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Bibl. Date: 1960 [x]
Displaying 26 - 34 of 34 Reference List
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bib13268Willoughby 19601960Willoughby, R. W. H.
“The Blackmore Museum.” Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Magazine 57: 316–21. [bib13268]

bib13375Bridwell 19601960Bridwell, Margaret
“Tom Sawyer’s Aunt Polly.” Louisville Courier-Journal Magazine, (11 September): 9–10. [bib13375]

bib13531Grenander 19601960Grenander, M. E.
“Ambrose Bierce and Charles Warren Stoddard: Some Unpublished Correspondence.” Huntington Library Quarterly 23 (May): 261–92. [bib13531]

bib13678Lucey 19601960Lucey, William L.
“The Diary of Joseph B. O’Hagan, S.J., Chaplain of the Excelsior Brigade.” Civil War History 6 (December): 402–09. [bib13678]

bib30903Gettmann 19601960Gettmann, Royal A.
A Victorian Publisher: A Study of the Bentley Papers. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. [bib30903]

bib31058Meserve1960Meserve, Walter J.
The Complete Plays of W. D. Howells N.Y.: New York University Press. [bib31058]

bib33241Roper 19601960Roper, Gordon
“Mark Twain and His Canadian Publishers.” American Book Collector 10 (June): 13–29. [bib33241]

bib33960Monteiro 19601960Monteiro, George
“A Note on the Mark Twain–Whitelaw Reid Relationship.” Emerson Society Quarterly 19 (Quarter 2): 20–21. [bib33960]

bib34250Judd 19601960Judd, IV, Gerrit Parmele
Dr. Judd, Hawaii's Friend: A Biography of Gerrit Parmele Judd. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press. [bib34250]