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bib21215SLC 1906?1906?SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
“Notes on Susy Clemens’s Biography of Mark Twain.” Notes glossing OSC 1885–86[bib12562]. MS of thirty-two pages, ViU. Published in OSC 1985[bib00979]. [bib21215]

bib21222SLC 19091909SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
Autobiographical MS of six pages, dated 25 March, CU-MARK. Published in SLC 1909b [bib10452] , 144–50. [bib21222]

bib21242SLC 1868–19071868–1907SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
“Captain Stormfield’s Visit to Heaven.” MSS. Various unfinished manuscripts with various titles, including “The Travels of Capt. Stormfield, Mariner, in Heaven,” “From Captain Stormfield’s Reminiscences,” and “Captain Stormfield Resumes,” NNAL and CU-MARK. Partially published in SLC 1907–8[bib13992]; reprinted in SLC 1909a[bib13993], SLC 1922[bib33237], 223–78, and Budd 1992b[bib00147], 826–63. [bib21242]

bib21406SLC 18681868-05-00SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
“Assaying in Nevada.” Incomplete MS of nineteen pages, written sometime in May, catalogued as A3, NPV. Bracketed words within quotations were supplied by a twelve-page typed transcript containing readings no longer visible in the MS, also catalogued as A3, NPV. [bib21406]

bib21422SLC 18691869-09-00SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
“L’Homme Qui Rit.” MS of twenty-two pages, written ca. September, CU-MARK. Published in S&B[bib00153], 40–48. [bib21422]

bib21446SLC 18701870-06-16SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
Untitled MS of seven pages, written ca. 14 May–8 June, labeled “Chinese Labor &c” by Albert Bigelow Paine, CU-MARK. Published in Wecter 1948, 24–26. [bib21446]

bib21463SLC 18841884-07-00SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
“Huck Finn and Tom Sawyer among the Indians.” MS originally of 228 pages, written beginning in July, primarily in MiD[bib12003] (some of the MS is at other institutions, some is missing: see Inds, 372–73). Published in HH&T, 81–140, and Inds, 33–81. [bib21463]

bib21464SLC 18841884-01-00SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
MS fragments, totaling eighteen pages, of an unfinished Sandwich Islands novel, CU-MARK. [bib21464]

bib21481SLC 19001900SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
“Selections from My Autobiography.” TS of nineteen pages, with Clemens’s holograph revisions, CU-MARK. Published as “Playing ‘Bear’—Herrings—Jim Wolf and the Cats” in MTA[bib00116], 1: 125–43. [bib21481]

bib21482SLC 19021902SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
“Huck.” MS of one page, probably written in 1902, CU-MARK. [bib21482]

bib21483SLC 19031903SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
“Something about Doctors.” MS of fourteen pages (title supplied by Albert Bigelow Paine), CU-MARK. [bib21483]

bib21491SLC 1905–61905SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
“The Refuge of the Derelicts.” MS of 307 pages, CU-MARK. Published in Fables of Man, 157–248. [bib21491]

bib21511Spaulding 18631863Spaulding, Henry G.
Excerpt from Under the Palmetto. In Jackson[bib00801], 64–73. [bib21511]

bib21516“Abstract of Disbursements” 18611861“Abstract of Disbursements”
“Abstract of Disbursements on Account of the Legislative Assembly of the Territory of Nevada, from July 1st 1861, to November 29th 1861.” In Miscellaneous Treasury Account No. 142896, Office of the First Auditor, RG 217, Records of the General Accounting Office, DNA. [bib21516]

bib21562“Abstract of Disbursements” 1861–621861–62“Abstract of Disbursements”
“Abstract of Disbursements on Account of the Legislative Assembly of the Territory of Nevada, from November 29th 1861 to June 30th 1862.” In Miscellaneous Treasury Account No. 144986, Office of the First Auditor, RG 217, Records of the General Accounting Office, DNA. [bib21562]

bib21579Toby 18721872Toby, B. B.
“‘Mark Twain.’ Biographical Sketch of the Great Humorist. Carefully Compiled from Imaginary Notes by B. B. Toby.” San Francisco Morning Call, 28 April, 1. [bib21579]

bib21611Van Sickle 18831883Van Sickle, Henry
“Utah Desperadoes.” MS of thirteen pages, dictated at Genoa, Nevada, CU-BANC. [bib21611]

bib21646Wecter 19501950Wecter, Dixon
Handwritten notes made on a typed transcription of “Villagers of 1840–3,” CU-MARK. [bib21646]

bib21705Young 18611861Young, Brigham
“Office Journal.” Brigham Young Collection, Archives Division, Church Historical Department, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Salt Lake City, Utah. [bib21705]

Yale Scrapbook, Willard S. Morse Collection, CtY-BR. Clemens used this scrapbook to collect clippings of his articles dating from December 1863 to October 1866, many of which he revised in the margins. [bib21706]

bib30751JC 1900-19071900–1907JC (Jean Lampton Clemens)
Diaries of Jean L. Clemens, 1900–1907. 7 vols. MS, CSmH. [bib30751]

bib30833OC 1880–821880–82Clemens, Orion
Autobiography. MS fragment of four pages, transcribing pages 696–705 of the original text. Excerpted in Wecter 1952[bib00197], 240–42. [bib30833]

bib30840Webster ndndWebster, Annie Moffett
Reminiscence. MS of seven leaves beginning “My Grandmother loved . . . ,” NPV. [bib30840]

bib30843Tompkins and Eve 18221822Tompkins, Christopher, and Joseph Eve
MS of one leaf, the license granted John Marshall Clemens to practice law in Kentucky, signed on 29 October by two “Judges empowered by law to grant licences,” CU-MARK. [bib30843]

bib30857Marion County 18451845Marion County
Marion County Court Records, Book C, 400, entry for 6 November. Marion County Circuit Court, Palmyra, Missouri [bib30857]