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bib00251Argentoro 18631863Argentoro [pseud.]
“Letter from Washoe.” Letter dated 24 October. San Francisco Morning Call, 28 October, 1. [bib00251]

bib00670Mining Laws 18631863Mining Laws
Mining Laws of Esmeralda District, Mono County California. San Francisco: Towne and Bacon. [bib00670]

bib00695Cradlebaugh 18631863Cradlebaugh, John
Speech of Hon. John Cradlebaugh, of Nevada, on the Admission of Utah as a State. Delivered in the House of Representatives, February 7, 1863. Washington, D.C.: L. Towers and Co. [bib00695]

bib00729Kelly 18631863Kelly, J. Wells, comp.
Second Directory of Nevada Territory. San Francisco: Valentine and Co. [bib00729]

bib00734Knight 18631863Knight, William H., ed.
Hand-Book Almanac for the Pacific States: An Official Register, and Business Directory. San Francisco: H. H. Bancroft and Co. [bib00734]

bib00875Penny 18631863Penny, Virginia
The Employments of Women: A Cyclopedia of Women’s Work. Boston: Walker, Wise, and Co. [bib00875]

bib00961Worcester 18631863Worcester, Joseph E.
A Dictionary of the English Language. Boston: Brewer and Tileston. [bib00961]

bib100411863Briton [pseud.]
“Letter from Esmeralda District.” San Francisco Alta California, 28 March, 1. Letter dated 27 March. [bib10041]

bib10050Campbell and Richardson 18631863Campbell and Richardson
Campbell & Richardson’s St. Louis Business Directory for 1863. St. Louis: Campbell and Richardson. [bib10050]

bib10079Dale 18631863Lily Dale [pseud.]
“Letter from Esmeralda.” Letter dated 30 November. San Francisco Alta California, 11 December, 3. [bib10079]

bib10188Keseph [pseud.] 18631863Keseph [pseud.]
“Our Letter from Esmeralda.” San Francisco Alta California, 25 January, 1. Letter dated 18 January. [bib10188]

bib10199Langley 18631863Langley, Henry G., comp.
The San Francisco Directory for the Year Commencing October, 1863. San Francisco: Towne and Bacon. [bib10199]

bib10207Laws 18631863Territory of Nevada
Laws of the Territory of Nevada, Passed at the Second Regular Session of the Legislative Assembly. Virginia City: J. T. Goodman and Co. [bib10207]

bib10222Ludlow 18631863Ludlow, Fitz Hugh
“A Good-bye Article.” Golden Era 11 (22 November): 4. [bib10222]

bib10250Milleson 18631863Milleson, M.
Milleson and Washburn’s Map of the Celebrated Humboldt Silver Mines. Compiled from Recent Surveys of Messrs Fine and Epler, County Surveyors of Humboldt County, N. T. Drawn by M. Milleson. Drawn on stone by Edward Fairman. San Francisco: B. F. Butler. [bib10250]

bib10290Nomad [pseud.] 18631863Nomad [pseud.]
“Letter from Nevada Territory.” Letter dated 17 February. Sacramento Union, 24 February, 1. [bib10290]

bib10336Pioneer [pseud.] 18631863Pioneer [pseud.]
“The Esmeralda Mining Region.” San Francisco Evening Bulletin, 15 January, 2. Letter dated 7 January. [bib10336]

bib10337Pioneer [pseud.] 18631863Pioneer [pseud.]
“Unionville, Then and Now.” Unidentified clipping, 16 May, in Bancroft Scraps: Nevada Mining (set W, vol. 94:1), 84, CU-BANC. [bib10337]

bib10342Quartz [pseud.] 18631863Quartz [pseud.]
“Letter from Nevada Territory.” Letter dated 1 February. San Francisco Alta California, 8 February, 1. [bib10342]

bib10343Quartz [pseud.] 18631863Quartz [pseud.]
“Notes on the Mines of Nevada Territory—No. 2.” San Francisco Alta California, 11 February, 1. Letter dated 6 February. [bib10343]

bib10364Sahab [pseud.] 18631863Sahab [pseud.]
“The Esmeralda Region.” San Francisco Evening Bulletin, 3 February, 1. Letter dated 24 January. [bib10364]

bib10462Stanford 18631863Stanford, Leland
Message to the California legislature, 30 March, unidentified clipping in Scrapbook 3:35, CU-MARK. [bib10462]

bib10463Statutes 18631863Statutes
The Statutes of California Passed at the Fourteenth Session of the Legislature, 1863. Sacramento: Benj. P. Avery. [bib10463]

bib10470A Subscriber [pseud.] 18631863A Subscriber [pseud.]
“The Ophir Monopoly.” Letter dated 20 August. San Francisco Alta California,4 September, 1, reprinting the Virginia City Union of 1 September. [bib10470]

bib10479Tucker 18631863Tucker, John W.
“A ‘Pioneer’ Mining Shark!.” San Francisco Alta California, 16 January, 2. [bib10479]