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bib12693Geer 18791879Geer, Elihu, comp.
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bib12694Geer 18801880Geer, Elihu, comp.
Geer’s Hartford City Directory and Hartford Illustrated; for the Year Commencing July, 1880: Containing a Classified Business Directory. Hartford: Elihu Geer. [bib12694]

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Geer’s Hartford City Directory and Hartford Illustrated; for the Year Commencing July, 1881: Containing a General Directory of Citizens, Corporations, Etc. Hartford: Elihu Geer. [bib12695]

bib12697Gohdes 19421942Gohdes, Clarence
“Some Letters of Joaquin Miller to Lord Houghton.” Modern Language Quarterly 3 (June): 297–306. [bib12697]

bib12698Goodman 18661866Goodman, Joseph T.
“Mark Twain Coming.” Virginia City Territorial Enterprise, 28 October, 2. [bib12698]

bib12699Goodspeed’s Book Shop 1926?1926?Goodspeed’s Book Shop
Catalogue of Autographs No. 169. Boston: Goodspeed’s Book Shop. [bib12699]

bib12700Goodspeed’s Book Shop 1927?1927?Goodspeed’s Book Shop
Goodspeed’s Catalogue No. 174. Autographs of Famous Men & Women. Boston: Goodspeed’s Book Shop. [bib12700]

bib12701Gore’s Directory 18721872Gore’s Directory
Gore’s Directory for Liverpool and Its Environs. Liverpool: J. Mawdsley and Son. [bib12701]

bib12702Gosling 19741974Gosling, Nigel
Gustave Doré. New York: Praeger Publishers. [bib12702]

bib12703Graham 18801880Graham, H. G.
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bib12704Green and Holli 19871987Green, Paul M., and Melvin G. Holli, eds.
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bib12706Grenander 19751975Grenander, M. E.
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bib12707Grenander 19781978Grenander, M. E.
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bib12708Greve 19041904Greve, Charles Theodore
Centennial History of Cincinnati and Representative Citizens. 2 vols. Chicago: Biographical Publishing Company. [bib12708]

bib12710Griest 19701970Griest, Guinevere L.
Mudie’s Circulating Library and the Victorian Novel. Bloomington: Indiana University Press. [bib12710]

bib12711Griffiths 19921992Griffiths, Dennis, ed.
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bib12713Guinn 19071907Guinn, J. M.
History of the State of California and Biographical Record of Oakland and Environs. 2 vols. Los Angeles: Historic Record Company. [bib12713]

bib12714Gwynn and Tuckwell 19171917Gwynn, Stephen, and Gertrude M. Tuckwell
The Life of the Rt. Hon. Sir Charles W. Dilke. 2 vols. London: John Murray. [bib12714]

bib12715Haliburton 19881988Haliburton, Thomas Chandler [Samuel Slick, pseud.]
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bib12717Hammond 19931993Hammond, Barbara L., ed.
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bib12718Hardinge 18721872Hardinge, Emma
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bib12719Harlow and Hutchins 18681868Harlow, Samuel R., and S. C. Hutchins
Life Sketches of the State Officers, Senators, and Members of the Assembly, of the State of New York, in 1868. Albany, N.Y.: Weed, Parsons and Co. [bib12719]

bib12723Harte 18661866Harte, Bret
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bib12725Harte 18711871Harte, Bret
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bib12727Harte 19261926Harte, Bret
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bib12730Hassard 18711871Hassard, John Rose Greene
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bib12732Hay 18711871Hay, John M.
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bib12734Hay 18721872Hay, John M.
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bib12737Henderson 19101910Henderson, Archibald
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bib12740Henkels 19301930-10-16Henkels
Autographs, Letters, Documents, Manuscripts Belonging to J. Fred Osterstock, Easton, Penna, and for Other Accounts. Sale no. 1447 (16 October). Philadelphia: Stan V. Henkels. [bib12740]

bib12741Heritage Book Shop 19821982Heritage Book Shop
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bib12742Hershkowitz 19771977Hershkowitz, Leo
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bib12743Hertzberg 19621962Hertzberg, Max J.
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bib12746Hibben 19421942Hibben, Paxton
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bib12747Hill 19621962Hill, Hamlin
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bib12749Hill 19651965Hill, Hamlin
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bib12754History of Edgar County 18791879History of Edgar County
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bib12755Holland 18651865Holland, Josiah Gilbert [Timothy Titcomb, pseud.]
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bib12756Holland 18711871Holland, Josiah Gilbert [Timothy Titcomb, pseud.]
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bib12758Holland 18721872-04-00Holland, Josiah Gilbert [Timothy Titcomb, pseud.]
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bib12759Holland 18721872-07-00Holland, Josiah Gilbert [Timothy Titcomb, pseud.]
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bib12760Holman 19301930Holman, Mabel Cassine
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bib12761Hood 18721872Hood, Tom
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bib12762Hood 18721872Hood, Tom, ed.
Tom Hood’s Comic Annual for 1873. With Twenty-three Pages of Illustrations by the Brothers Dalziel. London: Published at the Fun Office. [bib12762]

bib12763Hood 18731873Hood, Tom
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