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bib20502Gould 18771877Gould, Alva
“An Historical sketch of Alva Goulds life since the 22nd March 1849.” Carson City, Nevada. MS notebook of twenty pages, dictated, dated 29 January at Carson City, CU-BANC. [bib20502]

bib21159SLC 18771877SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
“Early years in Florida.” MS of eleven pages, NNAL. Published as “Early Years in Florida, Missouri” in MTA[bib00116], 1: 7–10, and AutoMT1[bib33010], 64–65. [bib21159]

bib30947James R Osgood and Company 18771877James R. Osgood and Company
“Bought of James R. Osgood & Co.” Receipted bill for Clemens’s book purchases, 21 January through 24 October 1877. [bib30947]