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Bibl. Date: 1874 [x]
Displaying 1 - 6 of 6 Reference List
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bib12817King 18741874King, Clarence
“John Hay.” Scribner’s Monthly 7 (April): 736–39. [bib12817]

bib13339Atkinson 18741874Atkinson, Edward
“The Righteousness of Money-Making.” Atlantic Monthly 34 (December): 686–93. [bib13339]

bib13479Eggleston 18741874Eggleston, George Cary
“A Rebel's Recollections. VII. The End, and After.” Atlantic Monthly 34 (December): 663–70. [bib13479]

bib13496Fawcett 18741874Fawcett, William L.
“History of the Two Pillars.” Atlantic Monthly 33 (January): 85–91. [bib13496]

bib13500Ferris 18741874Ferris, George T.
“Mark Twain.” Appletons’ Journal 12 (4 July): 15–18. [bib13500]

bib30958Keeler 18741874Keeler, Ralph
“Owen Brown’s Escape from Harper’s Ferry.” Atlantic Monthly 33 (March): 342–65. [bib30958]