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bib13970SLC 18751875-09-29SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
“Information Wanted.” Undated letter, 27? September. Hartford Courant, 29 September, 2. [bib13970]

bib13971SLC 18751875-10-00SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
“The Curious Republic of Gondour.” Atlantic Monthly 36 (October): 461–63. Budd 1992, 634–38. [bib13971]

bib13972SLC 18751875-10-25SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
“’Information’ from ‘Professor A. B.’ ” Undated letter, 22? October. Hartford Courant, 25 October, 2. [bib13972]

bib13973SLC 18751875-11-13SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
“Speech introducing production of Our Best Society in Hartford on 12 November. Paraphrase in ‘Hartford Dramatic Association.’ ” Hartford Courant, 13 November, 2. [bib13973]

bib13974SLC 18761876-02-00SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
Old Times on the Mississippi. Toronto: Belford Brothers. [bib13974]

bib13975SLC 18761876-02-00SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
“A Literary Nightmare.” Atlantic Monthly 37 (February): 167–69. Reprinted as “Punch, Brothers, Punch!” in SLC 1878a [bib12286], 5–12. Reprinted in Budd 1992a[bib00146], 639–43. [bib13975]

bib13977SLC 18801880-09-00SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
“Mrs. McWilliams and the Lightning.” Atlantic Monthly 46 (September): 380–84. Reprinted in Budd 1992a[bib00146], 753–60. [bib13977]

bib13978SLC 18801880-11-23SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
“The Shakspeare Mulberry.” MS of twelve pages, written on 23 November, CtHMTH. [bib13978]

bib13979SLC 18821882SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
“Twichell and the profane ostler.” MS of nineteen leaves, numbered 429–47, deleted by SLC from chapter 34 of Life on the Mississippi, CU-MARK. Published in MTE, 366–72, mistakenly identified as “one of the random pieces that preceded Mark’s sustained work on the Autobiography.” [bib13979]

bib13981SLC 18831883SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
“Colonel Sellers As a Scientist.” William Dean Howells, coauthor. Play written primarily between October and December 1883. MS of 425 pages, CU-MARK; complete TS, CtY-BR; partial TS, ViU. Published in Howells 1960[bib01013], 205–41. [bib13981]

bib13983SLC 18881888SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
Mark Twain’s Library of Humor. New York: Charles L. Webster and Co. [bib13983]

bib13984SLC 18911891-12-00SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
“Mental Telegraphy.” Harper’s New Monthly Magazine 84 (December): 95–104. [bib13984]

bib13985SLC 18921892-10-00SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
The American Claimant. New York: Charles L. Webster and Co. [bib13985]

bib13988SLC 1899–19071899–1907SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
The Writings of Mark Twain. Edition de Luxe. 25 vols. Limited to 1,000 copies. Hartford: American Publishing Company. Copies 488 and 513 are in CU-MARK. [bib13988]

bib13989SLC 1901-71901-7SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
The Writings of Mark Twain. Riverdale Edition. 25 vols. Limited to 625 copies. Hartford: American Publishing Company; New York: R. G. Newbegin Company. [bib13989]

bib13990SLC 19051905-03-18SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
“From My Unpublished Autobiography.” Harper’s Weekly 49 (18 March): 391. Reprinted as “Mark Twain Was Pioneer in Use of Typewriter,” Atlanta Constitution, 3 April, 6, and as “The First Writing-Machines” in SLC 1906[bib21218], 166–70. [bib13990]

bib13991SLC 19061906SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
“A Family Sketch.” MS of sixty-one leaves, written and revised from about 1896 to 1906, CU-MARK. [bib13991]

bib13992SLC 1907–81907-12-00SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
“Extract from Captain Stormfield’s Visit to Heaven.” Harper’s Monthly Magazine 116 (December 1907): 41–49; (January 1908): 266–76. [bib13992]

bib13993SLC 19091909-10-14SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
Extract from Captain Stormfield’s Visit to Heaven. New York and London: Harper and Brothers. [bib13993]

bib13994SLC 19611961SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
“Ah Sin.” A Dramatic Work by Mark Twain and Bret Harte. Edited by Frederick Anderson. San Francisco: Book Club of California. [bib13994]

bib13996Sloan 18741874Sloan, Edward L., comp.
Gazeteer of Utah, and Salt Lake City Directory. Salt Lake City: Salt Lake Herald Publishing Company. [bib13996]

bib13998Smith 19431943Smith, Mortimer
The Life of Ole Bull. Princeton: Princeton University Press. [bib13998]

bib13999Smythe 19931993Smythe
Spring 1993 Autograph Auction. New York: R. M. Smythe and Co. Sale no. 117 (22 April). [bib13999]

bib14000Soards 18741874Soards, Lon, comp.
Soards’ New Orleans City Directory for 1874. New Orleans: L. Soards and Co. [bib14000]

bib14001Solberg 19061906Solberg, Thorvald
Copyright Enactments of the United States,1783–1906. Copyright Office Bulletin No. 3. 2d ed., rev. Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office. [bib14001]

bib14002Soley 18761876Soley, James Russell
Historical Sketch of the United States Naval Academy. Prepared by Direction of Rear Admiral C. R. P. Rodgers, US. X, Superintendent US. Naval Academy, for the Department of Education at the International Exhibition, 1876. Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office. [bib14002]

bib14003Sotheby 19251925Sotheby
Catalog for sale of 14 December. London: Sotheby and Co. [bib14003]

bib14004Sotheby 19621962Sotheby
Catalogue of Valuable Printed Books, Autograph Letters, Literary Manuscripts, Fine Bindings, Etc. Sale of 2 and 3 July. London: Sotheby and Co. [bib14004]

bib14005Sotheby 19731973Sotheby Parke Bernet
The Fine Library of the Late Ingle Barr. Sale no. 68 (18 and 19 February). Los Angeles: Sotheby Parke Bernet. [bib14005]

bib14008Sotheby 19961996Sotheby
The Victor and Irene Murr Jacobs Collection, Sold for the Benefit of the President and Fellows of Harvard College. Sale no. 6904 (29 October). New York: Sotheby’s. [bib14008]

bib14009Sousa 20002000Sousa
John Philip Sousa Collection. Original Works and Transcriptions for Band. [bib14009]

bib14010Stewart 19861986Stewart, James Brewer
Wendell Phillips: Liberty’s Hero. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press. [bib14010]

bib14012Stoddard 18741874Stoddard, Charles Warren
Summer Cruising in the South Seas. London: Chatto and Windus. [English edition of South-Sea Idyls.]. [bib14012]

bib14014Stoddard 18741874-07-00Stoddard, Charles Warren
“A Prodigal in Buskins.” Atlantic Monthly 34 (July): 20–27. [bib14014]

bib14015Stoddard 18741874-08-00Stoddard, Charles Warren
“Over the Foot-Lights.” Atlantic Monthly 34 (August): 168–74. [bib14015]

bib14016Stoddard 18741874-11-00Stoddard, Charles Warren
“Behind the Scenes.” Atlantic Monthly 34 (November): 527–33. [bib14016]

bib14017Stoddard 18751875Stoddard, Charles Warren
“Lingering in Venice. . . . Number L VII.” Letter dated 14 December. San Francisco Chronicle, 17 January, 1. Transcribed in Appendix B. [bib14017]

bib14019Stoddard 19051905Stoddard, Charles Warren
“Prentice Mulford, the New Gospeler.” National Magazine 22 (April): 94–101. [bib14019]

bib14020Stoddard 19061906Stoddard, Charles Warren
“A Misadventure in the Campagna.” National Magazine 23 (February): 484–93. [bib14020]

bib14021Stoddard 19061906Stoddard, Charles Warren
“A Fin de Siecle Friar.” National Magazine 24 (June): 257–64. [bib14021]

bib14023Stronach [1885-1901] 1921-22[1885–1901] 1921–22Stronach, George
“Nicolson, Alexander.” In The Dictionary of National Biography . . . from the Earliest Times to 1900, 14:499–500. Edited by Leslie Stephen and Sidney Lee. 22 vols. Reprint, London: Oxford University Press. [bib14023]

bib14026Swann 19901990Swann
Autographs, Letters, Photographs, Historic Documents, Signed Books, Manuscripts. Sale no. 1521 (8 February). New York: Swann Galleries. [bib14026]

bib14027Sweet 19541954Sweet
Catalog for sale no. 128 (October). Battle Creek, Michigan: Forest H. Sweet. [bib14027]

bib14029Templeton [pseud.] 18741874Templeton [pseud.]
“Boston Correspondence. From Our Regular Correspondent.” Hartford Courant, 22 June, 1. Letter dated 18 June. [bib14029]

bib14031Thomas and Baldwin 18701870Thomas, J., and T. Baldwin
A Complete Pronouncing Gazetteer, or Geographical Dictionary of the World. Rev. ed. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott and Co. [bib14031]

bib14032Thomason 19911991Thomason, Jerry Wayne
Colonel Sellers: The Story of His Play. Ph.D. diss., University of Missouri-Columbia. [bib14032]

bib14033Thomason and Quirk 19951995Thomason, Jerry Wayne, and Tom Quirk
“Colonel Sellers/Saml L. Clemens.” Missouri Review 18 (no. 3): 109–51. [bib14033]

Private Collection [bib14035]

bib14040Train 19311931Train, Arthur
Puritan’s Progress. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons. [bib14040]

Southern Methodist University, Perkins School of Theology, Dallas, Tex. [bib14046]