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bib33863Long 19061906Long, William J.
Brier-Patch Philosophy by “Peter Rabbit.” Boston: Ginn and Co. [bib33863]

bib33864Long 19051905Long, William J.
Northern Trails: Some Studies of Animal Life in the Far North. Boston: Ginn and Co. [bib33864]

bib33865Long 19031903Long, William J.
A Little Brother to the Bear, and Other Animal Stories. Boston: Ginn and Co.. [bib33865]

bib33866Long 19031903Long, William J.
“Animal Surgery.” Outlook 75 (12 September): 122–27. [bib33866]

bib33867Long 19041904Long, William J.
“Science, Nature and Criticism.” Science 19 (13 May): 760–67. [bib33867]

bib33868Long 19011901Long, William J.
Beasts of the Field. Boston: Ginn and Co. [bib33868]

bib33869Long 19071907Long, William J.
Wayeeses the White Wolf. Boston: Ginn and Co. [bib33869]

bib33870Roosevelt 19071907Roosevelt, Theodore
“ ‘Nature Fakers.’ ” Everybody’s Magazine 17 (September): 427–30. [bib33870]

bib33871Roosevelt 19221922Roosevelt, Theodore
Theodore Roosevelt: An Autobiography. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons. [bib33871]

Schenectady County Historical Society [bib33872]

Willis Henry Auctions [bib33873]

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bib33875SLC 19061906-05-26SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
“Carl Schurz, Pilot.” Harper’s Weekly 50 (26 May): 727. [bib33875]

bib33876Campbell and Mallory 18741874Campbell, John (first Baron Campbell), and John Allan Mallory
Lives of the Lord Chancellors and Keepers of the Great Seal of England: From the Earliest Times Till the Reign of Queen Victoria. 10 vols. Boston: Estes and Lauriat. [bib33876]

bib33877Ranson 1965–661965–66Ranson, Edward
“Nelson A. Miles as Commanding General, 1895–1903.” Military Affairs 29 (Winter): 179–200. [bib33877]

bib33878SLC 19011901-02-00SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
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bib33879Hardwick 19941994Hardwick, Joan
Addicted to Romance: The Life and Adventures of Elinor Glyn. London: Andre Deutsch. [bib33879]

bib33880Glyn 19681968Glyn, Anthony
Elinor Glyn. Rev. ed. London: Hutchinson and Co. [bib33880]

bib33881Glyn 19361936Glyn, Elinor
Romantic Adventure, Being the Autobiography of Elinor Glyn. London: Ivor Nicholson and Watson. [bib33881]

bib338821899–1907SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
The Writings of Mark Twain. Autograph Edition. 25 vols. Limited to 512 copies. Vols. 1–23, Hartford: American Publishing Company. Vols. 24–25, New York: Harper and Brothers. [bib33882]

bib33883Schmidt 20132013Schmidt, Barbara
“Mark Twain and Elinor Glyn.” [bib33883]

bib33884Levidova 19741974Levidova, I. M.
Mark Twain: A Bibliographic Catalog of Russian Translations and Literary Criticism in Russian, 1867-1972. Moscow. [bib33884]

bib33885Glyn 19081908Glyn, Elinor
Mark Twain on “Three Weeks.” Printed for Mrs. Glyn (for private distribution only). London: Elinor Glyn. [bib33885]

bib33886Glyn 19081908Glyn, Elinor
Untitled TS of five leaves, describing December 1907 interview with Mark Twain. Enclosed with Elinor Glyn to SLC, 16 January 1908, CU-MARK. [bib33886]

San Francisco Morning Call [bib33887]

bib33888SLC 18671867SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County, and Other Sketches. Edited by John Paul. London: George Routledge and Sons. [bib33888]

bib33889Ashcroft 19071907Ashcroft, Ralph W.
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bib33890HorseRacing.co.uk 20132013HorseRacing.co.uk
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bib33891Baker 2002Baker, Anne Pimlott
The Pilgrims of Great Britain: A Centennial History. London: Profile Books [bib33891]

bib33892Bowker 19051905Bowker, R. R.
“The Post Office: Its Facts and Its Possibilities.” American Monthly Review of Reviews 31 (March): 325–32 [bib33892]

bib33893Branch 19031903Branch, James R., ed.
Proceedings of the Twenty-Ninth Annual Convention of the American Bankers’ Association. New York: n.p. [bib33893]

bib33894Brooks 19071907Brooks, Sydney
“England’s Ovation to Mark Twain.” Harper’s Weekly 51 (27 July): 1086–89 [bib33894]

bib33895Byron 19001900Byron, George Gordon, Lord
The Works of Lord Byron with His Letters and Journals, and His Life by Thomas Moore. Edited by Richard Henry Stoddard. Volume 13. Boston: Francis A. Niccolls and Co. [bib33895]

bib33896Dennis 20082008Dennis, Richard
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bib33897Dilla 19281928Dilla, Geraldine
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bib33898Fitzpatrick 19411941Fitzpatrick, Rita
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bib33899Culme 20102010Culme, John
“Mark Twain and the Ascot Gold Cup of 1907.” [bib33899]

bib33900MacAlister 19381938MacAlister, Ian
“Mark Twain: Some Personal Reminiscences.” Landmark 20 (March): 141–47. [bib33900]

bib33901Metcalf 19801980Metcalf, Priscilla
James Knowles: Victorian Editor and Architect. Oxford: Clarendon Press. [bib33901]

bib33902Oxford University Press 20132013Oxford University Press
“A Short History of Oxford University Press.” [bib33902]

Union College, Schenectady, N.Y. [bib33903]

The Lyceumite and Talent [bib33904]

bib33905Willard and Livermore1897Willard, Frances E., and Mary A. Livermore
American Women: Fifteen Hundred Biographies with over 1,400 Portraits. A Comprehensive Encyclopedia of the Lives and Achievements of American Women During the Ninetenth Century. Rev. ed. 2 vols. New York: Mast, Crowell and Kirkpatrick. [bib33905]

bib33906Reports of Deaths 20132013
Reports of Deaths of American Citizens Abroad, 1835–1974 [online database]. [bib33906]

bib33907Educational Alliance 20132013Educational Alliance
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bib33908Quick 19611961Quick, Dorothy
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bib33909Oxford Historical Pageant 19071907Oxford Historical Pageant
The Oxford Historical Pageant. In Aid of the Radcliffe Infirmary, Oxford Eye Hospital, &c. 2d ed. Oxford: n.p. [bib33909]

bib33910Oxford University Press 20132013Oxford University Press
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bib33911Post 18981898Post, C. W.
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bib33912Rhodes Trust 20132013Rhodes Trust
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