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Bibl. Date: 1954 [x]
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bib00268Beebe 19541954Beebe, Lucius
Comstock Commotion: The Story of “The Territorial Enterprise.” Stanford: Stanford University Press. [bib00268]

bib00269Beebe and Clegg 19541954Beebe, Lucius, and Charles Clegg
Legends of the Comstock Lode. Stanford: Stanford University Press. [bib00269]

bib00428Cheney 19541954Cheney, Howell, ed.
The List of Members of the Monday Evening Club Together with the Record of Papers Read at Their Meetings, 1869–1954. Hartford: Privately printed. [bib00428]

bib00541Bliven 19541954Bliven, Bruce, Jr.
The Wonderful Writing Machine. New York: Random House. [bib00541]

bib00580Current 19541954Current, Richard N.
The Typewriter and the Men Who Made It. Urbana: University of Illinois Press. [bib00580]

bib01006Davis 19541954Davis, Chester L., Sr.
“Orion Clemens and the American Publisher.” Twainian 13 (September): 3–4. [bib01006]

bib10174Jones 19541954Jones, Alexander E.
“Mark Twain and Freemasonry.” American Literature 26 (November): 363–73. [bib10174]

bib10626Davis 19541954Davis, Chester L.
“Untitled item (In going over the correspondence. . . ).” Twainian 13 (March-April): 4. [bib10626]

bib11915Jones 19541954Jones, Alexander E.
“Mark Twain and the ‘Many Citizens’ Letter.” American Literature 26 (November): 421–25. [bib11915]

bib11969Lorch 19541954Lorch, Fred W.
“Reply to Mr. Alexander E. Jones.” American Literature 26 (November): 426–27. [bib11969]

bib12366Turner 19541954Turner, Arlin
“Notes on Mark Twain in New Orleans.” McNeese Review 6 (Spring): 10–22. [bib12366]

bib12558City Book Auction 19541954City Book Auction
The Byron Price Library. Sale no. 656 (1 December) New York: City Book Auction. [bib12558]

bib13041Shaplen 19541954Shaplen, Robert
Free Love and Heavenly Sinners: The Story of the Great Henry Ward Beecher Scandal. New York: Alfred A. Knopf. [bib13041]

bib13239Vogelback 19541954Vogelback, Arthur L.
“Mark Twain and the Fight for Control of the Tribune.” American Literature 26 (November): 374–83. [bib13239]

bib14027Sweet 19541954Sweet
Catalog for sale no. 128 (October). Battle Creek, Michigan: Forest H. Sweet. [bib14027]

bib20379Doctrine and Covenants 19541954Doctrine and Covenants
The Doctrine and Covenants, Containing Revelations Given to Joseph Smith, Jr., the Prophet. With an introduction and historical and exegetical notes by Hyrum M. Smith and Janne M. Sjodahl. Rev. ed. Salt Lake City: Deseret Book Company. [bib20379]

bib33414Booth 19541954Booth, Bradrord A.
“Mark Twain's Comments on Bret Harte's Stories.” American Literature 25 (January): 492–95. [bib33414]