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bib00320Davis 18931893Davis, Winfield J.
History of Political Conventions in California, 1849–1892. Sacramento: California State Library. [bib00320]

bib00733King 18931893King, Moses
King’s Handbook of New York City: An Outline History and Description of the American Metropolis. 2d ed. Boston: Moses King. [bib00733]

bib10077Daggett 18931893Daggett, Rollin M.
“Daggett’s Recollections,” in “The Passing of a Pioneer.” San Francisco Examiner, 22 January, 15. Reprinted as “Enterprise Men and Events” in Lewis 1971[bib10211], 11–16. [bib10077]

bib10477Treat 18931893Treat, Archibald J.
“‘Historical Sketch,’ in The History of the Olympic Club, 13–51.” San Francisco: Art Publishing Company. [bib10477]

bib11097Whitney 18931893Whitney, Orson F.
History of Utah. 4 vols. Salt Lake City: George Q. Cannon and Sons. [bib11097]

bib11312Howard and Jervis 18931893Howard, Henry W. B., and Arthur N. Jervis, eds.
The Eagle and Brooklyn: The Record of the Progress of the Brooklyn Daily Eagle Issued in Commemoration of Its Semicentennial and Occupancy of Its New Building; Together with the History of the City of Brooklyn from Its Settlement to the Present Time. 2 vols. Brooklyn: Daily Eagle. [bib11312]

bib11783Davis 18931893Davis, Samuel P.
“The ‘Enterprise’s’ Poets.” San Francisco Examiner, 22 January, 15. Reprinted as The Enterprise Poets in Lewis 1971[bib10211], 17–22. [bib11783]

bib12405Willard and Livermore 18931893Willard, Frances E., and Mary A. Livermore, eds.
A Woman of the Century: Fourteen Hundred-Seventy Biographical Sketches Accompanied by Portraits of Leading American Women in All Walks of Life. Buffalo: Charles Wells Moulton. [bib12405]

bib12473Baedeker 18931893Baedeker, Karl
The United States, with an Excursion into Mexico. Leipzig: Karl Baedeker. [bib12473]

bib12494Black 18931893Black, Helen C.
Notable Women Authors of the Day. Glasgow: David Bryce and Son. [bib12494]

bib12601Cummins 18931893Cummins, Ella Sterling
The Story of the Files: A Review of Californian Writers and Literature. San Francisco: Cooperative Printing Company. [bib12601]

bib20546Hapgood 18931893Hapgood, Olive C.
School Needlework. Boston: Ginn and Co. [bib20546]

bib31062Liber Scriptorum1893Authors Club
First Book of the Authors Club. Liber Scriptorum New York: Authors Club. [bib31062]

bib31292SLC 18931893SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
The £1,000,000 Bank-Note and Other New Stories. Leipzig: Tauchnitz, 1893. [bib31292]

bib31744SLC 18931893SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
Pudd’nhead Wilson’s Calendar for 1894 New York: The Century Company. [bib31744]

bib31927SLC 18931893SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
“The Back Number: A Monthly Magazine.” MS of five leaves, NNPM[bib10289]. [bib31927]

bib32343Polk 1893.1893Polk, R. L.
Missouri State Gazetteer and Business Directory. 1893–94. Volume 1. St. Louis, Mo.: R. L. Polk and Co. [bib32343]

bib32968SLC 18931893SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
“The Californian’s Tale.” The First Book of the Author’s Club. Liber Scriptorum. New York: Authors Club. [bib32968]

bib33009src008421893Fenno, Frank H.
The Speaker's Favorite of Best Things for Entertainments. Philadelphia: John E. Potter & Co. [bib33009]

bib33202Winter 18931893Winter, William
Life and Art of Edwin Booth. New York: Macmillan and Co. [bib33202]

bib33612Richardson 18931893Richardson, Robert
Willow and Wattle: Poems. Edinburgh: John Grant. [bib33612]

bib33811Little 18931893Little, Mrs. C. M.
History of the Clan MacFarlane. Tottenville, N.Y.: Mrs. C. M. Little. [bib33811]

bib34009SLC 18931893SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. A New Edition. London: Chatto & Windus. [bib34009]

bib34020Aldrich 18931893Aldrich, Thomas Bailey
An Old Town by the Sea. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin and Co., Riverside Press. [bib34020]

bib34122Roosevelt 18931893Roosevelt, Theodore
Hunting the Grisly and Other Sketches. New York: G. P. Putnam’s Sons. [bib34122]