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bib12518Browne 19691969Browne, J. Ross
J. Ross Browne: His Letters, Journals, and Writings. Edited by Lina Fergusson Browne. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press. [bib12518]

bib12520Brownell 19491949Brownell, George H.
“Twain’s Tale in ‘The Bazaar Record’ Based on Actual Heroic Rescue at Sea.” Twainian 8 (November-December): 1–5. [bib12520]

bib12522Buckland 18681868Buckland, Francis T.
Curiosities of Natural History. Third Series. 2d ed. 2 vols. London: Richard Bentley. [bib12522]

bib12527Buffalo Directory 18721872Buffalo Directory
Buffalo City Directory for the Year 1872. Buffalo: Warren, Johnson and Co. [bib12527]

bib12528Burke 19001900Burke, Bernard
A Genealogical and Heraldic History of the Landed Gentry of Great Britain. 10th ed. London: Harrison and Sons. [bib12528]

bib12535Cannon 19411941Cannon, Carl L.
American Book Collectors and Collecting. New York: H. W. Wilson Company. [bib12535]

bib125371871Carleton, Will M.
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bib12538Hawaiian Annual1897Carleton, Will M.
“Out of the Old House, Nancy.” Harper's Weekly 15 (3 June): 497. [bib12538]

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bib12541Carleton 18731873Carleton, Will M.
Farm Ballads. New York: Harper and Brothers. [bib12541]

bib12547Chicago 19341934Chicago Book and Art Auctions
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bib12548Cholmondeley 19181918Cholmondeley, Mary
Under One Roof: A Family Record. London: John Murray. [bib12548]

bib12549Chowder 19911991Chowder, Ken, ed
Gold Miners & Guttersnipes: Tales of California by Mark Twain. San Francisco: Chronicle Books. [bib12549]

bib12550Christie 19811981-05-22Christie
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bib12556Christie 19941994Christie
Printed Books, Autographs, Maps and Decorative Graphics. . . . The Properties of . . . the Late Lyricist Johnny Burke. Sale no. 7545 (20 April). New York: Christie, Manson and Woods International. [bib12556]

bib12557Cincinnati Public Library 18991899Cincinnati Public Library
“In Memoriam.” In the “Historical Sketch, 1855–1900,” included in the Annual Report of the Board of Trustees of the Public Library of Cincinnati, Ohio, 85–88. [bib12557]

bib12558City Book Auction 19541954City Book Auction
The Byron Price Library. Sale no. 656 (1 December) New York: City Book Auction. [bib12558]

bib12562OSC 1885–861885–86OSC (Olivia Susan [Susy] Clemens)
Untitled biography of her father, MS of 131 pages, annotated by SLC, ViU[bib10492]. Published in OSC 1985[bib00979], 83–225; in part in MTA[bib00116], vol. 2, passim; and in Salsbury 1965[bib00200], passim. [bib12562]

bib125661993Cliff, Andrew, Peter Haggett, and Matthew Smallman-Raynor
Measles: An Historical Geography of a Major Human Viral Disease, from Global Expansion to Local Retreat, 1840–1990. Oxford, England, and Cambridge, Mass.: Blackwell Publishers. [bib12566]

bib125701910-59Cokayne, George Edward
The Complete Peerage of England, Scotland, Ireland, Great Britain, and the United Kingdom. New ed., rev. and enl., ed. 13 vols in 14. Vicary Gibbs and H. Arthur Doubleday. London: St. Catherine Press. [bib12570]

bib125711873Coleman, Albert E.
“Life in the Diamond Fields.” Harper's New Monthly Magazine 46 (February): 321–36. [bib12571]

bib12572Coleman 19241924Coleman, Sydney H.
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bib12573Colstoun pseud. 18731873Colstoun [pseud.]
“New York.” Letter dated 19 February. Chicago Tribune, 23 February, 7. [bib12573]

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“New York.” Letter dated 22 May. Chicago Tribune, 25 May, 12. [bib12574]

bib12575Congressional Globe 18721872Congressional Globe
The Congressional Globe: Containing the Debates and Proceedings of the Second Session Forty-Second Congress; with an Appendix, Embracing the Laws Passed at That Session. 6 vols. Washington, D.C.: Office of the Congressional Globe. [bib12575]

bib12576Congressional Globe 18731873Congressional Globe
The Congressional Globe: Containing the Debates and Proceedings of the Third Session Forty-Second Congress; with an Appendix, Embracing the Laws Passed at That Session. 3 vols. Washington, D.C.: Office of the Congressional Globe. [bib12576]

bib12577Conway 18721872Conway, Moncure D.
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bib12579Conway 18741874-12-00Conway, Moncure D.
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bib12585Crocker 18711871Crocker, Samuel R.
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bib12586Crocker 18721872Crocker, Samuel R.
“What Katy Did.” Literary World 3 (December): 105–6. [bib12586]

bib12587Crocker 18731873Crocker, Samuel R.
“Notes and Queries.” Literary World 3 (January): 122. [bib12587]

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Trinity College, Watkinson Library, Hartford, Conn. [bib12594]

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Mark Twain Library Association, Redding, Conn. [bib12596]

bib12601Cummins 18931893Cummins, Ella Sterling
The Story of the Files: A Review of Californian Writers and Literature. San Francisco: Cooperative Printing Company. [bib12601]

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The Current Company’s Pen & Pencil. Bristol, R.I.: Current Company. [bib12603]

bib12604Howells 19031903-08-00Howells, William Dean
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bib12610Davis 19511951Davis, Chester L., Sr.
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bib12611Davis 19561956-11-00Davis, Chester L., Sr.
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bib12612Davis 19671967-05-00Davis, Chester L., Sr.
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bib12613Davis 19771977-03-00Davis, Chester L., Sr.
“The Book That Was Never Written (England in 1872).” Twainian 36 (March-April): 1–4. [bib12613]

bib12616Davis 19781978-05-00Davis, Chester L., Sr.
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bib12617Davis 19871987Davis, Chester L., Sr.
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bib12620Dawson’s Book Shop 19381938Dawson’s Book Shop
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