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bib31004SLC 18741874-07-25SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
“The Short Cut.” New York Evening Post, 25 July, 2. [bib31004]

bib31005SLC 18581858-10-22SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
“Correspondence of the Missouri Republican.” St. Louis Missouri Republican, 22 October, 2. [bib31005]

bib31006SLC 18671867-03-24SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
“From Mark Twain. Explanatory.” St. Louis Missouri Republican, 24 March, 1. [bib31006]

bib31007SLC 18771877-01-00SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
“Dickinson’s [Miss] Failure.” Atlantic Monthly 39, January 1877, 108. [bib31007]

bib31008Paine 19121912Paine, Albert Bigelow
Mark Twain: Some Chapters from an Extraordinary Life New York: Harper. [bib31008]

bib31017Fentress County Deeds 1820–481820–48
Fentress County Register of Deeds, Vols. A–D, November 1820 to October 1848. Roll 7. Tennessee State Library and Archives, Nashville, Tennessee. [bib31017]

Four Track News [bib31020]

bib31021SLC 18491849-12-06SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
“Amalgamation here we view . . . and Abigail Brown, with a span new gown.” Hannibal Missouri Courier, 6 December 1849. [bib31021]

Grand Forks (N. Dakota) Herald [bib31024]

Charlotte Observer [bib31025]

R & R Enterprises Autograph Auctions (rrauctions.com) [bib31026]

Portland Oregonian [bib31027]

Daily Oklahoman [bib31028]

Los Angeles Times [bib31029]

Gary E. Combs, Inc. [bib31030]

Pilgrim, The [bib31031]

Michael Sharpe Rare & Antiquarian Books catalog [bib31032]

Philadelphia North American [bib31034]

Columbus (Georgia) Enquirer-Sun [bib31035]

David Brass Rare Books [bib31036]

bib31037SLC 18651865-11-30SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
“Bob Roach’s Plan for Circumventing a Democrat.” San Francisco Examiner, 30 November, 1, reprinting the Virginia City Territorial Enterprise, 21–24? October, not extant. [bib31037]

bib31038Oettel 19431943Oettel, Walter
Walter’s Sketch Book of The Players. [New York]: Privately printed by the Gotham Press. [bib31038]

David Brass Rare Books, Inc. [bib31039]

bib31041Johnny 20082008Library of Congress Performing Arts Encyclopedia
“When Johnny Comes Marching Home Again.” Library of Congress. Performance Art Enclyclopedia (Online). [bib31041]

bib31042Burns 20082008Black Abolitionist Archive, University of Detroit Mercy
“Anthony Burns.” University of Detroit Mercy Black Abolitionist Archive. [bib31042]

bib31043Twentieth Century Association 20082008Massachusetts Historical Society
“Organizational History.” Twentieth Century Association Records 1894–1964. Offsite Storage Inventory (Finding Aid). [bib31043]

bib31044Bishop 18791879Bishop, William Henry
Detmold: A Romance, Boston: Houghton, Osgood and Co. [bib31044]

bib31045Bishop 1877–781877–78Bishop, William Henry
“Detmold: A Romance.” Atlantic Monthly 40 (December 1877): 732–43, 41 (January–June 1878): 76–87, 189–201, 273–85, 409–20, 553–65, 697–710. [bib31045]

bib31047T. W. H. 19071907T. W. H.
“The Home of an American Countess in Italy.” Town and Country, September, 10–13. [bib31047]

bib31048Baedeker 19031903Baedeker, Karl
Italy: Handbook for Travellers. First Part: Northern Italy. Leipzig: Karl Baedeker. [bib31048]

bib31050Scott 19631963Scott, Arthur L.
The Innocents Adrift Edited by Mark Twain’s Official Biographer.” PMLA 78 (June): 230–37. [bib31050]

bib31052Steinberg 20082008Steinberg, Salme Harju
“Harvey, George Brinton McClellan.” [bib31052]

bib31053Bush 19721972Bush, Robert
"Grace King and Mark Twain." American Literature 44 (March 1972): 31–51. [bib31053]

bib31054Meine 19301930Meine, Franklin J.
Tall Tales of the Southwest. New York: A. A. Knopf [bib31054]

bib31055Anderson 19721972Anderson, Frederick, ed.
A Pen Warmed Up in Hell: Mark Twain in Protest. New York: Harper and Row [bib31055]

bib31056Mobley 19641964Mobley, Lawrence
"Mark Twain and the Golden Era." The Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America 58: 16–17. [bib31056]

bib31057Basso 19811981Basso, Dave
Mark Twain in the Virginia Evening Bulletin and Gold Hill Daily News 1981. Reprint Falcon Hill Press, 1983. [bib31057]

bib31058Meserve1960Meserve, Walter J.
The Complete Plays of W. D. Howells N.Y.: New York University Press. [bib31058]

bib31059Neider 19631963Neider, Charles
The Complete Essays of Mark Twain. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday and Co. [bib31059]

bib31060Jolly Jokes1872M. J. Ivers & Co., comp.
Jolly Jokes for Jolly People New York: M. J. Ivers & Co. [bib31060]

bib31061Howells 19061906Howells, William Dean and Henry Mills Alden, eds.
Their Husbands’ Wives New York: Harper and Bros., 1906. [bib31061]

bib31062Liber Scriptorum1893Authors Club
First Book of the Authors Club. Liber Scriptorum New York: Authors Club. [bib31062]

bib31063Gribben and MacDonnell 19831983Gribben, Alan and Kevin B. Mac Donnell
Mark Twain’s Rubaiyat Austin: Jenkins Publishing Co. [bib31063]

bib31064Zwick 19921992Zwick, Jim
Mark Twain’s Weapons of Satire: Anti-Imperialist Writings on the Philippine-American War. Syracuse: Syracuse University Press. [bib31064]

bib31065Browne 19701970Browne, Ray B.
Mark Twain’s Quarrel with Heaven; ‘Captain Stormfield’s Visit to Heaven’ and Other Sketches. New Haven: College and University Press, 1970. [bib31065]

bib31066Crawford 19131913Crawford, Minnie L.
Seven Weeks in Hawaii by an American Girl Chicago: n.p. [bib31066]

bib31067Chips1895Chips Pub. Co.
Chips from Literary Workshops. New York : Chips Pub. Co. [bib31067]

bib31068Lorch 19411941Lorch, Fred W.
“Mark Twain the `Campaign That Failed.” American Literature 12 (January 1941): 467. [bib31068]

bib31069Peck 19661966-67Peck, Richard E.
“On Three Mark Twain Poems.” Mark Twain Journal 13 (Winter 1966–67): 10–11. [bib31069]

bib31070Gilman 19071907Gilman, Arthur
“Atlantic Dinners and Diners.” Atlantic Monthly 100 (November 1907): 651. [bib31070]