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bib32306Lyon 1903–61903–6Lyon, Isabel V.
Journal of seventy-four pages, with entries dated 7 November 1903 to 14 January 1906, CU-MARK. [bib32306]

bib32307SLC 19051905-01-00SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
“Concerning Copyright: An Open Letter to the Register of Copyrights.” North American Review 180 (January): 1–8. Reprinted in Budd 1992b[bib00147], 627–34. [bib32307]

bib32308SLC 19041904SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
“The Countess Massiglia.” MS of thirty-six leaves, CU-MARK. [bib32308]

bib32309Case Western Reserve University 20082008Case Western Reserve University
“The Euclid Ave. Baptist Church.” Encyclopedia of Cleveland History. [bib32309]

bib32310SLC 18721872-09-14SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
“Speech at Whitefriars Club.” In "Mark Twain at the Whitefriars Club." South London Press, 14 September 1872, 4. [bib32310]

bib32311SLC 18741874-06-00SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
“Experience of the McWilliamses with Membranous Croup.” MS of 26 pages, NN-BGC[bib10288]. [bib32311]

bib32312SLC 18851885-07-24SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
“General Grant.” Hartford Courant, 24 July 1885, 2. [bib32312]

bib32313SLC 19061906-03-28SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
“Autobiographical Dictation of 28 March 1906.” 11 TS pages. [bib32313]

bib32314SLC 19061906-03-29SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
“Autobiographical Dictation of 29 March 1906.” 20 TS pages. [bib32314]

bib32315SLC 18841884-02-01SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
“Synopsis for Tom Sawyer. A Play in 4 Acts.” 9 MS pages, CU-MARK. [bib32315]

bib32316SLC 18781878SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
Rambling Notes of an Idle Excursion Toronto: Rose-Belford Publishing Company. [bib32316]

Skinner Auctioneers and Appraisers [bib32317]

PBA Gallieries catalog [bib32318]

Between the Covers Rare Books, Inc. catalog [bib32319]

Berryhill and Sturgeon catalog [bib32320]

Ira and Larry Goldberg Coins & Collectibles, 11400 W. Olympic Blvd, Suite 800, Los Angeles, CA 90064 [bib32321]

Planting Fields Arboretum State Historic Park. 1395 Planting Fields Road Oyster Bay, NY 11771 (516) 922–9200. [bib32322]

California Historical Society, San Francisco. [bib32323]

Collection of Gertrude M. Finch [bib32327]

Collection of Morley Kennerly [bib32328]

bib32330Boone Census 19001900Boone Census
Population Schedules of the Twelfth Census of the United States, 1900. Roll T623. Missouri: Boone County. Photocopy in CU-MARK. [bib32330]

Yankee Magazine [bib32331]

bib32332John Howell—Books
John Howell—Books Catalogs [bib32332]

bib32333Howells 18771877-08-00Howells, William Dean
A Counterfeit Presentment. Atlantic Monthly (Aug-Oct 1877). [bib32333]

bib32334Kenny's Bookshop 20092009Kenny’s Bookshop and Galleries
Connor Kenney to Charles Faulhaber, 16 January 2009, offering Adventures of Huckleberry Finn with MS envelope. [bib32334]

bib32337Jefferson Census 19001900Jefferson Census
Population Schedules of the Twelfth Census of the United States, 1900. Roll T623. Kentucky: Jefferson County. Photocopy in CU-MARK. [bib32337]

bib32338RoBards 19091909RoBards, John Lewis
“How a Boy of Eleven Years Crossed the Plains in Forty-Nine. Recollections of Col. John L. Robards of Hannibal, Missouri, Whose Trip to California Made Him the Wonder of Other Boys.” Newspaper interview dated 6 November 1909. In Genealogy of the RoBards Family (1910). Part 15, 70–77. JohnLewisRobards.shtml. Accessed 2 February 2009. [bib32338]

bib32339SLC 19091909-12-00SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
“Marjorie Fleming, the Wonder Child.” Harper’s Bazar 43 (December): 1182–83, 1229. [bib32339]

bib32340RoBards 20092009RoBards, John Lewis
The Robards Family (1900–1903). [bib32340]

bib32341Robards Family Genealogy.2009
History and Genealogy of the RoBards Family (1910). James Harvey Robards, comp. 18 parts. [bib32341]

bib32342SLC 20072007SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
Mark Twain’s Letters, Volume 7 (1876–1880) Berkeley: Mark Twain Project Online, 2007. [bib32342]

bib32343Polk 1893.1893Polk, R. L.
Missouri State Gazetteer and Business Directory. 1893–94. Volume 1. St. Louis, Mo.: R. L. Polk and Co. [bib32343]

bib32344Brown 19031903Brown, John Taylor
Dr. John Brown: A Biography and a Criticism. Edited, with a Short Sketch of the Biographer, by W. B. Dunlop. London: Adam and Charles Black. [bib32344]

bib32345SLC 20072007SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
Mark Twain’s Letters, 1876–1880 Edited by Victor Fischer, Michael B. Frank, and Harriet Elinor Smith, with Sharon K. Goetz, Benjamin Griffin, and Leslie Myrick. Mark Twain Project Online. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press. 2007. [bib32345]

bib32346Marion Census 18701870Marion Census
Population Schedules of the Ninth Census of the United States, 1870. Roll M593. Missouri: Marion County. Photocopy in CU-MARK. [bib32346]

bib32347Marion Veterans Census 1890.1890Marion Veterans Census
“Special Schedule. Surviving Soldiers, Sailors, and Marines, and Widows, etc.” Special Schedules of the Eleventh Census Enumerating Union Veterans and Widows of Union Veterans of the Civil War. Roll 31. Missouri: Marion County. Photocopy in CU-MARK. [bib32347]

bib32348Missouri Digital Heritage 20092009Missouri Digital Heritage
“Soldiers’ Records: War of 1812–World War I.” [bib32348]

The Brisbane Courier [bib32349]

Taranaki Herald [bib32350]

bib32351Carroll 1993–20071993–2007Carroll, Lewis (Charles L. Dodgson)
Lewis Carroll’s Diaries: The Private Journals of Charles Lutwidge Dodgson. With notes and annotations by Edward Wakeling. 10 vols. Clifford, Herefordshire: The Lewis Carroll Society. [bib32351]

bib32352Manley 19031903Manley, R. M.
Mr. Claghorn’s Daughter. New York: J. S. Ogilvie Publishing Company. [bib32352]

bib32353Manley 18971897Manley, R. M.
“The Criticism of Mr. Savage.” New York Times, 25 December, 6. [bib32353]

bib32354Godalming 2009.2009Godalming Town Council
“Welcome to Godalming, Surrey, England.” [bib32354]

bib32355“John Menzies plc” 20092009
“John Menzies plc.” [bib32355]

bib32356Menzies 20092009Clan Menzies
“Menzies of Interest.” [bib32356]

National Book Auction catalog [bib32357]

Christie’s East catalogs [bib32359]

bib32360Scharnhorst 20062006Scharnhorst, Gary, ed.
Mark Twain: The Complete Interviews. Tuscaloosa: University of Alabama Press. [bib32360]

British Library of Political and Economical Science [bib32361]

Journal of the American Society of Psychical Research [bib32362]