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Bibl. Date: 1947 [x]
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bib00039Harnsberger 19471947Harnsberger, Caroline Thomas, ed.
The Family Letters of Mark Twain. n.p. [bib00039]

bib00063Mack 19471947Mack, Effie Mona
Mark Twain in Nevada. New York and London: Charles Scribner’s Sons. [bib00063]

bib00077MTH1947Frear, Walter Francis
Mark Twain and Hawaii. By Walter Francis Frear. Chicago: Lakeside Press. [bib00077]

bib00211Brownell 19471947Brownell, George H.
“Twain ‘Ciphers’ Loss from Postal Decree.” Twainian 6 (March–April): 3–4. [bib00211]

bib00687Conkling and Conkling 19471947Conkling, Roscoe P., and Margaret B. Conkling
The Butterfield Overland Mail, 1857–1869. 3 vols. Glendale, Calif.: Arthur H. Clark Company. [bib00687]

bib00919Siebert 19471947Siebert, Wilbur H.
“Beginnings of the Underground Railroad in Ohio.” Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Quarterly 56 (January): 70–93. [bib00919]

bib01106Lorch 19471947Lorch, Fred W.
“Mark Twain’s Sandwich Islands Lecture at St. Louis.” American Literature 18 (January): 299–307. [bib01106]

bib10021Belcher 19471947Belcher, Wyatt Winton
The Economic Rivalry between St. Louis and Chicago 1850–1880. Studies in History, Economics and Public Law, edited by the Faculty of Political Science of Columbia University, publication no. 529. New York: Columbia University Press. [bib10021]

bib10092Dickson 19471947Dickson, Samuel
San Francisco Is Your Home. Stanford: Stanford University Press. [bib10092]

bib10564Booth 19471947Booth, Bradford A.
“Mark Twain’s Friendship with Emeline Beach.” American Literature 19 (November): 219–30. [bib10564]

bib10712Hopkins 19471947Hopkins, Caspar T.
“The California Recollections of Caspar T. Hopkins.” California Historical Society Quarterly 26 (June): 175–83. [bib10712]

bib11094Wecter 19471947Wecter, Dixon
“The Love Letters of Mark Twain.” Atlantic Monthly 180 (November): 33–39. [bib11094]

bib11107Wilson 19471947Wilson, Rufus Rockwell, and Otilie Erickson Wilson
New York in Literature. Elmira, N.Y.: Primavera Press. [bib11107]

bib11266Freeman 19471947Freeman
Rare American Historical Autographs . . . The Collection of the Late Frederick S. Peck, Belton Court, Barrington, Rhode Island. Part 2. Sale of 17 March. Philadelphia: Samuel T. Freeman and Co. [bib11266]

bib113621947McClelland, Sarah K., Maxwell Riddle, and Richard H. Kertscher
One Hundred and Twenty-five Years of the First Congregational Church, Ravenna, Ohio, 1822–1947.. [bib11362]

bib11591Wecter 19471947Wecter, Dixon
“The Love Letters of Mark Twain.” Atlantic Monthly 180 (December): 66–72. [bib11591]

bib11667Benjamin 19471947Benjamin, Walter R.
The Collector. No. 60 (September). New York: Walter R. Benjamin Company. [bib11667]

bib11678Boesen 19471947Boesen, Charles S.
American and English Literature: First Editions, Manuscripts, Autograph Letters. Part 2. New York: Charles S. Boesen. [bib11678]

bib13669Lewis 19471947Lewis, Oscar
“Introduction.” In Wright 1876[bib00110], vii-xxv. [bib13669]

bib21567Thompson 19471947Thompson, Robert Luther
Wiring a Continent: The History of the Telegraph Industry in the United States, 1832–1866. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press. [bib21567]

bib30999Lewis 19471947Lewis, Oscar
Silver Kings: The Lives and Times of Mackay, Fair, Flood, and O’Brien, Lords of the Nevada Comstock Lode. Ashland, Ore.: Lewis Osborne. [bib30999]

bib33388Hall 19471947Hall, Frederick J.
“Fred J. Hall Tells the Story of His Connection with Charles L. Webster & Co.” Twainian 6 (November–December): 1–3. [bib33388]

bib34053Stern 19471947Stern, Madeleine B.
“Trial by Gotham 1870: The Career of Abby Sage Richardson.” New York History 28 (July): 271–87. [bib34053]