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bib33512Wecter 19411941Wecter, Dixon
“Mark Twain as Translator from the German.” American Literature 13 (November): 257–63. [bib33512]

bib33513SLC 18911891-10-00SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
“Struwwelpeter or Happy Tales and Funny Pictures. Freely Translated by Mark Twain.” From the German of Heinrich Hoffmann. MS of twenty-six pages, CtY-BR. Published in SLC 1935[bib33514]. [bib33513]

bib33514SLC 19351935SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
Slovenly Peter (Struwwelpeter), or Happy Tales and Funny Pictures, Freely Translated by Mark Twain. From the German of Heinrich Hoffmann. New York: Harper and Brothers. [bib33514]

bib33515Smiles 18571857Smiles, Samuel
The Life of George Stephenson, Railway Engineer. London: John Murray. [bib33515]

bib33516Trevelyan 18761876Trevelyan, G. Otto
The Life and Letters of Lord Macaulay. 2 vols. London: Longmans, Green and Co. [bib33516]

bib33517Bentley 19971997Bentley, G. E., Jr
“The Holy Pirates: Legal Enforcement in England of the Patent in the Authorized Version of the Bible ca. 1800.” Studies in Bibliography 50:372–89. [bib33517]

bib33518Madison Census.1900
Population Schedules of the Twelfth Census of the United States, 1900. Roll T623. New Jersey: Morris County, Madison Township. Photocopy in CU-MARK. [bib33518]

bib33519Harvard Directory 19101910Harvard University
Harvard University Directory: A Catalogue of Men Now Living Who Have Been Enrolled as Students in the University. Cambridge: Harvard University. [bib33519]

bib33520SLC 20022002SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
“Copyright in Perpetuity.” The Green Bag, 2d ser., 6 (Autumn): 109–15. [Reprints SLC’s 1906 testimony before the U.S. Congress Committee on Patents, with annotation by the editors of The Green Bag.] [bib33520]

bib33521Draper 19011901Draper, Warwick H.
“Copyright Legislation.” Law Quarterly Review 17 (January): 39–55. [bib33521]

bib33522Adams 19041904Adams, W. Davenport
A Dictionary of the Drama. 2 vols. London: Chatto and Windus. [bib33522]

bib33523src01025Sanders, Nate D.
Nate D. Sanders Collectibles, Los Angeles, California. [bib33523]

bib33524McKivigan 20082008McKivigan, John
Forgotten Firebrand: James Redpath and the Making of Nineteenth-Century America. Ithaca: Cornell University Press. [bib33524]

bib33525Hannibal Courier-Post 20112011Hannibal Courier-Post
Hannibal Courier-Post. “About Us.” [bib33525]

bib33526U.S. and International Marriage Records 20112011
U.S. and International Marriage Records, 1560–1900 [online database]. [bib33526]

bib33527Richmond Then and Now2011Richmond Then and Now
“Richmond Theatre Fire.” [bib33527]

bib33528Kanawha Census 18501850Kanawha Census
Population Schedules of the Seventh Census of the United States.1850. Roll M432. Virginia: Kanawha County. Photocopy in CU-MARK. [bib33528]

bib33529Timlow 18751875Timlow, Heman R.
Ecclesiastical and Other Sketches of Southington, Conn. Hartford: Case, Lockwood and Brainard Company. [bib33529]

bib33530Olney 18281828Olney, Jesse
A Practical System of Modern Geography: Or, A View of the Present State of the World, Simplifed and Adapted to the Capacity of Youth. Hartford: D. F. Robinson. [bib33530]

bib33531Kirkham 18351835Kirkham, Samuel
English Grammar in Familiar Lectures, Accompanied by a Compendium; Embracing a New Systematick Order of Parsing, a New System of Punctuation, Exercises in False Syntax, and a System of Philosophical Grammar in Notes: To Which Are Added an Appendix, and a Key to the Exercises: Designed for the Use of Schools and Private Learners. 105th ed. Baltimore: John Plaskitt. [bib33531]

bib33532Lang 18821882Lang, Herbert O.
A History of Tuolumne County. San Francisco: B. F. Alley. [bib33532]

bib33533Gamo 19081908Gamo, Benjamin
Modern Billiards: A Complete Text-Book of the Game. New York: Brunswick-Balke-Collender Co. [bib33533]

bib33534Rossum 20012001Rossum, Ralph A.
Federalism, the Supreme Court, and the Seventeenth Amendment: The Irony of Constitutional Democracy. Lanham, Md.: Lexington Books. [bib33534]

bib33535Foor 19411941Foor, Forrest LeRoy
“The Senatorial Aspirations of William A. Clark, 1898–1901: A Study in Montana Politics.” Ph.D. diss., University of California, Berkeley. [bib33535]

bib33536Corcoran Gallery 20122012
“A Love of Europe.” [bib33536]

bib33537Howard 19061906Howards, William K.
“Twenty-five United States Senators Estimated to Be Worth $171,000,000.” Washington Post, 27 May, SM3. [bib33537]

bib33538Thompson 19071907Thompson, Slason, comp.
Railway Statistics of the United States of America for the Year Ending June 30, 1906. Chicago: Gunthorp-Warren Printing Company. [bib33538]

bib33539Erwin 20022002Erwin, Edward, ed.
The Freud Encyclopedia: Theory, Therapy, and Culture. New York and London: Routledge. [bib33539]

bib33540Hustvedt 20112011Hustvedt, Asti
Medical Muses: Hysteria in Nineteenth-Century Paris. New York: W. W. Norton and Co. [bib33540]

bib33541Braid 20082008Braid, James
The Discovery of Hypnosis: The Complete Writings of James Braid, “The Father of Hypnotherapy.” Edited by Donald Robertson. Studley, England: National Council for Hypnotherapy. [bib33541]

bib33542Fire Underwriters 18821882Fire Underwriters' Association of the Pacific
Proceedings of the Sixth Annual Meeting of the Fire Underwriters' Association of the Pacific. San Francisco: George Spaulding & Co. [bib33542]

bib33543Hoffmann 20062006Hoffmann, Donald
Mark Twain in Paradise: His Voyages to Bermuda. Columbia: University of Missouri Press. [bib33543]

bib33544Hiss and Ebert 19101910Hiss, A. Emil, and Albert E. Ebert
The New Standard Formulary. Chicago: G. P. Engelhard and Co. [bib33544]

bib33545Swiderski 20092009Swiderski, Richard M.
Calomel in America: Mercurial Panacea, War, Song and Ghosts. Boca Raton: BrownWalker Press. [bib33545]

bib33547Library of Congress 20112011Library of Congress
“The Eliot Indian Bible: First Bible Printed in America.” Library of Congress Bible Collection. Ongoing exhibition, opened April 11, 2008. [bib33547]

bib33548SLC 18971897-11-00SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
“James Hammond Trumbull. The Tribute of a Neighbor.” Century Magazine 55 (November): 154–55. [bib33548]

bib33549Historical Society of Pennsylvania 20022002Historical Society of Pennsylvania
“Background Note.” John Cadwalader, Jr., Collection. Philadelphia: Historical Society of Pennsylvania. [bib33549]

bib33550Jordan 19141914Jordan, John W.
“John Cadwalader.” Encyclopedia of Pennsylvania Biography, Volume 3. New York: Lewis Historical Publishing Company. [bib33550]

bib33551British Museum 20112011British Museum
“The Rosetta Stone.” [bib33551]

bib33552Who’s Who 19241924Who’s Who
Who’s Who in America. Vol. 13: 1924–1925. Edited by Albert Nelson Marquis. Chicago: A. N. Marquis and Co. [bib33552]

bib33554Young 18921892Young, John Russell
“More Than Eloquent. John Russell Young Tells of Thirty Years’ Friendship with Daniel Dougherty the Orator.” Pittsburgh (Pa.) Dispatch, 18 September, 9. [bib33554]

bib33555U.S. Government Printing Office 18841884U.S. Government Printing Office
Exercises at the Ceremony of Unveiling the Statue of John Marshall, Chief Justice of the United States, in Front of the Capitol, Washington, May 10, 1884. . . . With the Proceedings of the Philadelphia Bar Relating to the Monument to Chief Justice Marshall. Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office. [bib33555]

bib33556Hoppe 19751975Hoppe, Willie
Thirty Years of Billiards. Edited by Thomas Emmett Crozier. New York: Dover Publications. [bib33556]

bib33557“Ancient Egypt Online” 20112011
Ancient Egypt Online [bib33557]

bib33558Loy 20002000Loy, Jim
“The Rosetta Stone.” [bib33558]

bib33559SLC 19051905-03-00SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
“The Czar’s Soliloquy.” North American Review 180 (March): 321–26. [bib33559]

The Autograph. A Bi-monthly Magazine for Litarary and Historical Collectors [bib33560]

bib33561Massachusetts Historical Society 20112011Massachusetts Historical Society
“Seth Eastman on Dighton Rock.” [bib33561]

bib33562Silva 20112011Silva, Manuel Luciano da
“Dighton Rock: Its Museum and Its Park.” [bib33562]

bib33563Suetonius 18761876Suetonius Tranquillus, C.
The Lives of the Twelve Caesars. By C. Suetonius Tranquillus; to Which Are Added, His Lives of the Grammarians, Rhetoricians, and Poets. Translated by Alexander Thomson. Revised and corrected by T. Forester. Bohn’s Classical Library. London: George Bell and Sons. SLC copy in CU-MARK. [bib33563]