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bib11229DeWitt and Snelling 19111911DeWitt and Snelling
Mark Twain’s Letter to the California Pioneers. Oakland, Calif.: DeWitt and Snelling. (BAL 3516). [bib11229]

bib11230Disturnell 18761876Disturnell, John, comp.
New York as It Was and as It Is. New York: D. Van Nostrand. [bib11230]

bib11232DNB 19591959DNB
The Dictionary of National Biography, 1941–1950. Edited by L. G. Wickham Legg and E. T. Williams. London: Oxford University Press. [bib11232]

bib11233Donald 18891889Donald, Robert
“Mark Twain and His Book: The Humorist on the Copyright Question.” New York Times, 10 December, 5. Reprinted in Budd 1977[bib00477], 43–46. [bib11233]

bib11235Douglass 18481848Douglass, Frederick
“H. G. Warner, Esq., (Editor of the Rochester Courier).” Rochester (N.Y.) North Star, 22 September, 2. Reprinted in Foner 1950–75[bib11261], 1:371–74, misdated 30 March 1849. [bib11235]

bib11236Duncan 19751975Duncan, Bingham
Whitelaw Reid: Journalist, Politician, Diplomat. Athens: University of Georgia Press. [bib11236]

bib11237Eastman [1905][1905]Eastman, Annis Ford
A Flower of Puritanism: Julia Jones Beecher, 1826–1905. Elmira, N.Y.: Snyder Brothers. [bib11237]

bib11238Eastman 19381938Eastman, Max
“Mark Twain’s Elmira.” Harper’s Monthly Magazine 177 (May): 620–32. Reprinted in Max Eastman, Heroes I Have Known (New York: Simon and Schuster, 1942), in Cotton 1985[bib00360], 4–5., and in Jerome and Wisbey 1977[bib10170], 129–47. [bib11238]

bib11239Edwards 19101910Edwards, E. J.
“New News of Yesterday.” New York Evening Mail, 4 May, 8. [bib11239]

bib11240Edwards 18681868Edwards, Richard
Edwards’ Tenth Annual Director to the Inhabitants, Institutions, Incorporated Companies, Manufacturing Establishments, Business, Business Firms, etc., etc., in the City of St. Louis, for 1868. St. Louis: Richard Edwards. [bib11240]

bib11241Edwards 18691869Edwards, Richard
Edwards’ Eleventh Annual Directory to the Inhabitants, Institutions, Incorporated Companies, Manufacturing Establishments, Business, Business Firms, etc., etc., in the City of St. Louis, for 1869. St. Louis: Charless Publishing and Manufacturing Company. [bib11241]

bib11242Edwards 18701870Edwards, Richard
[Edwards’ Twelfth Annual Director to the . . . City of St. Louis, for 1870]. St. Louis: Southern Publishing Company. [bib11242]

bib11243Edwards 18711871Edwards, Richard
Edwards’ Thirteenth Annual Director to the Inhabitants, Institutions, Incorporated Companies, Business, Business Firms, Manufacturing Establishments, etc., in the City of St. Louis, for 1871. St. Louis: Southern Publishing Company. [bib11243]

bib11244Elliott 18691869-03-05Elliott, George W.
“The Dead Canary.” Mohawk Valley Register, 5 March, 1. [bib11244]

bib11245Elliott 18691869-08-06Elliott, George W.
“The Blush Rose.” Mohawk Valley Register, 6 August, 3. [bib11245]

bib11246Elliott 18691869-08-20Elliott, George W.
“Saml. L. Clemens.” Mohawk Valley Register, 20 August, 2. [bib11246]

bib11247Elliott 18691869-08-20Elliott, George W.
“‘Mark Twain’s’ New Book.” Mohawk Valley Register, 20 August, 2. [bib11247]

bib11248Elson 18991899Elson, Louis C.
The National Music of America and Its Sources. Boston: L. C. Page and Co. [bib11248]

bib11249Encyclopedia of Pennsylvania 19041904Encyclopedia of Pennsylvania
Encyclopedia of Genealogy and Biography of the State of Pennsylvania, with a Compendium of History. 2 vols. New York: Lewis Publishing Company. [bib11249]

bib11250Ensor 19871987Ensor, Allison R.
“The Favorite Hymns of Sam and Livy Clemens.” Mark Twain Journal 25 (Fall): 21–22. [bib11250]

bib11255Eubank 19691969Eubank, Marjorie Harrell
The Redpath Lyceum Bureau from 1868 to 1901. Ph.D. diss., University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. [bib11255]

bib11261Foner 1950–751950-75Foner, Philip S.
The Life and Writings of Frederick Douglass. 5 vols. New York: International Publishers. [bib11261]

bib11266Freeman 19471947Freeman
Rare American Historical Autographs . . . The Collection of the Late Frederick S. Peck, Belton Court, Barrington, Rhode Island. Part 2. Sale of 17 March. Philadelphia: Samuel T. Freeman and Co. [bib11266]

bib11267French 18601860French, John Homer
Gazetteer of the State of New York. Syracuse, N.Y.: R. Pearsall Smith. Citations are to the 1980 reprint edition, Interlaken, N.Y.: Heart of the Lakes Publishing. [bib11267]

Private Collection [bib11268]

bib11269Frost 19621962Frost, Maurice, ed.
Historical Companion to Hymns Ancient & Modern. London: Proprietors, Hymns Ancient and Modern. [bib11269]

bib11272Geer 18821882Geer, Elihu, comp.
Geer’s Hartford City Directory and Hartford Illustrated; for the Year Commencing July 1st, 1882: Containing a New Map of the City; New Street Guide; General Directory of Citizens, Corporations, Etc. Hartford: Elihu Geer. [bib11272]

bib11273George 18651865George, Henry
“A Plea for the Supernatural.” Californian 2 (8 April): 9. [bib11273]

bib11274George 19001900George, Henry, Jr.
The Life of Henry George. New York: Doubleday and McClure Company. [bib11274]

bib11275Gody, Harvey, and Reed 19391939Gody, Lou, Chester D. Harvey, and James Reed, eds.
The WPA Guide to New York City: A Comprehensive Guide to the Five Boroughs of the Metropolis . . . Prepared by the Federal Writers’ Project of the Works Progress Administration in New York City. New York: Random House. Citations are to the 1982 reprint edition, New York: Pantheon Books. [bib11275]

bib112761946Goodman, Caleb
Record of relocation of Goodman family remains to vault 1023, Cypress Lawn Cemetery, Colma, California. Record dated 16 September. PH in CU-MARK, courtesy of Jay N. Miller. [bib11276]

bib11277Gould 18891889Gould, Emerson
Fifty Years on the Mississippi River; or, Gould’s History of River Navigation. St. Louis: Nixon-Jones Printing Company. [bib11277]

bib11278Gray 18701870Gray, David
“New Publications.” Buffalo Courier, 19 March, “Morning Edition,” 2. Reprinted in “Evening Edition,” no page. [bib11278]

bib11279Greeley 18691869Greeley, Horace
“The Future of the Blacks in America.” New York Independent, 25 February, 1. [bib11279]

bib11283Groce and Wallace 19571957Groce, George C., and David H. Wallace
The New-York Historical Society’s Dictionary of Artists in America, 1564–1860. New Haven: Yale University Press. [bib11283]

bib11284Gustafson and Schielke 19801980Gustafson, John A., and Jeffery D. Schielke
Historic Batavia, Illinois. Batavia: Batavia Historical Society. [bib11284]

bib11285Hamilton 19641964Hamilton, Charles
Charles Hamilton Auction. Sale no. 4 (21 May). New York: Charles Hamilton Autographs. [bib11285]

bib11286Hamilton 19731973Hamilton, Charles
Charles Hamilton Auction. Sale no. 67 (3 May). New York: Charles Hamilton Autographs. [bib11286]

bib11288Hamilton 19681968Hamilton, Sinclair
Early American Book Illustrators and Wood Engravers, 1670–1870. Volume II, Supplement. Princeton: Princeton University Library. [bib11288]

bib11291Harrison 19691969Harrison, John M.
The Man Who Made Nasby, David Ross Locke. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press. [bib11291]

bib11293Hart 19831983Hart, James D.
The Oxford Companion to American Literature. 5th ed. New York: Oxford University Press. [bib11293]

bib11295Harte 18691869-09-00Harte, Bret
“Current Literature.” Overland Monthly 3 (September): 292–96. [bib11295]

bib11296Harte 18691869-10-00Harte, Bret
“Etc.” Overland Monthly 3 (October): 382–88. [bib11296]

bib11297Harte 18701870-01-00Harte, Bret
“Current Literature.” Overland Monthly 4 (January): 100–4. Reprinted in Anderson and Sanderson 1971[bib00228], 32–35. [bib11297]

bib11298“Hartford Residents” 19741974“Hartford Residents.”
“Hartford Residents.” Unpublished TS by anonymous compiler, CtHSD[bib10613]. [bib11298]

bib112991900Hawley, Joseph R.
“To the Editor of the Courant.” Hartford Courant, 22 October, 10. Undated letter, probably written 21 October. In The Complete Writings of Charles Dudley Warner. [bib11299]

bib11301Helmbold 18681868Helmbold, Henry T.
“Notice to the Public.” Harper’s Weekly 12 (28 March): 207. [bib11301]

bib11307Hollister 18861886Hollister, O. J.
Life of Schuyler Colfax. New York: Funk and Wagnalls. [bib11307]

bib11308Holmes 18581858Holmes, Oliver Wendell
The Autocrat of the Breakfast-Table. Boston: Phillips, Sampson and Co. [bib11308]

bib11309Honeyman 19001900Honeyman, A. Van Doren
Joannes Nevius, Schepen and Third Secretary of New Amsterdam under the Dutch, First Secretary of New York City under the English, and His Descendants, A. D. 1627–1900. Plainfield, N.J.: Honeyman and Co. [bib11309]