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Bibl. Date: 1943 [x]
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bib00465Anderson 19431943Anderson, Morris
“Red-Letter Books Relating to Missouri.” Missouri Historical Review 38 (October): 85–93. [bib00465]

bib00640Wimberly 19431943Wimberly, Lowry Charles
"Mark Twain and the Tichenor Bonanza." Atlantic Monthly 172 (November 1943): 117, 119. [bib00640]

bib00677Lillard 19431943Lillard, Richard G.
“Evolution of the ‘Washoe Zephyr.’ ” American Speech 18 (December): 257–60. [bib00677]

bib00959Windell 19431943Windell, Marie George
“The Camp Meeting in Missouri.” Missouri Historical Review 37 (April): 253–70. [bib00959]

bib33648Arms and Gibson 19431943Arms, George, and William M. Gibson
“ ‘Silas Lapham,’ ‘Daisy Miller,’ and the Jews.” New England Quarterly 16 (March): 118–22. [bib33648]