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Bibl. Level: newspaper_article [x]
Bibl. Date: 1869 [x]
Displaying 1 - 5 of 5 Reference List
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bib11080Vandal [pseud.] 18691869Vandal [pseud.]
“Funny.” Pittsburgh Post, 3 November, 1. [bib11080]

bib11160Ben [pseud.] 18691869Ben [pseud.]
“From Batavia.” Letter dated 2 February. Aurora (Ill.) Beacon, 4 February, 1. [bib11160]

bib11279Greeley 18691869Greeley, Horace
“The Future of the Blacks in America.” New York Independent, 25 February, 1. [bib11279]

bib11339Langdon 18691869Langdon, Jervis
“Mr. Beecher and the Clergy.” Elmira Advertiser, 8 April, 1. [bib11339]

bib11549Slee 18691869Slee, John De La Fletcher
“The Coal Question.” Letter to the editor dated 19 August. Buffalo Express, 20 August, 2. [bib11549]