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bib20791MacKellar 18851885MacKellar, Thomas
The American Printer: A Manual of Typography. 15th ed., rev. and enl. Philadelphia: MacKellar, Smiths and Jordan. Citations are to the 1977 reprint edition, Nevada City, Calif.: Harold A. Berliner. [bib20791]

bib20794MacKinnon 19671967MacKinnon, Richard Malcolm
“The Historical Geography of Settlement in the Foothills of Tuolumne County, California.” Master’s thesis, University of California, Berkeley. [bib20794]

bib20807Marshall 18641864Marshall, George M.
“Our Traveler's Letters.” Letter dated 3 July. Virginia City Union, 7 July, 1. [bib20807]

bib20810Marx 19671967Marx, Leo
Introduction and notes. In SLC 1967[bib21232]. [bib20810]

bib20824McClelland 18571857McClelland, Robert
“Report of the Secretary of the Interior.” In Executive Documents Printed by Order of the House of Representatives, during the Third Session of the Thirty-fourth Congress, 1856–’57. 13 vols. Washington, D.C.: Cornelius Wendell. [bib20824]

bib20825McClernan 19771977McClernan, John B.
Slade’s Wells Fargo Colt (Historical Notes). Hicksville, N. Y.: Exposition Press. [bib20825]

bib20826McCue 19811981McCue, Robert J.
“Did the Word of Wisdom Become a Commandment in 1851?” Dialogue 14 (Autumn): 66–77. [bib20826]

bib20832McGrew, William K McGrooge, pseud.1865McGrew, William K. [McGrooge, pseud.]
“A Sheik on the Move.” San Francisco Morning Call, 29 October, 3. [bib20832]

bib20833McHenry, Roy C., and Walter F Roper1945McHenry, Roy C., and Walter F. Roper
Smith & Wesson Hand Guns. Huntington, W.Va.: Standard Publications. [bib20833]

Concord Free Public Library, Concord, Mass. [bib20839]

bib20858Missouri v Ben 18491849State of Missouri v. Ben
State of Missouri v. Ben, a slave. File 5800, Marion County Circuit Court, Palmyra, Missouri. [bib20858]

bib20859Missouri v Owsley1845Missouri v. Owsley
State of Missouri v. William P. Owsley, File 3873. Marion County Circuit Court, Palmyra, Missouri. [bib20859]

Mark Twain Museum, Mark Twain State Park, Florida, Mo. [bib20863]

Westminster College, Fulton, Mo. [bib20864]

Mono County Free Library, Bridgeport, Calif. [bib20867]

bib20877Morris 19301930Morris, Courtland P.
“Philadelphia Business Man Original ‘Huck’ Finn of E. W. Kemble’s Drawings for Mark Twain’s Classic; Posed as Other Characters in Parents’ Old Clothes.” Clipping from an unidentified newspaper, conjecturally dated 18 May 1930, PH in CU-MARK; courtesy of Louis J. Budd and the Rare Book Room of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. [bib20877]

bib20878Morris 19381938Morris, Courtland
“The Model for Huck Finn.” Mark Twain Journal 2 (Summer–Fall): 22–23. [bib20878]

bib20879Morrison 18821882Morrison, D. H., ed.
The Treasury of Song for the Home Circle: The Richest, Best-Loved Gems. Philadelphia: Hubbard Brothers. [bib20879]

bib20880Morrison 19961996Morrison, Toni
“Introduction.” In SLC 1996[bib21236]. [bib20880]

University of Missouri, Columbia, Mo. [bib20888]

The first half of the Huckleberry Finn manuscript, comprising pages numbered 1–663, written over a four-year period, 1876–1880. Paper and ink differences distinguish two subsections of MS1: MS1a (1–446), all or most of which was written in June–September 1876, and MS1b (447–663), written in March–June 1880. The manuscript was believed lost until 1990, when it was discovered in a Los Angeles attic. Now at the Buffalo and Erie County Public Library (NBuBE[bib11403]). [bib20891]

The second half of the Huckleberry Finn manuscript, written in the summer of 1883, comprising pages numbered 160–787 (continuing the pagination of TS1, the typescript made from MS1) and pages numbered 81–A-1 through 81–60. Now at the Buffalo and Erie County Public Library (NBuBE[bib11403]). [bib20892]

University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Mass. [bib20916]

Marcella Sembrich Memorial Studio, Bolton Landing, N.Y. [bib20926]

State University of New York at Buffalo, Buffalo, N.Y. [bib20930]

bib20933Neff 19401940Neff, Andrew Love
History of Utah 1847 to 1869. Salt Lake City: Deseret News Press. [bib20933]

Princeton University, Princeton Special Collection, Princeton, N.J. [bib20942]

American Academy of Arts and Letters, New York, N.Y. [bib20948]

New York University, Fales Collection, New York, N.Y. [bib20951]

bib20952Nomad [pseud.] 18621862Nomad [pseud.]
“Letter from Humboldt, N. T.” Letter dated 17 September. Sacramento Union, 23 September, 1. [bib20952]

bib20962O'Dea 19571957O'Dea, Thomas F.
The Mormons. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. [bib20962]

bib20963O'Donnell 1963–641963–64O'Donnell, Sheryl
“Notes for chapters 7–11 of Roughing It.” Unpublished paper, John Carroll University, Cleveland, Ohio. Courtesy of John Melton. [bib20963]

bib20967OC 18611861Clemens, Orion
“From Nevada Territory.” Letter dated 19 August, signed “Carson.” St. Louis Missouri Democrat, 16 September, 1, clipping in Scrapbook 1:40, CU-MARK. Reprinted in Rogers 1961[bib00196], 47–49. [bib20967]

bib20972Oe 19941994Oe, Kenzaburo
Quoted in Carlin Romano, “Nobel to Japanese writer; Oe’s political themes evoke a deep unease,” Houston Chronicle, 14 October, A20, and in Teresa Watanabe, “Japanese Writer Wins Nobel in Literature,” San Francisco Chronicle, 14 October, A1, A9. [bib20972]

bib20980“Official Correspondence” 1861–641861–64
Official letters sent by Secretary Orion Clemens, Nv-Ar. [bib20980]

bib20981Ogden, Richard L [Podgers, pseud.]1866Ogden, Richard L. [Podgers, pseud.]
“Podgers’ Letter from New York.” Letter dated 10 December 1865. San Francisco Alta California, 10 January, 1. [bib20981]

bib20984Ohles 19781978Ohles, John F., ed.
Biographical Dictionary of American Educators. 3 vols. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press. [bib20984]

bib20988Olson 19441944Olson, Gunder Einer
The Story of the Volcano House. 3d ed. Hilo, Hawaii: Hilo Tribune Herald. [bib20988]

bib20989Opitz 19841984Opitz, Glenn B.
Dictionary of American Sculptors: 18th Century to the Present. Poughkeepsie, N.Y.: Apollo. [bib20989]

bib20995Paher 19701970Paher, Stanley W.
Nevada Ghost Towns & Mining Camps. Berkeley: Howell-North Books. [bib20995]

bib20998Parker 19731973Parker, Hershel
“Regularizing Accidentals: The Latest Form of Heresy.” Proof 3:1–20. [bib20998]

bib21007[Pease] 18951895Pease, Lute C.
“Mark Twain Talks.” Portland Oregonian, 11 August, 10. Reprinted in Budd 1977[bib00477], 51–53. Pease later admitted that he had supplied some of Mark Twain’s words after the interview was unavoidably cut short, but that Mark Twain had later telegraphed him, “You said it better than I could have said it myself” (Shirley M. Friedman, “Mark Twain’s Favorite Reporter,” Editor & Publisher 82 [19 February 1949]: 10). [bib21007]

bib21017Pilcher 19111911Pilcher, Margaret Campbell
Historical Sketches of the Campbell, Pilcher and Kindred Families. Nashville, Tenn.: Marshall and Bruce Co [bib21017]

bib21019Plutzky 19981998Plutzky, Jorge
Unpublished article and personal communication by Dr. Jorge Plutzky, Boston, Mass. PH in CU-MARK. [bib21019]

bib21025Presbrey 19291929Presbrey, Frank
The History and Development of Advertising. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, Doran and Co. Citations are to the 1968 reprint edition, New York: Greenwood Press. [bib21025]

bib21027Pukui, Mary Kawena, Samuel H Elbert, and Esther T.1974Pukui, Mary Kawena, Samuel H. Elbert, and Esther T. Mookini
Place Names of Hawaii. Rev. and enl. ed. Honolulu: University Press of Hawaii. [bib21027]

bib21028Pukui, Mary Kawena, and Samuel H Elbert1971Pukui, Mary Kawena, and Samuel H. Elbert
Hawaiian Dictionary. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press. [bib21028]

bib21029Putnam 18981898Putnam, C. A. V.
“Dan De Quille and Mark Twain: Reminiscences by an Old Associate Editor of Virginia City, Nevada.” Salt Lake City Tribune, 25 April, 3. [bib21029]

bib21030Quarles 18551855Quarles, John A.
Deed of Emancipation. Recorded on 14 November by George Glenn, Clerk, Monroe County Circuit Court, Paris, Missouri. Monroe County Deed Records, Book O, 240. [bib21030]

bib21036Railton et al. 20022002Railton, Stephen, et al
“Reviews of Huckleberry Finn.” The Electronic Text Center, University of Virginia. [bib21036]