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bib11027SLC 18681868-06-30SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
The Public to Mark Twain. Handbill dated 30 June in San Francisco, PH in CU-MARK. [bib11027]

bib11048SLC 19271927SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
The Quaker City Holy Land Excursion. An Unfinished Play by Mark Twain, 1867. New York: Privately printed for M. Harzof. [bib11048]

bib11050Smiley 18891889Smiley, James Bethuel. [Mrs. Julia M. Bradley, pseud.]
Modern Manners and Social Forms. Chicago: James B. Smiley. [bib11050]

bib11051Smith 18801880Smith, James H.
History of Chenango and Madison Counties, New York, with Illustrations and Biographical Sketches of Some of Its Prominent Men and Pioneers. Syracuse, N.Y.: D. Mason and Co. [bib11051]

bib11055Spaeth 19481948Spaeth, Sigmund
A History of Popular Music in America. New York: Random House. [bib11055]

bib11057U S Department of State 18691869U. S. Department of State
Register of the Department of State, for the Year 1869–70. Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office. [bib11057]

bib11058Stern 19801980Stern, Madeleine B., ed.
Publishers for Mass Entertainment in Nineteenth Century America. Boston: G. K. Hall and Co. [bib11058]

bib11060Stewart 19081908Stewart, William M.
Reminiscences of Senator William M. Stewart. Edited by George Rothwell Brown. New York: Neale Publishing Company. [bib11060]

bib11062Stoddard 19461946Stoddard, Henry Luther
Horace Greeley: Printer, Editor, Crusader. New York: G. P. Putnam’s Sons. [bib11062]

bib11063Strong 19661966Strong, Leah A.
Joseph Hopkins Twichell: Mark Twain’s Friend and Pastor. Athens: University of Georgia Press. [bib11063]

bib11064Tennyson 18471847Tennyson, Alfred
The Princess: A Medley. London: Edward Moxon. [bib11064]

bib11065Tennyson 18621862Tennyson, Alfred
Poems. London: Edward Moxon. [bib11065]

bib11066Thompson 18731873Thompson, Noyes L.
The History of Plymouth Church. (Henry Ward Beecher) 1847 to 1872. New York: G. W. Carleton and Co. [bib11066]

bib11067Thomson [1859][1859]Thomson, William McClure
The Land and the Book; or, Biblical Illustrations Drawn from the Manners and Customs, the Scenes and Scenery of the Holy Land. 2 vols. New York: Harper and Brothers. [bib11067]

bib11070Towner 18921892Towner, Ausburn [Ishmael, pseud.]
Our County and Its People: A History of the Valley and County of Chemung from the Closing Years of the Eighteenth Century. Syracuse, N.Y.: D. Mason and Co. [bib11070]

bib11071Townsend 18951895Townsend, Malcolm, comp.
The Townsend’s. New York: Mooney and Co. [bib11071]

bib11074Tsai 19831983Tsai, Shih-Shan Henry
China and the Overseas Chinese in the United States, 1868–1911. Fayetteville: University of Arkansas Press. [bib11074]

bib11081Van Deusen 19531953Van Deusen, Glyndon G.
Horace Greeley: Nineteenth-Century Crusader. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press. [bib11081]

bib11083Virginia City Census [1880] 1969[1880] 1969Virginia City Census
“Inhabitants in . . . Virginia.” National Archives Microfilm Publications, Microcopy no. T9. Washington, D.C.: General Services Administration. [bib11083]

bib11086Wallace 18891889Wallace, Lew, et al.
Living Leaders of the World: Comprising Graphic Biographies of the Men and Women of Greatest Eminence, Influence, Wealth, Power or Fame. Chicago: Hubbard Bros. [bib11086]

bib11093Webster’s 19881988Webster’s
Webster’s New Geographical Dictionary. Springfield, Mass.: G. and C. Merriam Company. [bib11093]

bib11095Wentworth and Flexner 19601960Wentworth, Harold, and Stuart Berg Flexner, comps. and eds.
Dictionary of American Slang. New York: Thomas Y. Crowell Company. [bib11095]

bib11097Whitney 18931893Whitney, Orson F.
History of Utah. 4 vols. Salt Lake City: George Q. Cannon and Sons. [bib11097]

bib11098Whitney and Smith 1889–911889–91Whitney, William Dwight, and Benjamin E. Smith, eds.
The Century Dictionary: An Encyclopedic Lexicon of the English Language. 6 vols. New York: The Century Company. [bib11098]

bib11099Who Was Who 19431943Who Was Who
Who Was Who in America. A Companion Volume to Who’s Who in America. Vol. 1: 1897–1942. Chicago: A. N. Marquis Company. [bib11099]