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Maui Historical Society [bib32392]

Peter Harrington Antiquarian Bookseller catalog [bib32393]

Thomaston Place Auction Galleries catalog [bib32394]

Vintage Memorabilia catalog [bib32395]

bib32396NNDB 20092009NNDB
“Benjamin Franklin Butler.” [bib32396]

bib32397American Civil War 20092009
“Ball’s Bluff, Harrison’s Landing, Leesburg, Civil War, Virginia.” [bib32397]

bib32398Sonoma Census 1860.1860Sonoma Census
Population Schedules of the Eighth Census of the United States, 1860. Roll M653. California: Sonoma, Sonoma County. Photocopy in CU-MARK. [bib32398]

Farahar Dupre catalog [bib32400]

Collection of Kevin Stingley [bib32401]

bib32402Rasmussen 20072007Rasmussen, R. Kent
Critical Companion to Mark Twain: A Literary Reference to His Life and Work. 2 vols. New York: Facts on File. [bib32402]

bib32403Gregory 19761976Gregory, Ralph
“Joseph P. Ament—Master-Printer to Sam Clemens.” Mark Twain Journal 18 (Summer): 1–4. [bib32403]

bib32404Critchell 19091909Critchell, Robert S.
Recollections of a Fire Insurance Man Chicago: Press of Rogers & Hall Co; distributed by A. C. McClure. [bib32404]

bib32405Farnsworth 18891889Farnsworth, Fred E.
Proceedings, Third Annual Meeting of the Michigan Club. Detroit: Winn and Hammond. [bib32405]

Frogtown Books catalog [bib32406]

Wiener Bilder [bib32407]

bib32408Fort Leonard Wood 20092009Fort Leonard Wood
“Major General Leonard Wood.” [bib32408]

bib32409Kho 20092009Kho, Madge
“The Bates Treaty.” [bib32409]

bib32410Byler 20052005Byler, Charles
“Pacifying the Moros: American Military Government in the Southern Philippines, 1899–1913.” Military Review (May–June). [bib32410]

bib32411Bacevich 20062006Bacevich, Andrew J.
“What Happened at Bud Dajo: A Forgotten Massacre—and Its Lessons.” Boston Globe, 12 March, C2. [bib32411]

bib32412Boston Medical Journal 18991899Boston Medical Journal
“Major-General Leonard Wood, M.D.” Boston Medical Journal (22 April): 973. [bib32412]

bib32413Blackstone 1765–691765–69Blackstone, William
Commentaries on the Laws of England. 4 vols. Oxford: Clarendon Press. [bib32413]

bib32414SLC 19031903-12-15SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
“Major General Wood, M.D.” MS of ten leaves, written 15 December, and TS of five leaves, typed and revised before 28 December, CU-MARK. Reprinted in Zwick 1992[bib31064], 151–55. [bib32414]

bib32415Webster 18281828Webster, Noah
An American Dictionary of the English Language. 2 vols. New York: S. Converse. [bib32415]

bib32416Velke 19011901Velke, Wilhelm
Gutenberg-Fest zu Mainz im Jahre 1900. Mainz: Heinrichs Prickarts. [bib32416]

Typewriter and Phonographic World, The [bib32417]