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bib11156Beecher 18691869-01-15Beecher, Thomas Kinnicut
“Friday Miscellany.” Elmira Advertiser, 15 January, 3. [bib11156]

bib11157Beecher 18691869-03-05Beecher, Thomas Kinnicut
“Friday Miscellany.” Elmira Advertiser, 5 March, 3. [bib11157]

bib11158Beecher 18691869-09-03Beecher, Thomas Kinnicut
“Friday Miscellany.” Elmira Advertiser, 3 September, 3. [bib11158]

bib11159Beecher 18731873Beecher, Thomas Kinnicut
Memorial Remarks of Rev. Thomas K. Beecher, at the Funeral of Mrs. Eunice K. Ford, Who Died January 14th, 1873. Elmira, N.Y.: Privately published. [bib11159]

bib11160Ben [pseud.] 18691869Ben [pseud.]
“From Batavia.” Letter dated 2 February. Aurora (Ill.) Beacon, 4 February, 1. [bib11160]

bib11161Bench and Bar 19031903Bench and Bar
The Twentieth Century Bench and Bar of Pennsylvania. 2 vols. Chicago: H. C. Cooper, Jr., Bro. and Co. [bib11161]

bib11162Berry 19171917Berry, Earl D.
“Mark Twain As a Newspaper Man.” Illustrated Buffalo Express, 11 November, sec. 5, 40. [bib11162]

bib11163Bickel 19901990Bickel, Bob
“Scholar, Area Historian Revive Twain’s Adventure in Geneseo.” Rochester (N.Y.) Democrat and Chronicle, 30 January, sec. A, 1, 10. [bib11163]

bib11164Blackburn 19811981Blackburn, Graham
The Overlook Illustrated Dictionary of Nautical Terms. Woodstock, N.Y.: Overlook Press. [bib11164]

bib11165Blessingame et al 19821982Blessingame, John W., Richard G. Carlson, Clarence L. Mohr, Julie S. Jones, John R. McKivigan, David R. Roediger, and Jason H. Silverman, eds.
The Frederick Douglass Papers. Series One: Speeches, Debates, and Interviews. Volume 2: 1847–54. New Haven: Yale University Press. [bib11165]

bib11166Bliss 18701870Bliss, Elisha, Jr.
“Mark Twain’s Innocents Abroad.” Author’s Sketch Book 1 (November): 3. [bib11166]

bib11167Blunt 18681868Blunt, John Henry, ed.
The Annotated Book of Common Prayer: Being an Historical, Ritual, and Theological Commentary on the Devotional System of the Church of England. 3d ed. London: Rivingtons. [bib11167]

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bib11169Book of Common Prayer 18571857Book of Common Prayer
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bib11170Booth 19501950Booth, Bradford A.
“Mark Twain’s Comments on Holmes’s Autocrat.” American Literature 21 (January): 456–63. [bib11170]

bib11171Boston Directory 18691869Boston Directory
The Boston Directory, Embracing the City Record, a General Directory of the Citizens, and a Business Directory . . . for the Year Commencing July 1, 1869. Boston: Sampson, Davenport, and Co. [bib11171]

bib11172Bowles 18691869Bowles, Samuel
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bib11179Buffalo Directory 18691869Buffalo Directory
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bib11180Burpee 19281928Burpee, Charles W.
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bib11182Cable Company 19511951Cable Company
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bib11183Carson 19611961Carson, Gerald
One for a Man, Two for a Horse. New York: Bramhall House. [bib11183]

bib11184Carter 19881988Carter, Albert
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bib11185Castel 19791979Castel, Albert
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bib11187Chapple 19501950Chapple, Joe Mitchell, ed.
Heartsongs Dear to the American People. Cleveland and New York: World Publishing Company. [bib11187]

bib11188Chase, Boyum and Clark 19761976Chase, Harold, Samuel Krislov, Keith O. Boyum, and Jerry N. Clark, comps
Biographical Dictionary of the Federal Judiciary Detroit: Gale Research Company. [bib11188]

bib11189Chicago 19361936Chicago
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bib11190Christie 19811981-02-06Christie
The Prescott Collection: Printed Books and Manuscripts . . . the Property of the Estate of Marjorie Wiggin Prescott. Sale of 6 February. New York: Christie, Manson and Woods International. [bib11190]

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Charles Jervis Langdon [bib11194]

bib11195Clearwater 19071907Clearwater, Alphonso T., ed.
The History of Ulster County, New York. Kingston, N.Y.: W. J. Van Deusen. [bib11195]

bib11196Clemens 1932a1932Clemens, Cyril
Josh Billings, Yankee Humorist. Webster Groves, Mo.: International Mark Twain Society. [bib11196]

bib11201Congressional Globe 18681868Congressional Globe
The Congressional Globe: Containing the Debates and Proceedings of the Second Session Fortieth Congress; Together with an Appendix, Comprising the Laws Passed at that Session; and a Supplement, Embracing the Proceedings in the Trial of Andrew Johnson. Washington, D.C.: Office of the Congressional Globe. [bib11201]

bib11202Congressional Globe 18711871Congressional Globe
The Congressional Globe: Containing the Debates and Proceedings of the First Session Forty-Second Congress; with an Appendix, Embracing the Laws Passed at that Session; also, Special Session of the Senate. 2 vols. Washington, D.C.: Office of the Congressional Globe. [bib11202]

bib11203Copyright 18691869
Copyright. 1869. Title page of The Innocents Abroad. Deposited for copyright, 28 July 1869 Rare Book and Special Collections Division, DLC. [bib11203]

bib11204Cortissoz 19211921Cortissoz, Royal
The Life of Whitelaw Reid. 2 vols. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons. [bib11204]

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bib112121886Cummings, Anson Watson
The Early Schools of Methodism. New York: Phillips and Hunt; Cincinnati: Cranston and Stowe. [bib11212]

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bib11214Cushing 18891889Cushing, Thomas, ed.
History of Allegheny County, Pennsylvania. Chicago: A. Warner and Co. [bib11214]

bib11217Davis 19501950Davis, Chester L., Sr.
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bib11218Davis 19511951Davis, Chester L., Sr.
“Revising the Revisor.” Twainian 10 (January-February): 1. [bib11218]

bib11220Davis 19591959Davis, Chester L., Sr.
“Mark Twain’s Personal Marked Copy of John Bunyan’s‘Pilgrim’s Progress.’ ” Twainian 18 (May-June): 1–4. [bib11220]

bib11221Davis 19761976Davis, Chester L., Sr.
“Mark Twain’s Forthcoming Marriage (St. Valentine Letter to Rev. Joe Twichell).” Twainian 35 (March-April): 1–2. [bib11221]

bib11222Davis 19771977-07-00Davis, Chester L., Sr.
“The Engaged Couple (Incomplete Letter).” Twainian 36 (July-August): 1. [bib11222]

bib11223Davis 19771977-09-00Davis, Chester L., Sr.
“Family Letters of the 1870’s (Mark’s Inventions and ‘The Gilded Age.’).” Twainian 36 (September-October): 1–4. [bib11223]

bib11224Davis 19781978-01-00Davis, Chester L., Sr.
“‘Dear Sister Letter’ (August 20, 1869).” Twainian 37 (January–February): 1–3. [bib11224]

bib11225Davis 19791979-09-00Davis, Chester L., Sr.
“When we run . . .” Twainian 38 (September-October): 4. [bib11225]

bib11226Dawson 19131913Dawson, W. J., ed.
The American Hymnal. New York: Century Company. [bib11226]

bib11228de Charms and Breed 19661966de Charms, Desiree, and Paul F. Breed
Songs in Collections: An Index. Detroit: Information Service. [bib11228]