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Bibl. Date: 1839 [x]
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bib00330Dibble 18391839Dibble, Sheldon
History and General Views of the Sandwich Islands’ Mission. New York: Taylor and Dodd. [bib00330]

bib00656Malo et al. 18391839Malo, David, et al.
“Ka Mooolelo Hawaii.” Hawaiian Spectator 2 (January, April, July): 58–77, 211–31, 334–40. [bib00656]

bib00840Marryat 18391839Marryat, Frederick
A Diary in America, with Remarks on Its Institutions. New York: William H. Colyer. [bib00840]

bib00971Murray 18391839Murray, Charles Augustus
Travels in North America during the Years 1834, 1835, & 1836. 2 vols. London: Richard Bentley. [bib00971]

bib21530Stewart 18391839Stewart, Charles Samuel
A Residence in the Sandwich Islands. 5th ed. Boston: Weeks, Jordan and Co. [bib21530]