bib20502 | Gould 1877 | 1877 | Gould, Alva
| “An Historical sketch of Alva Goulds life since the 22nd March 1849.” Carson City, Nevada. MS notebook of twenty pages, dictated, dated 29 January at Carson City, CU-BANC. [bib20502]
| |
bib20513 | Gray 1939 | 1939 | Gray, Harriet Helman
| “A Story of Jackass Hill.” TS of seventy-four pages, CU-BANC. [bib20513]
| |
bib20557 | Haupt 1994 | 1994 | Haupt, Clyde V.
| “Huckleberry Finn” on Film: Film and Television Adaptations of Mark Twain’s Novel, 1920–1993. Jefferson, N.C.: McFarland and Co. [bib20557]
| |
bib20774 | Lucas, E V. | 1929 | Lucas, E. V.
| Notes dated 1 February. RPB-JH[bib12113]. [bib20774]
| |
bib20824 | McClelland 1857 | 1857 | McClelland, Robert
| “Report of the Secretary of the Interior.” In Executive Documents Printed by Order of the House of Representatives, during the Third Session of the Thirty-fourth Congress, 1856–’57. 13 vols. Washington, D.C.: Cornelius Wendell. [bib20824]
| |
bib20963 | O'Donnell 1963–64 | 1963–64 | O'Donnell, Sheryl
| “Notes for chapters 7–11 of Roughing It.” Unpublished paper, John Carroll University, Cleveland, Ohio. Courtesy of John Melton. [bib20963]
| |
bib20980 | “Official Correspondence” 1861–64 | 1861–64 |
| Official letters sent by Secretary Orion Clemens, Nv-Ar. [bib20980]
| |
bib21019 | Plutzky 1998 | 1998 | Plutzky, Jorge
| Unpublished article and personal communication by Dr. Jorge Plutzky, Boston, Mass. PH in CU-MARK. [bib21019]
| |
bib21156 | SLC 1876 | 1876-06-00 | SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
| “The Facts Concerning the Recent Carnival of Crime in Connecticut.” Atlantic Monthly 37 (June): 641–50. Reprinted in Budd 1992a[bib00146], 644–60. [bib21156]
| |
bib21157 | SLC 1876 | 1876-04-21 | SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
| “A Murder, a Mystery, and a Marriage.” MS of eighty-nine leaves, written 21–22 April, TxU-Hu[bib10480]. Published in SLC 2001a[bib21239] and SLC 2001c[bib21241]. [bib21157]
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bib21159 | SLC 1877 | 1877 | SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
| “Early years in Florida.” MS of eleven pages, NNAL. Published as “Early Years in Florida, Missouri” in MTA[bib00116], 1: 7–10, and AutoMT1[bib33010], 64–65. [bib21159]
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bib21160 | SLC 1877 | 1877-06-27 | SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
| “Cap’n Simon Wheeler, The Amateur Detective.” Play written between 27 June and 11 July. MS of 315 pages, including notes; amanuensis copy by Fanny C. Hesse of 162 pages, both CU-MARK. Published in S&B[bib00153], 216–89. [bib21160]
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bib21161 | SLC 1877 | 1877-09-00 | SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
| “The Undertaker’s Tale.” MS of thirty-six leaves, written ca. September–October, CU-MARK. Published in SLC 2001b[bib21240], 60–69. [bib21161]
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bib21162 | SLC 1877 | 1877-03-22 | SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
| “Autobiography of a Damned Fool.” MS of 115 pages, written March–May, with minor revisions after 1880, CU-MARK. Published in S&B[bib00153], 134–61. [bib21162]
| |
bib21165 | SLC 1878 | 1878-12-00 | SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
| “The Great Revolution in Pitcairn.” Two Atlantic Monthly galley proofs, corrected by SLC, CU-MARK. Written ca. December 1878 and originally intended for SLC 1880a[bib10444]. First published in SLC 1879b[bib21168]. Reprinted in Budd 1992a[bib00146], 710–21. [bib21165]
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bib21166 | SLC 1878 | 1878-11-00 | SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
| “The Stolen White Elephant.” MS of 117 pages, written ca. November 1878 and originally intended for SLC 1880a[bib10444], NN-BGC[bib10288]. First published in SLC 1882a[bib21188], 7–35. Reprinted in Budd 1992a[bib00146], 804–23. [bib21166]
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bib21176 | SLC 1880 | 1880 | SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
| “A Cat-Tale.” MS of forty-three pages, illustrated by the author, written for the Clemens children, CU-MARK. First published in SLC 1959[bib00166]. Reprinted in SLC 1962[bib20734], 125–34, and Budd 1992a[bib00146], 763–72. [bib21176]
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bib21180 | SLC 1881 | 1881-11-00 | SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
| “A Curious Experience.” MS of 120 pages (missing its final page or two), NjP-SC[bib20942]. Published in Century Magazine 23 (November): 35–46. [bib21180]
| |
bib21181 | SLC 1881 | 1881-08-27 | SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
| “Hamlet.” Unfinished MS of fifty-eight leaves written August–September, including working notes and interpolated pages from an acting copy of Hamlet published by Samuel French, CU-MARK. Published as “Burlesque Hamlet” in S&B[bib00153], 49–87. [bib21181]
| |
bib21182 | SLC 1881 | 1881 | SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
| “The Second Advent.” Unfinished MS of eighty-six leaves, CU-MARK. Published in FM[bib00155], 50–68. [bib21182]
| |
bib21189 | SLC 1882 | 1882 | SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
| Draft of Chapter 51 of Life on the Mississippi. MS of thirty-seven pages, NNPM[bib10289]. [bib21189]
| |
bib21190 | SLC 1883 | 1883-06-00 | SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
| “1,002. An Oriental Tale.” MS of 179 leaves and PH of an additional five leaves, written between 14 June and 20 July, CU-MARK; typed title page and two TSS of sixty-seven leaves, revised by the author, CU-MARK. TS version published as “1,002” (listed in table of contents as “1,002d Arabian Night”) in S&B, 88–133.” [bib21190]
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bib21201 | SLC 1886 | 1886-01-20 | SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
| Speech at the Typothetae Dinner, Delmonico’s, New York, on 18 January, as reported in “The Typothetae.” Hartford Courant, 20 January, 1. Reprinted as “The Compositor” in Fatout 1976[bib00141], 200–202. [bib21201]
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bib21207 | SLC 1897? | [1897?] | SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
| Autobiographical notes. MS of one page (beginning “Campmeeting. . . . ”), PH in CU-MARK. Formerly acquisition no. A-1392, CCamarSJ[bib10052]. Sold as lot 1198, Estelle Doheny Collection . . . Part IV, 17 and 18 October 1988, Christie, Manson and Woods International; present location unknown. [bib21207]
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bib21214 | SLC 1902 | 1902 | SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
| Autobiographical notes. MS of one page (numbered “3” and beginning “Seek & get measles . . . ”), CU-MARK. [bib21214]
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