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bib11349Lentricchia 19661966Lentricchia, Frank, Jr.
“Harriet Beecher Stowe and the Byron Whirlwind.” Bulletin of the New York Public Library 70 (April): 218–28. [bib11349]

bib11350Lester 18631863Lester, Lisle
“The Chicago, or ’Nicholson’ Pavement.” Undated letter to the editor. Mining and Scientific Press 7 (21 December): 4. [bib11350]

bib11353Loomis 19461946Loomis, C. Grant
“Dan De Quille’s Mark Twain.” Pacific Historical Review 15 (October): 336–47. [bib11353]

bib11355Lorch 19361936Lorch, Fred W.
“Mark Twain’s Orphanage Lecture.” American Literature 7 (January): 453–55. [bib11355]

bib11421Olmsted 19151915Olmsted, John B.
“Josephus Nelson Larned.” Publications of the Buffalo Historical Society 19: 3–33. [bib11421]

bib11424Packard 18851885Packard, Silas Sadler
“Hints on Correspondence.” Packard’s Short-Hand Reporter and Amanuensis 1 (April): 110. [bib11424]

bib11440Pisani 19741974Pisani, Donald J.
“‘Why Shouldn’t California Have the Grandest Aqueduct in the World?’: Alexis Von Schmidt’s Lake Tahoe Scheme.” California Historical Quarterly 53 (Winter): 347–60. [bib11440]

bib11447Reigstad 19891989Reigstad, Tom
“Twain’s Langdon-Appointed Guardian Angels in Buffalo: ‘Mac,’ ‘Fletch,’ and ‘Dombrowski.’ ” Mark Twain Society Bulletin 12 (July): 1, 3–6, 8. [bib11447]

bib11448Reigstad 19901990Reigstad, Tom
“Twain’s Buffalo Clergyman and the Beecher Preacher Exchange.” Mark Twain Society Bulletin 13 (July): 1–3. [bib11448]

bib11462Severance 19151915Severance, Frank H., comp.
“The Periodical Press of Buffalo, 1811–1915.” Publications of the Buffalo Historical Society 19: 177–280. [bib11462]

bib11463Sharlow 19901990Sharlow, Gretchen E.
“Lost and Found: A Research Note on Susan Crane’s Adoption.” Dear Friends: An Occasional Newsletter for Its Friends Published by the Elmira College Center for Mark Twain Studies at Quarry Farm (November): 2. [bib11463]

bib11465SLC 18661866-02-17SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
“An Open Letter to the American People.” New York Weekly Review 17 (17 February): 1. [bib11465]

bib11479SLC 18681868-02-27SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
“Concerning Gideon’s Band.” Undated letter to the editor. Washington (D.C.) Morning Chronicle, 27 February, 2. [bib11479]

bib11487SLC 18691869-03-00SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
“Open Letter to Com. Vanderbilt.” Packard’s Monthly 2 (March): 89–91. [bib11487]

bib11492SLC 18691869-05-00SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
“Mark Twain’s Eulogy on the ‘Reliable Contraband.’ ” Packard’s Monthly 2 (July): 220–21. [bib11492]

bib11494SLC 18691869-08-00SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
“Personal Habits of the Siamese Twins.” Packard’s Monthly 2 (August): 249–50. [bib11494]

bib11533SLC 18701870-07-00SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
“Unburlesquable Things.” Galaxy 10 (July): 137–38. [bib11533]

bib11547NAR 241907-11-00SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
“Chapters from My Autobiography.—XXIV. By Mark Twain.” North American Review 186 (November): 327–36. Galley proofs (NAR 24pf) at ViU. [bib11547]

bib11548SLC 19091909-04-30SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
“Notes.” Autobiographical reminiscence. MS of three leaves (numbered 5–7), dated 30 April, appended to unsent four-page letter of 14 May 1887 to Jeannette Gilder, both in CU-MARK. Published in MTL, 2:487–88. [bib11548]

bib11554Stowe 18691869Stowe, Harriet Beecher
“The True Story of Lady Byron’s Life.” Atlantic Monthly 24 (September): 295–313. [bib11554]

bib11591Wecter 19471947Wecter, Dixon
“The Love Letters of Mark Twain.” Atlantic Monthly 180 (December): 66–72. [bib11591]

bib11593Wheat 19301930Wheat, Carl I., ed.
“The Journals of Charles E. De Long,1854–1863.” Quarterly of the California Historical Society 9 (September): 243–87. [bib11593]

bib11602Wisbey 19911991Wisbey, Herbert A., Jr.
“The Tragic Story of Emma Nye.” Mark Twain Society Bulletin 14 (July): 1–4. [bib11602]

bib11627Affleck 1888-901888–90Affleck, J. O.
“Typhus, Typhoid, and Relapsing Fevers.” In The Encyclopaedia Britannica: A Dictionary of Arts, Sciences, and General Literature. 9th ed. Vol. 23. New York: Henry G. Allen and Co. [bib11627]

bib11633Aldrich 18711871-02-04Aldrich, Thomas Bailey
“Mark Twain Says He Didn’t Do It.” Every Saturday, n.s. 2 (4 February): 118. [bib11633]