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bib13718"Members" 18611861
“Members Employed on Boats of the Southern Confederacy.’ Exhibit A enclosed with a letter from John McNeil, Colonel Commanding Post of St. Louis, to Major General McKinstry, Provost Marshal, 13 September, in ‘Union Provost Marshal’s F.” Item no. 215 of RG 109, Military Archives Division, DNA. [bib13718]

bib21516“Abstract of Disbursements” 18611861“Abstract of Disbursements”
“Abstract of Disbursements on Account of the Legislative Assembly of the Territory of Nevada, from July 1st 1861, to November 29th 1861.” In Miscellaneous Treasury Account No. 142896, Office of the First Auditor, RG 217, Records of the General Accounting Office, DNA. [bib21516]

bib21705Young 18611861Young, Brigham
“Office Journal.” Brigham Young Collection, Archives Division, Church Historical Department, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Salt Lake City, Utah. [bib21705]

bib30858McNeil 18611861McNeil, John
Col. John McNeil to Maj. Gen. Justus McKinstry, 13 September, with enclosures. “Union Provost Marshal’s File of Papers Relating to Two or More Civilians,” record group 109, item 215. National Archives and Records Service, Washington, D.C [bib30858]