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Bibl. Date: 1908 [x]
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bib10181Kennedy 19081908Kennedy, Anthony
“‘Mark Twain’ a Poor Typo.” Inland Printer 40 (January): 560. [bib10181]

bib13198Stoddard 19081908Stoddard, Charles Warren
“In Old Bohemia. II. The ‘Overland’ and the Overlanders.” Pacific Monthly 19 (March): 261–73. [bib13198]

bib33011“Samuel E. Moffett” 19081908
“Samuel E. Moffett.” Collier’s 41 (August): 23. [bib33011]

bib33700Maurice 19081908Maurice, Arthur Bartlett
1908.[bib33700] “The Author’s Full Dinner Pail.” The Bookman 28 (December): 326–39. [bib33700]

bib34002Washburn 19081908Washburn, Henry Bradford
“Shall We Hunt and Fish? The Confessions of a Sentimentalist.” Atlantic Monthly 101 (May): 672–79. [bib34002]

bib34008Lambert 19081908Lambert, Samuel W.
“Melaena Neonatorum with Report of a Case Cured by Transfusion.” Medical Record 73 (30 May): 885–87. [bib34008]

bib34114Hull 19081908Hull, William I.
“Obligatory Arbitration and the Hague Conferences.” American Journal of International Law 2 (October): 731–42. [bib34114]