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bib13197Stoddard 19071907Stoddard, Charles Warren
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bib13199Storkan 19491949Storkan, Charles J.
“That Tall Twain Tale, ‘A Storm at Sea,’ at Last Traced to Its Printed Origin.” Twainian 8 (July-August): 1–2. [bib13199]

bib13200Stowe 19341934Stowe, Lyman Beecher
Saints, Sinners, and Beechers. Indianapolis: Bobbs Merrill Company. [bib13200]

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bib13203Sturdevant 1967-681967–68Sturdevant, James R.
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bib13204Swann 19771977Swann
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bib13205Sweets 19871987Sweets, Henry H., III
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bib13206Taylor 19731973Taylor, Eva
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bib13207Tebbel 19751975Tebbel, John
A History of Book Publishing in the United States. New York: R. R. Bowker. [bib13207]

bib13208Tenney 19771977Tenney, Thomas Asa
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bib13209Tercentenary Handlist 19201920Tercentenary Handlist
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bib13212Thomson 18551855Thomson, Mortimer Neal [Q. K. Philander Doesticks, pseud.]
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bib13213Timbs 18671867Timbs, John
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bib13214Tipping 19221922Tipping, H. Avray
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bib13217Toole 18891889Toole, J. L.
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bib13218Traubel 19061906Traubel, Horace
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bib13220Trollope 19831983Trollope, Anthony
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bib13221Trory 19931993Trory, Ernie
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bib13237Vincent 19191919Vincent, James Edmund
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bib13239Vogelback 19541954Vogelback, Arthur L.
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bib13240Vogelback 19551955Vogelback, Arthur L.
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bib13244Wall 19561956Wall, Joseph Frazier
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bib13249Aaron Watson 19071907Watson, Aaron
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bib13251Watterson 19111911Watterson, Henry
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bib13252Watterson 19191919Watterson, Henry
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bib13253Watterson 19271927Watterson, Henry
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bib13258Weisenburger 19411941Weisenburger, Francis P.
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bib13262Western Union 18671867Western Union
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