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bib34260 | Chaney 1880 | 1880 | Chaney, George Leonard | “Alo’ha”: A Hawaiian Salutation. Boston: Roberts Brothers. [bib34260] | |||
bib34261 | SLC 2010 | 2010 | SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens) | “Excerpt from ‘The Autobiography of Mark Twain.’ ” Newsweek, 9 August, 41. [bib34261] | |||
bib34262 | Shapiro 2014 | 2014 | Shapiro, James, ed. | Shakespeare in America: An Anthology from the Revolution to Now. The Library of America. New York: Literary Classics of the United States. [bib34262] | |||
bib34263 | Paine 1910 | 1910 | Paine, Albert Bigelow | The Ship-Dwellers: A Story of a Happy Cruise. New York: Harper and Brothers. [bib34263] | |||
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bib34265 | Omar Khayyám 1900 | 1900 | Omar Khayyám | Rubáiyát of Omar Khayyám, the Astronomer-Poet of Persia. Translated by Edward FitzGerald. Ariel booklets. New York: G. B. Putnam's Sons: Knickerbocker Press. [bib34265] | |||
bib34266 | 1915 | Fitch, Thomas | “Phil. Armour and Mark Twain,” Los Angeles Times, 14 November, II 14. [bib34266] | ||||
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bib34268 | Fitch 1910 | 1910 | Fitch, Thomas | “Tom Fitch on Mark Twain. One Bright Californian's Estimate of Another, Gone Before—Fitch's Duel.” Los Angeles Times, 24 April 1910, V23. [bib34268] | |||
bib34270 | Brooklyn Census 1900 | 1900 | Brooklyn Census | Population Schedules of the Twelfth Census of the United States, 1900. Roll 1059. New York: Kings County, Borough of Brooklyn, Ward 22. Photocopy in CU-MARK. [bib34270] | |||
bib34272 | Pettit 1970 | 1970 | Pettit, Arthur G. | “Merely Fluid Prejudice: Mark Twain, Southerner, and the Negro.” Ph.D. diss., University of California, Berkeley. [bib34272] | |||
bib34273 | Griffin 2010 | 2010 | Griffin, Benjamin | “ ‘American Laughter’: Nietzsche Reads Tom Sawyer.” New England Quarterly 83 (March): 129–41. [bib34273] | |||
bib34274 | Vyver 1930 | 1930 | Vyver, Bertha | Memoirs of Marie Corelli. London: Alston Rivers. [bib34274] | |||
bib34275 | New York Public Library 2013 | 2013 | New York Public Library | “Henry and Mary Anna Palmer Draper Papers, Manuscripts and Archives Division.” [bib34275] | |||
bib34276 | Cronise 1868 | 1868 | Cronise, Titus Fey | The Natural Wealth of California. San Francisco: H. H. Bancroft & Co. [bib34276] | |||
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bib34278 | Buckbee 1932 | 1932 | Buckbee, Edan Bryan | Pioneer Days of Angel’s Camp. Angel’s Camp: Calaveras Californian. [bib34278] | |||
bib34279 | Buntline 1851 | 1851 | Judson, E. Z. W. [pseud. Ned Buntline] | The Convict: or, The Conspirator's Victim. New York: W. F. Burgess. [bib34279] | |||
bib34280 | IT-RoKSH | Keats-Shelley House [bib34280] | |||||
bib34281 | Lee 2014 | 2014 | Lee, Judith Yaross | “Brand Management: Samuel Clemens, Trademarks, and the Mark Twain Enterprise.” American Literary Realism 47 (Fall): 27–54. [bib34281] | |||
bib34282 | Fitch 1870 | 1870 | Fitch, Anna M. | Bound Down, or Life and Its Possibilities. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott and Co. [bib34282] | |||
bib34285 | Oggel 2000 | 2000 | Oggel, Terry | “The United States of Lyncherdom.” Prospects: An Annual of American Cultural Studies (2000): 139–50. [bib34285] | |||
bib34286 | AzU | University of Arizona [bib34286] | |||||
bib34287 | UKOv2 | Private Collection [bib34287] | |||||
bib34288 | src01031 | Every Saturday [bib34288] | |||||
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bib34291 | Lorch 1938 | 1938 | Lorch, Fred W. | “Mark Twain’s Trip to Humboldt in 1861.” American Literature 10 (November): 343–49. [bib34291] | |||
bib34292 | Brashear 1930 | 1930 | Brashear, Minnie M. | "Mark Twain Juvenilia." American Literature 2 (March): 25–53. [bib34292] | |||
bib34293 | Rogers 1961 | 1961 | Rogers, Franklin R. | The Pattern for Mark Twain’s Roughing It: Letters from Nevada by Samuel and Orion Clemens, 1861–1862. Collected and edited with an introduction by Franklin R. Rogers. Berkeley: University of California Press. [bib34293] | |||
bib34294 | src01034 | The Bunkum Flag-Staff and Independent Echo [bib34294] | |||||
bib34295 | SLC 1870 | 1870 | Clemens, Samuel Langhorne | Christmas Fun . . .(New York) 1870. [bib34295] | |||
bib34296 | src01035 | Early American Auctions catalog [bib34296] | |||||
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bib34298 | src01037 | International Autograph Auctions [bib34298] | |||||
bib34299 | src01038 | The Reader: An Illustrated Monthly Magazine [bib34299] | |||||
bib34300 | GAHi | Atlanta Historical Society [bib34300] | |||||
bib34301 | src01039 | The Landmark [bib34301] | |||||
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bib34303 | McDermott 1958 | 1958 | McDermott, John Francis | McDermott, John Francis. The Lost Panoramas of the Mississippi. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press. [bib34303] | |||
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bib34305 | Baskerville 1908 | 1908 | "Man Who Taught Mark Twain the River Talks of His Long Life at the Wheel—Capt. Bixby Now a Pilot on the U. S. Snagboat Wright." Memphis Commercial Appeal, 30 August, 1. [bib34305] | ||||
bib34306 | Jones 1922 | 1922 | Jones, Doris Arthur | What a Life! London: Jarrold's Publishers [bib34306] | |||
bib34307 | TCollSA | McKee Library, Southern Adventist University [bib34307] | |||||
bib34308 | src01040 | Private Collection [bib34308] | |||||
bib34309 | Porter 1916 | 1916 | Porter, Adrian | The Life and Letters of Sir John Henniker Heaton (London and New York: John Lane Company, 1916) [bib34309] | |||
bib34310 | src01041 | The London Observer [bib34310] | |||||
bib34311 | NNGLI | The Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History [bib34311] | |||||
bib34312 | src01042 | London Evening News [bib34312] | |||||
bib34313 | src01043 | The Grand Magazine [bib34313] |