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Bibl. Date: 1975 [x]
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bib00064Simon 19751975Simon, John Y.
“General Grant and Mark Twain.” ICarbS 2 (Winter–Spring): 3–10. [bib00064]

bib00398Harris 19751975Harris, Helen L.
“Mark Twain’s Response to the Native American.” American Literature 46 (January): 495–505. [bib00398]

bib10499Way 19751975Way, Frederick, Jr.
“Mississippi Scene.” S&D Reflector 12 (September): 40–46. [bib10499]

bib10817Murphy 19751975Murphy, Miriam B.
“Sarah Elizabeth Carmichael: Poetic Genius of Pioneer Utah.” Utah Historical Quarterly 43 (Winter): 52–66. [bib10817]

bib12706Grenander 19751975Grenander, M. E.
“Mark Twain’s English Lectures and George Routledge & Sons.” Mark Twain Journal 17 (Summer): 1–4. [bib12706]

bib21553Tanselle 19751975Tanselle, G. Thomas
“Problems and Accomplishments in the Editing of the Novel.” Studies in the Novel 7 (Fall): 323–60. [bib21553]

bib34494Sloane 19751975Sloane, David E. E.
“A Revisionist Perspective on Mark Twain.” Studies in American Humor 2 (October): 135–39 [bib34494]