bib30858 | McNeil 1861 | 1861 | McNeil, John
| Col. John McNeil to Maj. Gen. Justus McKinstry, 13 September, with enclosures. “Union Provost Marshal’s File of Papers Relating to Two or More Civilians,” record group 109, item 215. National Archives and Records Service, Washington, D.C [bib30858]
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bib30862 | Horr 1840 | 1840 | Horr, Elizabeth
| MS of one leaf, a school certificate commending “Miss Pamelia Clemens,” 27 November, CU-MARK. Published in MTB, 1:39. [bib30862]
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bib30875 | Clemens v Beebe 1843 | 1843 | Clemens v. Beebe
| John M. Clemens v. William B. Beebe. File 3347, Marion County Circuit Court, Palmyra, Missouri. [bib30875]
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bib30876 | Clemens v Townsend 1844–47 | 1844–47 | Clemens v. Townsend
| John M. Clemens v. Eurotus H. Townsend. File 3612, Marion County Circuit Court, Palmyra, Missouri. [bib30876]
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bib30880 | Phillips 1842 | 1842 | Phillips, Abner
| A promissory note, dated 24 January, undertaking to deliver ten barrels of tar to John Marshall Clemens on or before 25 December, or to pay him the value thereof. MS of one leaf, CU-MARK. [bib30880]
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bib30883 | RoBards Scrapbooks nd | nd | RoBards Scrapbooks
| “Scrapbooks compiled by John Lewis RoBards.” 3 vols. Joint Collection, Western Historical Manuscript Collection and the State Historical Society of Missouri Manuscripts, University of Missouri, Columbia. [bib30883]
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bib30891 | SLC 1897? | 1897? | SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
| “Injun Joe’s death . . .” Autobiographical notes. MS of leaf page beginning “Injun Joe’s death . . . ,” CU-MARK. [bib30891]
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bib30920 | Dickinson 1876 | 1876 | Dickinson, Anna E.
| A Crown of Thorns, Or, Ann Boleyn. Unpublished play. First produced on 8 May 1876 in Boston. [bib30920]
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bib30925 | Overland 2000 | 2000 | Overland, Maura Hagearty
| “Outline—George Griffin.” Unpublished notes for a lecture. Sent to CU-MARK in 2000. [bib30925]
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bib30932 | Daly 1875 | 1875 | Daly, Augustine
| Pique. Unpublished play. First produced on 14 December 1875 in New York. [bib30932]
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bib30947 | James R Osgood and Company 1877 | 1877 | James R. Osgood and Company
| “Bought of James R. Osgood & Co.” Receipted bill for Clemens’s book purchases, 21 January through 24 October 1877. [bib30947]
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bib31001 | Lyon 1906 | 1906 | Lyon, Isabel V.
| Diary in The Standard Daily Reminder: 1906. MS notebook of 368 pages, CU-MARK. [bib31001]
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bib31071 | Lillard 1943 | 1943 | Lillard, Richard Gordon
| Studies in Washoe Journalism and Humor Ph.D. diss., University of Iowa. [bib31071]
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bib31128 | SLC 1874 | 1874 | SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
| “Property in Opulent London.” in Number One. Mark Twain Sketches. New York: American News Company. [bib31128]
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bib31388 | SLC 1904 | 1904 | SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
| “Sold to Satan.” MS of 28 pages, CU-MARK [bib31388]
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bib31390 | SLC 1902 | 1902-08-18 | SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
| "In Dim and Fitful Visions They Flit Across the Distances.” MS of eleven leaves, written on 18 August, CU-MARK. [bib31390]
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bib31436 | British Census | 1881 | The National Archives of the United Kingdom
| Census Returns of England and Wales, 1881. Kew, Surrey, England. RG11/649. The National Archives of the United Kingdom: Public Records Office. Potocopy in CU-MARK. [bib31436]
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bib31437 | Ashcroft 1904 | 1904 | Ashcroft, Ralph W.
| “Plasmon’s Career in America. As recounted by R. W. Ashcroft.” TS of twenty leaves, dated 22 September, CU-MARK. [bib31437]
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bib31441 | SLC 1909 | 1909-09-00 | SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
| “H. H. Rogers.” MS of twenty pages, consisting of several pagination sequences, written between August and December, CU-MARK. Published in MTA, 1:256–65. [bib31441]
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bib31472 | Lyon 1905 | 1905 | Lyon, Isabel V.
| Diary in The Standard Daily Reminder: 1905. MS notebook of 368 pages, CU-MARK. [Lyon kept two diaries for 1905, this one and Lyon 1905b[bib33740]; some entries appear in both, but each also includes entries not found in the other.] [bib31472]
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bib31477 | SLC 1907 | 1907-06-00 | SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
| “The Private Secretary’s Diary.” 10 MS leaves, CU-MARK. [bib31477]
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bib31478 | SLC 1898 | 1898-06-04 | SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
| “Group of Servants.” MS of 17 leaves, CU-MARK [bib31478]
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bib31481 | SLC 1874 | 1874-06-16 | SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
| “A Postal Case.” Unknown extent. [bib31481]
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bib31647 | SLC 1897–?1902. | 1897–?1902 | SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
| “Tom Sawyer’s Conspiracy.” MS of 241 pages, CU-MARK. Published in HH&T,[bib00160] 152–242, and Inds,[bib00154] 134–213. [bib31647]
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bib31660 | SLC 1902 | 1969 | SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
| “No. 44, The Mysterious Stranger.” Mark Twain’s Mysterious Stranger Manuscripts, ed. William M. Gibson (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1969), 221–405. [bib31660]
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