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Bibl. Date: 1977 [x]
Displaying 1 - 13 of 13 Reference List
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bib00293Canning and Beeton 19771977Canning, Ray R., and Beverly Beeton
The Genteel Gentile: Letters of Elizabeth Cumming, 1857–1858. Salt Lake City: Tanner Trust Fund, University of Utah Library. [bib00293]

bib00401Hill 19771977Hill, Donna
Joseph Smith: The First Mormon. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday and Co. [bib00401]

bib00545Bragg 19771977Bragg, Marion
Historic Names and Places on the Lower Mississippi River. Vicksburg, Miss.: Mississippi River Commission. [bib00545]

bib00945Watts 19771977Watts, Peter
A Dictionary of the Old West, 1850–1900. New York: Alfred A. Knopf. [bib00945]

bib01030Simpson 19771977Simpson, Alan
Mark Twain Goes Back to Vassar: An Introduction to the Jean Webster McKinney Family Papers. [Poughkeepsie, N.Y.]: Vassar College. [bib01030]

bib10170Jerome and Wisbey 19771977Jerome, Robert D., and Herbert A. Wisbey, Jr.
Mark Twain in Elmira. Elmira, N.Y.: Mark Twain Society. [bib10170]

bib12603Current Company 19771977Current Company
The Current Company’s Pen & Pencil. Bristol, R.I.: Current Company. [bib12603]

bib12742Hershkowitz 19771977Hershkowitz, Leo
Tweed’s New York: Another Look. Garden City, N.Y.: Anchor Press/Doubleday. [bib12742]

bib13208Tenney 19771977Tenney, Thomas Asa
Mark Twain: A Reference Guide. Boston: G. K. Hall and Co. [bib13208]

bib20825McClernan 19771977McClernan, John B.
Slade’s Wells Fargo Colt (Historical Notes). Hicksville, N. Y.: Exposition Press. [bib20825]

bib21708Zambucka 19771977Zambucka, Kristin
The High Chiefess Ruth Keelikolani. Honolulu: Mana Publishing Company. [bib21708]

bib33979Kotsilibas-Davis 19771977Kotsilibas-Davis, James
Great Times, Good Times: The Odyssey of Maurice Barrymore. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday and Co. [bib33979]

bib34349Mills 19771977Mills, Randall V.
Stern-wheelers up Columbia: A Century of Steamboating in the Oregon Country. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press. Reprint of 1947 edition. [bib34349]