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bib12682 | Gascoigne 1993 | 1993 | Gascoigne, Bamber | Encyclopedia of Britain. New York: Macmillan Publishing Company. [bib12682] | |||
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bib12688 | Geer 1874 | 1874 | Geer, Elihu, comp. | Geer’s Hartford City Directory, for 1874–75: and Hartford Illustrated: Containing a Classified Business Directory. Hartford: Elihu Geer. [bib12688] | |||
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bib12692 | Geer 1878 | 1878 | Geer, Elihu, comp. | Geer’s Hartford City Directory, for the Year Commencing July, 1878; and Hartford Illustrated: Containing a Classified Business Directory. Hartford: Elihu Geer. [bib12692] | |||
bib12693 | Geer 1879 | 1879 | Geer, Elihu, comp. | Geer’s Hartford City Directory, for the Year Commencing July, 1879; and Hartford Illustrated: Containing a Classified Business Directory. Hartford: Elihu Geer. [bib12693] | |||
bib12694 | Geer 1880 | 1880 | Geer, Elihu, comp. | Geer’s Hartford City Directory and Hartford Illustrated; for the Year Commencing July, 1880: Containing a Classified Business Directory. Hartford: Elihu Geer. [bib12694] | |||
bib12695 | Geer 1881 | 1881 | Geer, Elihu, comp. | Geer’s Hartford City Directory and Hartford Illustrated; for the Year Commencing July, 1881: Containing a General Directory of Citizens, Corporations, Etc. Hartford: Elihu Geer. [bib12695] | |||
bib12701 | Gore’s Directory 1872 | 1872 | Gore’s Directory | Gore’s Directory for Liverpool and Its Environs. Liverpool: J. Mawdsley and Son. [bib12701] | |||
bib12702 | Gosling 1974 | 1974 | Gosling, Nigel | Gustave Doré. New York: Praeger Publishers. [bib12702] | |||
bib12704 | Green and Holli 1987 | 1987 | Green, Paul M., and Melvin G. Holli, eds. | The Mayors: The Chicago Political Tradition. Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press. [bib12704] | |||
bib12708 | Greve 1904 | 1904 | Greve, Charles Theodore | Centennial History of Cincinnati and Representative Citizens. 2 vols. Chicago: Biographical Publishing Company. [bib12708] | |||
bib12710 | Griest 1970 | 1970 | Griest, Guinevere L. | Mudie’s Circulating Library and the Victorian Novel. Bloomington: Indiana University Press. [bib12710] | |||
bib12711 | Griffiths 1992 | 1992 | Griffiths, Dennis, ed. | The Encyclopedia of the British Press, 1422–1992. New York: St. Martin’s Press. [bib12711] | |||
bib12713 | Guinn 1907 | 1907 | Guinn, J. M. | History of the State of California and Biographical Record of Oakland and Environs. 2 vols. Los Angeles: Historic Record Company. [bib12713] | |||
bib12714 | Gwynn and Tuckwell 1917 | 1917 | Gwynn, Stephen, and Gertrude M. Tuckwell | The Life of the Rt. Hon. Sir Charles W. Dilke. 2 vols. London: John Murray. [bib12714] | |||
bib12715 | Haliburton 1988 | 1988 | Haliburton, Thomas Chandler [Samuel Slick, pseud.] | The Letters of Thomas Chandler Haliburton. Edited by Richard A. Davies. Toronto: University of Toronto Press. [bib12715] | |||
bib12717 | Hammond 1993 | 1993 | Hammond, Barbara L., ed. | Edgar County, Illinois: An Extraction of the 1870 Census. Paris, Ill.: Tresearch. [bib12717] | |||
bib12718 | Hardinge 1872 | 1872 | Hardinge, Emma | Modern American Spiritualism: A Twenty Years’ Record of the Communion between Earth and the World of Spirits. 4th ed. [1st printing, 1870]. New York: Published by the author. [bib12718] | |||
bib12719 | Harlow and Hutchins 1868 | 1868 | Harlow, Samuel R., and S. C. Hutchins | Life Sketches of the State Officers, Senators, and Members of the Assembly, of the State of New York, in 1868. Albany, N.Y.: Weed, Parsons and Co. [bib12719] | |||
bib12723 | Harte 1866 | 1866 | Harte, Bret | Outcroppings: Being Selections of California Verse. Compiled by Bret Harte. San Francisco: A. Roman and Co. [bib12723] |