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bib00050Jerome and Wisbey 19831983Jerome, Robert D., and Herbert A. Wisbey, Jr.
“Mark Twain Notes.” Mark Twain Society Bulletin 6 (January): 6. [bib00050]

bib00347Elliott 19831983Elliott, Russell R.
Servant of Power: A Political Biography of Senator William M. Stewart. Nevada Studies in History and Political Science No. 18. Reno: University of Nevada Press. [bib00347]

bib00546Branch 19831983Branch, Edgar Marquess
“Mark Twain: Newspaper Reading and the Writer’s Creativity.” Nineteenth-Century Fiction 37 (March): 576–603. [bib00546]

bib10357Rocha and Smith 19831983Rocha, Guy Louis, and Roger Smith
“Mark Twain and the Nevada Notary Stampede.” Nevada Historical Society Quarterly 26 (Summer): 83–90. [bib10357]

bib11909Jerome and Wisbey 19831983Jerome, Robert D., and Herbert A. Wisbey, Jr.
“Girlhood Stories of Livy Langdon Clemens.” Mark Twain Society Bulletin 6 (July): 1–3. [bib11909]

bib30844Sweets 19831983Sweets, Henry H., III.
“Joe Harper Drawn from Childhood Playmate.” The Fence Painter 3 (Summer): 1–2. [bib30844]

bib31420Fischer 19831983Fischer, Victor
Huck Finn Reviewed: The Reception of Huckleberry Finn in the United States, 1885–1897.” American Literary Realism 16 (Spring): 1–57. [bib31420]

bib33384James 19831983
Essays in Psychology. Edited by Frederick H. Burkhardt, Fredson Bowers, and Ignas K. Skrupskelis, with an introduction by William R. Woodward. Cambridge: Harvard University Press. [bib33384]

bib33607Richards 19831983Richards, James Howard
“Music and the Reed Organ in the Life of Mark Twain.” American Music 1 (Fall): 38–47. [bib33607]