bib12527 | Buffalo Directory 1872 | 1872 | Buffalo Directory
| Buffalo City Directory for the Year 1872. Buffalo: Warren, Johnson and Co. [bib12527]
| |
bib12575 | Congressional Globe 1872 | 1872 | Congressional Globe
| The Congressional Globe: Containing the Debates and Proceedings of the Second Session Forty-Second Congress; with an Appendix, Embracing the Laws Passed at That Session. 6 vols. Washington, D.C.: Office of the Congressional Globe. [bib12575]
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bib12577 | Conway 1872 | 1872 | Conway, Moncure D.
| “Mark Twain in London.” Cincinnati Commercial, 10 October, 4. Letter dated 24 September. [bib12577]
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bib12586 | Crocker 1872 | 1872 | Crocker, Samuel R.
| “What Katy Did.” Literary World 3 (December): 105–6. [bib12586]
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bib12654 | Farington 1872 | 1872 | Farington, Frank Chandler [pseud.]
| “Notes from a Rolling Stone.” Correspondence dated ‘London, April 23, 1872. Virginia City Territorial Enterprise, 12 May, 1. [bib12654]
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bib12701 | Gore’s Directory 1872 | 1872 | Gore’s Directory
| Gore’s Directory for Liverpool and Its Environs. Liverpool: J. Mawdsley and Son. [bib12701]
| |
bib12718 | Hardinge 1872 | 1872 | Hardinge, Emma
| Modern American Spiritualism: A Twenty Years’ Record of the Communion between Earth and the World of Spirits. 4th ed. [1st printing, 1870]. New York: Published by the author. [bib12718]
| |
bib12726 | Harte 1872 | 1872 | Harte, Bret
| “Bret Harte and His Lecture Engagement.” Letter dated 16 November. Boston Advertiser, 20 November, 2. [bib12726]
| |
bib12734 | Hay 1872 | 1872 | Hay, John M.
| “Mark Twain at Steinway Hall.” New York Tribune, 25 January, 5. [bib12734]
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bib12761 | Hood 1872 | 1872 | Hood, Tom
| “A Grave Lecture.” Fun, 9 November, 190. [bib12761]
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bib12762 | Hood 1872 | 1872 | Hood, Tom, ed.
| Tom Hood’s Comic Annual for 1873. With Twenty-three Pages of Illustrations by the Brothers Dalziel. London: Published at the Fun Office. [bib12762]
| |
bib12770 | Hotten 1872 | 1872 | Hotten, John Camden, ed.
| Practical Jokes with Artemus Ward, Including the Story of the Man Who Fought Cats. London: John Camden Hotten. [Includes several pieces erroneously attributed to Clemens.]. [bib12770]
| |
bib12771 | Hotten 1872 | 1872 | Hotten, John Camden
| “Mr. Hotten’s Edition of ‘Mark Twain.’ To the Editor of the ‘Spectator.’ ” London Spectator, 8 June, 722. Letter dated 5 June. [bib12771]
| |
bib12772 | | 1872 | Hotten, John Camden
| “‘Mark Twain’ and His English Editor. To the Editor of the Spectator.” London Spectator, 28 September, 1237. Undated letter. [bib12772]
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bib12813 | Kendall 1872 | 1872 | Kendall, W. A.
| “Frank Bret Harte.” San Francisco Chronicle, 15 December, 1. [bib12813]
| |
bib12837 | Landon 1872 | 1872 | Landon, Melville D. [Eli Perkins, pseud.]
| Saratoga in 1901. New York: Sheldon and Co. Copy owned by Clemens, with marginalia, CtRe[bib12596]. [bib12837]
| |
bib12848 | Langley 1872 | 1872 | Langley, Henry G., comp.
| The San Francisco Directory for the Year Commencing March, 1872. San Francisco: Henry G. Langley. [bib12848]
| |
bib12861 | Locker 1872 | 1872 | Locker, Arthur
| “Two American Humorists—Hans Breitmann and Mark Twain.” London Graphic, 5 October, 310, 324. [bib12861]
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bib12897 | Mercantile Library 1872 | 1872 | Mercantile Library
| Fifty-first Annual Report of the Board of Direction of the Mercantile Library Association of the City of New York. New York: James Sutton and Co. [bib12897]
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bib12966 | Official Gazette 1872 | 1872 | Official Gazette
| Official Gazette of the United States Patent Office. Vol. 2, no. 23 (19 November). [bib12966]
| |
bib13014 | Reid 1872 | 1872 | Reid, Whitelaw
| “Schools of Journalism.” Scribner’s Monthly 4 (June): 194–204. [bib13014]
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bib13023 | Robinson 1872 | 1872 | Robinson, William Stevens [Warrington, pseud.]
| “Warrington’s Letters.” Letter dated 21 March from Boston. Springfield Republican, 22 March, 5–6. [bib13023]
| |
bib13096 | SLC 1872 | 1872 | SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
| The Innocents Abroad. Author’s English Edition. Rev. ed. London: George Routledge and Sons. [bib13096]
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bib13099 | SLC 1872 | 1872 | SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
| The New Pilgrims’ Progress. Author’s English Edition. Rev. ed. London: George Routledge and Sons. [bib13099]
| |
bib13273 | Wilson 1872 | 1872 | Wilson, H., comp.
| Trow’s New York City Directory, . . . Vol. LXXXVI. For the Year Ending May 1, 1873. New York: Trow City Directory Company. [bib13273]
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