Reference List
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bib00302 | Cheever 1851 | 1851 | Cheever, Henry T. | Life in the Sandwich Islands; or, The Heart of the Pacific, as It Was and Is. New York: A. S. Barnes and Co. [bib00302] | |||
bib00303 | Clagett 1990 | 1990 | Clagett, Fred | “The Life of William H. Clagett.” Paper presented on 20 April at the Pacific Northwest History Conference in Boise, Idaho. TS in CU-MARK. [bib00303] | |||
bib00304 | Clayton 1864 | 1864 | Clayton, Joshua E. | “Pocket Veins.” Mining and Scientific Press 8 (5 March): 145–46. [bib00304] | |||
bib00306 | Coan 1841 | 1841 | Coan, Titus | “Letter from Mr. Coan, Dated at Hilo, 25th Sept. 1840.” Missionary Herald 37 (July): 283–85. [bib00306] | |||
bib00307 | Coan 1866 | 1866 | Coan, Titus | “Volcanic Phenomena of the Island of Hawaii.” Friend 17 (1 February): 9–11, 14. [bib00307] | |||
bib00308 | Coan 1882 | 1882 | Coan, Titus | Life in Hawaii: An Autobiographic Sketch of Mission Life and Labors (1835–1881). New York: Anson D. F. Randolph and Co. [bib00308] | |||
bib00309 | Coan 1868 | 1868 | Coan, Titus Munson | “The Greatest Volcano in the World.” Harper’s New Monthly Magazine 37 (September): 553–59. [bib00309] | |||
bib00310 | Cody 1879 | 1879 | Cody, William F. | The Life of Hon. William F. Cody, Known as Buffalo Bill, the Famous Hunter, Scout and Guide: An Autobiography. Hartford: Frank E. Bliss. Citations are to the 1978 reprint edition, with a foreword by Don Russell, Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press. [bib00310] | |||
bib00311 | Collins 1864–65 | 1864–65 | Collins, Charles, comp. | Mercantile Guide and Directory for Virginia City, Gold Hill, Silver City and American City. Virginia City: Agnew and Deffebach. [bib00311] | |||
bib00312 | Davis 1944 | 1944 | Davis, Chester L., Sr. | “About Mark Twain’s Job on the San Francisco Call.” Twainian 3 (May): 4–6. [bib00312] | |||
bib00313 | Davis 1952 | 1951-01-00 | Davis, Chester L., Sr. | “Mark’s Letters to San Francisco Call.” Twainian 11 (January–February): 1–4. [bib00313] | |||
bib00314 | Davis 1952 | 1952-03-00 | Davis, Chester L., Sr. | “Mark’s Letters to San Francisco Call.” Twainian 11 (March–April): 1–4. [bib00314] | |||
bib00315 | Davis 1956 | 1956-01-00 | Davis, Chester L., Sr. | “Mark Twain’s Highway Robbery as Told by Steve Gillis.” Twainian 15 (January–February): 3–4. [bib00315] | |||
bib00316 | Davis 1956 | 1956-03-00 | Davis, Chester L., Sr. | “Letters from Steve Gillis.” Twainian 15 (March–April): 1–3. [bib00316] | |||
bib00317 | Davis 1956 | 1956-05-00 | Davis, Chester L., Sr. | “Goodman’s Assistance on the Biography.” Twainian 15 (May–June): 2–4. [bib00317] | |||
bib00318 | Davis 1956 | 1956-07-00 | Davis, Chester L., Sr. | “Letters from Frank Fuller.” Twainian 15 (July–August): 1–3. [bib00318] | |||
bib00319 | Davis 1913 | 1913 | Davis, Sam P., ed. | The History of Nevada. 2 vols. Reno: Elms Publishing Company. [bib00319] | |||
bib00320 | Davis 1893 | 1893 | Davis, Winfield J. | History of Political Conventions in California, 1849–1892. Sacramento: California State Library. [bib00320] | |||
bib00321 | Dawson’s Book Shop 1925 | 1925 | Dawson’s Book Shop | A Catalogue of Rare Books. No. 37 (February). Los Angeles: Dawson’s Book Shop. [bib00321] | |||
bib00322 | Decker 1976 | 1976 | Decker, Robert Owen | The Whaling City: A History of New London. Chester, Conn.: New London County Historical Society. [bib00322] | |||
bib00323 | DeGolyer 1953 | 1953 | DeGolyer, E. | Introduction to The Vigilantes of Montana by Thomas J. Dimsdale. 2d ed. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press. [bib00323] | |||
bib00324 | DeGroot 1860 | 1860 | DeGroot, Henry | Sketches of the Washoe Silver Mines. San Francisco: Hutchings and Rosenfield. Citations are to the 1961 reprint edition, Morrison, Ill.: Karl Yost. [bib00324] | |||
bib00325 | Delaney 1948 | 1948 | Delaney, Wesley A. | “The Truth about That Humboldt Trip as Told by Gus Oliver to A. B. Paine.” Twainian 7 (May-June): 1–3. [bib00325] | |||
bib00326 | Denton 1971-72 | 1971–72 | Denton, Lynn W. | “Mark Twain and the American Indian.” Mark Twain Journal 16 (Winter): 1–3. [bib00326] | |||
bib00327 | Derby 1856 | 1856 | Derby, George H. [John Phoenix, pseud.] | Phoenixiana; or, Sketches and Burlesques. New York: D. Appleton and Co. [bib00327] | |||
bib00328 | Derby 1865 | 1865 | Derby, George H. [John Phoenix, pseud.] | The Squibob Papers. New York: G. W. Carleton. [bib00328] | |||
bib00329 | De Vinne 1901 | 1901 | De Vinne, Theodore Low | The Practice of Typography: Correct Composition: A Treatise on Spelling, Abbreviations, the Compounding and Division of Words, the Proper Use of Figures and Numerals, Italic and Capital Letters, Notes, etc., with Observations on Punctuation and Proof-Reading. New York: Century Company. [bib00329] | |||
bib00330 | Dibble 1839 | 1839 | Dibble, Sheldon | History and General Views of the Sandwich Islands’ Mission. New York: Taylor and Dodd. [bib00330] | |||
bib00331 | Dibble 1843 | 1843 | Dibble, Sheldon | A History of the Sandwich Islands. Lahainaluna: Press of the Mission Seminary. [bib00331] | |||
bib00332 | Dilke 1868 | 1868 | Dilke, Charles Wentworth | Greater Britain: A Record of Travel in English-Speaking Countries during 1866 and 1867. 2 vols. London: Macmillan and Co. [bib00332] | |||
bib00333 | Dimsdale 1866 | 1866 | Dimsdale, Thomas J. | The Vigilantes of Montana, or Popular Justice in the Rocky Mountains. Being a Correct and Impartial Narrative of the Chase, Trial, Capture and Execution of Henry Plummer’s Road Agent Band, Together with Accounts of the Lives and Crimes of Many of the Robbers and Desperadoes, the Whole Being Interspersed with Sketches of Life in the Mining Camps of the “Far West;” Forming the Only Reliable Work on the Subject Ever Offered the Public. Virginia City, Montana Terr.: Montana Post Press. [bib00333] | |||
bib00334 | DNB 1921–22 | 1921–22 | DNB | The Dictionary of National Biography. 22 vols. London: Oxford University Press. [bib00334] | |||
bib00335 | Doctor 1862 | 1862 | Doctor, The [pseud.] | “Notes of a Trip to the Humboldt Mines, Nevada Territory.” Letter dated 28 September. San Francisco Alta California, 2 October, 1. [bib00335] | |||
bib00336 | Doctor 1862 | 1862 | Doctor, The [pseud.] | “Notes of a Trip to the Humboldt Mines, Nevada Territory.—No. 2.” San Francisco Alta California, 4 October, 2. [bib00336] | |||
bib00337 | Dorson 1946 | 1946 | Dorson, Richard M. | Jonathan Draws the Long Bow. Cambridge: Harvard University Press. [bib00337] | |||
bib00338 | Doten 1973 | 1973 | Doten, Alfred | The Journals of Alfred Doten, 1849–1903. Edited by Walter Van Tilburg Clark. 3 vols. Reno: University of Nevada Press. [bib00338] | |||
bib00339 | Drury 1936 | 1936 | Drury, Wells | An Editor on the Comstock Lode. New York: Farrar and Rinehart. [bib00339] | |||
bib00340 | Dwight 1819 | 1819 | Dwight, Edwin Welles | Memoirs of Henry Obookiah, a Native of Owhyhee, and a Member of the Foreign Mission School; Who Died at Cornwall, Conn. Feb 17, 1818, Aged 26 Years. New Haven: Nathan Whiting. [bib00340] | |||
bib00341 | Dwyer and Lingenfelter 1984 | 1984 | Dwyer, Richard A., and Richard E. Lingenfelter | Lying on the Eastern Slope: James Townsend’s Comic Journalism on the Mining Frontier. Miami: Florida International University Press. [bib00341] | |||
bib00342 | Edwards 1953 | 1953 | Edwards, William B. | The Story of Colt’s Revolver; the Biography of Col. Samuel Colt. Harrisburg, Pa.: Stackpole Company. [bib00342] | |||
bib00346 | Edwords 1914 | 1914 | Edwords, Clarence E. | Bohemian San Francisco: Its Restaurants and Their Most Famous Recipes. The Elegant Art of Dining. San Francisco: Paul Elder and Co. [bib00346] | |||
bib00347 | Elliott 1983 | 1983 | Elliott, Russell R. | Servant of Power: A Political Biography of Senator William M. Stewart. Nevada Studies in History and Political Science No. 18. Reno: University of Nevada Press. [bib00347] | |||
bib00348 | Ellis 1827 | 1827 | Ellis, William | Narrative of a Tour through Hawaii, or Owhyhee. 3d ed. London: H. Fisher, Son, and P. Jackson. [bib00348] | |||
bib00349 | Esshom 1913 | 1913 | Esshom, Frank | Pioneers and Prominent Men of Utah. Salt Lake City: Utah Pioneers Book Publishing Company. [bib00349] | |||
bib00350 | Evans 1870 | 1870 | Evans, Albert S. | Our Sister Republic: A Gala Trip through Tropical Mexico in 1869–70. Hartford: Columbian Book Company. [bib00350] | |||
bib00351 | Fatout 1960 | 1960 | Fatout, Paul | Mark Twain on the Lecture Circuit. Bloomington: Indiana University Press. [bib00351] | |||
bib00352 | Fatout 1964 | 1964 | Fatout, Paul | Mark Twain in Virginia City. Bloomington: Indiana University Press. [bib00352] | |||
bib00354 | Fife and Fife 1956 | 1956 | Fife, Austin, and Alta Fife | Saints of Sage & Saddle: Folklore among the Mormons. Bloomington: Indiana University Press. [bib00354] | |||
bib00356 | Pepys 1825 | 1825 | Pepys, Samuel | Memoirs of Samuel Pepys, esq. F.R.S., secretary to the Admiralty in the reigns of Charles II, and James II; comprising his diary from 1659 to 1669 . . . And a selection from his private correspondence. Deciphered by the Reverend John Smith; edited by Richard Griffin Braybrooke. London: Henry Colburn. [bib00356] | |||
bib00357 | Conway 1876 | 1876-01-18 | Conway, Moncure D. | “Demonology, or the Natural History of the Devil.” Lecture delivered in Hartford, Connecticut, 18 January. Transcription in “The Devil,” Hartford Courant, 19 January, 1, 4. [bib00357] |