Evening, Mch. 7.
My Dear Bro:
I cannot let you think that I overlook or underestimate the brotherly goodness & kindness of your motive in your assault upon Bliss. I would have you feel & know that I fully appreciate that, & value it. The fact that I contemn the act as being indefensible, does not in the least blind me to the virtue of the motive underlying it, or leave me unthankful for it. Livy & I have grieved sincerely over the thought of the depression & distress this matter is doubtless causing you, & Livy’s first impulse naturally (for her,) was to go straight down to your house & tell you to cast the whole thing aside & forget it, & consider that there are sunshine & cheer left in the world, & the ability in you & all of us to find them & enjoy them. And she would have gone if she could. Her idea is correct: forget it. There is no profit [it] remembering unpleasant things. Remember only that it has wrought one good: It has set you free from a humiliating servitude; a thing to be devoutly thankful for, God knows.1
Being now free of all annoyance or regret in this matter, I hasten to say so.
Affectionately yr Bro.
Explanatory Notes | Textual Commentary
Source text(s):
Previous publication:
L5, 55–56.
Provenance:see Mark Twain Papers in Description of Provenance.
Emendations and textual notes:
it • [sic; someone, probably OC, has corrected ‘it’ to ‘in’ in pencil]