperado” mentioned in “Villagers” (95), was a plasterer from Kentucky (Marion Census 1850, 323). The story of McDonald’s fight with Charley Schneider (or Schnieter) is given in the History of Marion County, Missouri much as it is in “Villagers” (101). When John Marshall Clemens was justice of the peace,

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Charlie Schnieter and a carpenter named McDonald got into a scuffle on the sidewalk in front of Mr. Clemens’ office. They were litigants in his court, and he stepped out to see what was going on. McDonald was trying to make Schnieter shoot himself with his own pistol. Mr. Clemens commanded the peace, and not being obeyed he struck McDonald on the forehead with a stonemason’s mallet. The plan succeeded, though McDonald expressed doubts of its legality. McDonald was so frequently in difficulties, and so desperately reckless, that he was regarded by most people as half insane and very dangerous. He afterward leveled a shot-gun [begin page 334] at Col. Elgin from behind, but the Colonel turned his head, revealing part of his face. McDonald said he believed he was attacking John M. Clemens, but nobody else believed him. (Holcombe, 914)