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bib12238SLC 18701870-12-00SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
“Memoranda.” Galaxy 10 (December): 876–85. Includes: “An Entertaining Article,” “ ‘History Repeats Itself,’ ” “Running for Governor,” “The ‘Present’ Nuisance,” “Dogberry in Washington,” “My Watch—An Instructive Little Tale,” “Favors from Correspondents,” and two untitled items. [bib12238]

bib12247SLC 18711871-01-00SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
“Memoranda.” Galaxy 11 (January): 150–59. : “The Portrait,” “The Facts in the Case of George Fisher, Deceased,” “A ‘Forty-Niner’ . . . ,” “ ‘Doggerel,’ ” “Goldsmith’s Friend Abroad Again,” “Mean People,” “A Sad, Sad Business,” “Concerning a Rumor,” “Answer to an Inquiry from the Coming Man.” [bib12247]

bib12251SLC 18711871-02-00SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
“Memoranda.” Galaxy 11 (February): 312–21. : “The Coming Man,” “A Book Review,” “The Tone-Imparting Committee,” “The Danger of Lying in Bed,” “One of Mankind’s Bores,” “A Falsehood,” “The Indignity Put Upon the Remains of George Holland by the Rev. Mr. Sabine. [bib12251]

bib12252SLC 18711871-04-00SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
“An Autobiography.” Aldine 4 (April): 52. [bib12252]

bib12253SLC 18711871-04-00SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
“Memoranda.” Galaxy 11 (April): 615–18. : “Valedictory,” “My First Literary Venture,” “About a Remarkable Stranger.” [bib12253]

bib12254SLC 18711871-04-00SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
“A Question Answered.” American Publisher 1 (April): 4. Extract reprinted from SLC 1867a[bib11466], 45–48. [bib12254]

bib12256SLC 18711871-05-00SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
“The Old-Time Pony Express of the Great Plains.” American Publisher 1 (May): 4. Extract from SLC 1872[bib10439], chapter 8. [bib12256]

bib12258SLC 18711871-07-00SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
“A New Beecher Church.” American Publisher 1 (July): 4. SLC 1872[bib13094] , 24–38, and SLC 1872e [bib12266], 30–39. [bib12258]

bib12259SLC 18711871-08-00SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
“About Barbers.” Galaxy 12 (August): 283–85. [bib12259]

bib12260SLC 18711871-09-00SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
“A Brace of Brief Lectures on Science.” Part 1. American Publisher 1 (September): 4. [bib12260]

bib12261SLC 18711871-10-00SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
“A Brace of Brief Lectures on Science.” Part 2. American Publisher 1 (October): 4. [bib12261]

bib12263SLC 18711871-11-00SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
“A Big Scare.” American Publisher 1 (November): 8. Reprinted from SLC 1867c. [bib12263]

bib12264SLC 18711871-12-00SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
“My First Lecture.” American Publisher 1 (December): 4. Reprinted from SLC 1872b, chapter 78. [bib12264]

bib12269SLC 18721872-01-00SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
“A Nabob’s Visit to New York.” American Publisher 1 (January): 4. Reprinted from SLC 1872b, chapter 46. [bib12269]

bib12270SLC 18721872-02-00SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
“Dollinger the Aged Pilot Man.” American Publisher 1 (February): 8. Reprinted from SLC 1872b, chapter 51. [bib12270]

bib12271SLC 18721872-02-00SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
“Untitled extract.” American Publisher 1 (February): 8. Reprinted from SLC 1872b, chapter 15. [bib12271]

bib12272SLC 18721872-03-00SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
“‘Roughing It.’ ” American Publisher 1 (March): 8. Reprinted from SLC 1872, chapter 57. [bib12272]

bib12273SLC 18721872-04-00SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
“Horace Greeley’s Ride.” American Publisher 2 (April): 8. Reprinted from SLC 1872b, chapter 20. [bib12273]

bib12274SLC 18721872-06-00SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
“Mark Twain on the Mormons.” American Publisher 2 (June): 8. Reprinted from SLC 1872b, chapter 15. [bib12274]

bib12275SLC 18721872-07-00SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
“Mark Twain at the Grave of Adam.” American Publisher 2 (July)1: 8. Reprinted from SLC 1869a, chapter 53. [bib12275]

bib12296SLC 19051905-10-03SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
“John Hay and the Ballads.” Harper’s Weekly 49 (21 October): 1530. [bib12296]

bib12366Turner 19541954Turner, Arlin
“Notes on Mark Twain in New Orleans.” McNeese Review 6 (Spring): 10–22. [bib12366]

bib12370Underhill 19301930Underhill, Irving S.
“Diamonds in the Rough.” Colophon 13 (Spring): 1–8. [bib12370]

bib12374Wakeman 18661866-07-01Wakeman, George
“Tormenting the Alphabet.” Galaxy 1 (1 July): 437–45. [bib12374]

bib12375Wakeman 18661866-08-01Wakeman, George
“Sound and Sense.” Galaxy 1 (1 August): 634–44. [bib12375]