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bib00061Pioneers 18761876Associated Pioneers of the Territorial Days of California
First Annual Meeting and Banquet of the Associated Pioneers of the Territorial Days of California. New York: P. Barnes, Steam Book and Job Printer. [bib00061]

bib00110Wright 18761876Wright, William [Dan De Quille, pseud.]
The Big Bonanza: An Authentic Account of the Discovery, History, and Working of the World-Renowned Comstock Silver Lode of Nevada. Hartford: American Publishing Company. Citations are to the 1947 reprint edition, with an introduction by Oscar Lewis, New York: Alfred A. Knopf. [bib00110]

bib00186Warner 18761876Warner, Charles Dudley
Mummies and Moslems. Hartford: American Publishing Company. Reprinted in 1876 as My Winter on the Nile, Among the Mummies and Moslems. [bib00186]

bib00427De Kay 18761876De Kay, Charles A.
“Manmat’ha.” Atlantic Monthly 37 (February): 143–51. [bib00427]

bib00935Timbs 18761876Timbs, John
Doctors and Patients; or, Anecdotes of the Medical World and Curiosities of Medicine. London: Richard Bentley and Son. [bib00935]

bib00967Geer 18761876Geer, Elihu, comp.
Geer’s Hartford City Directory, for the Year Commencing July, 1876: and Hartford Illustrated: Containing a Classified Business Directory. Hartford: Elihu Geer. [bib00967]

bib01002Moore 18761876Moore, Frank, ed.
Record of the Year, A Reference Scrap Book. Being The Monthly Record of Important Events Worth Preserving. Together with A Selection of the Choicest Current Miscellany. New York: G. W. Carleton and Co. [bib01002]

bib01019McCabe 18761876McCabe, James D.
The Illustrated History of the Centennial Exhibition Held in Commemoration of the One Hundredth Anniversary of American Independence. Philadelphia: National Publishing Company. [bib01019]

bib01020Ingersoll 18761876Ingersoll, Robert G.
“Nomination of James G. Blaine.” New York Times, 16 June, 2. [bib01020]

bib01023Ticknor 18761876Ticknor, Anna
Life, Letters, and Journals of George Ticknor. 2 vols. Boston: James R. Osgood and Co. Accessed 12 February 2007. [bib01023]

bib01037Howells 18761876Howells, William Dean
Sketch of the Life and Character of Rutherford B. Hayes. Boston: H. O. Houghton and Co. [bib01037]

bib01041Hayes 18761876Hayes, Rutherford B.
“Letter dated 8 July 1876, accepting Republican presidential nomination.” Appletons’ Annual Cyclopaedia and Register of Important Events of the Year 1876 16 (n.s., vol. 1): 783–85. [bib01041]

bib01047Harte 18761876Harte, Bret
Two Men of Sandy Bar (play). MTHL[bib00016], 1:153. [bib01047]

bib01056Tilden 18761876Tilden, Samuel J.
“Letter dated 31 July 1876, accepting Democratic presidential nomination.” Appletons’ Annual Cyclopaedia and Register of Important Events of the Year 1876 16 (n.s., vol. 1): 787–90. Accessed 2 October 2006. [bib01056]

bib01063Harte 18761876Harte, Bret
Gabriel Conroy. Hartford: American Publishing Company. [bib01063]

bib01073Boston Directory 18761876Boston Directory
The Boston Directory, Embracing the City Record, a General Directory of the Citizens, and Business Directory . . . For the Year Commencing July 1, 1876. Boston: Sampson, Davenport, and Co. [bib01073]

bib01074Habberton 18761876Habberton, John
Helen’s Babies. With Some Account of Their Ways, Innocent, Crafty, Angelic, Impish, Witching and Repulsive. Also, a Partial Record of Their Actions During Ten Days of Their Existence. By Their Latest Victim. Boston: Loring. [bib01074]

bib01079Harte 18761876Harte, Bret
“Thankful Blossom: A Romance of the Jerseys, 1779.” New York Sun, 3 December, 1–2; 10 December, 1–2; 17 December, 1–2; 24 December, 1–2. [bib01079]

bib10087Davis and Durrie 18761876Davis, Walter B., and Daniel S. Durrie
An Illustrated History of Missouri. St. Louis: A. J. Hall and Co. [bib10087]

bib10350Reid 18761876Reid, J. M.
Sketches and Anecdotes of the Old Settlers, and New Comers, the Mormon Bandits and Danite Band. Keokuk, Iowa: R. B. Ogden. [bib10350]

bib10767Lloyd 18761876Lloyd, B. E.
Lights and Shades in San Francisco. San Francisco: A. L. Bancroft and Co. [bib10767]

bib11230Disturnell 18761876Disturnell, John, comp.
New York as It Was and as It Is. New York: D. Van Nostrand. [bib11230]

“A Compilation of the Laws of the United States, showing the changes in the ‘Domestic rates of postage’ and in the ‘Franking privilege,’ from 1789 until the present time.” Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office. [bib11459]

bib11981Lyceum 18761876Lyceum
The Redpath Lyceum: Circular of the Redpath Lyceum Bureau. Boston and Chicago: [Redpath’s Lyceum Bureau]. [Season of 1875–76.]. [bib11981]

bib12098Redpath 18761876Redpath, James
“To Our Patrons.” In Lyceum 1876[bib11981], unnumbered prefatory page. [bib12098]