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bib11090Webb 18661866Webb, Charles H. [Inigo, pseud.]
“Inigoings.” Letter dated 30 May. Californian 5 (30 June): 9. [bib11090]

bib11091Webb 18671867Webb, Charles Henry [Inigo, pseud.]
“Letter from Twain’s Publisher.” Letter to the editor dated 9 May. Brooklyn Eagle, 11 May, 3. [bib11091]

bib11093Webster’s 19881988Webster’s
Webster’s New Geographical Dictionary. Springfield, Mass.: G. and C. Merriam Company. [bib11093]

bib11094Wecter 19471947Wecter, Dixon
“The Love Letters of Mark Twain.” Atlantic Monthly 180 (November): 33–39. [bib11094]

bib11095Wentworth and Flexner 19601960Wentworth, Harold, and Stuart Berg Flexner, comps. and eds.
Dictionary of American Slang. New York: Thomas Y. Crowell Company. [bib11095]

Private Collection [bib11096]

bib11097Whitney 18931893Whitney, Orson F.
History of Utah. 4 vols. Salt Lake City: George Q. Cannon and Sons. [bib11097]

bib11098Whitney and Smith 1889–911889–91Whitney, William Dwight, and Benjamin E. Smith, eds.
The Century Dictionary: An Encyclopedic Lexicon of the English Language. 6 vols. New York: The Century Company. [bib11098]

bib11099Who Was Who 19431943Who Was Who
Who Was Who in America. A Companion Volume to Who’s Who in America. Vol. 1: 1897–1942. Chicago: A. N. Marquis Company. [bib11099]

bib11100Wilkins 19121912Wilkins, William Glyde
Charles Dickens in America. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons. [bib11100]

bib11101“William Mason Family” ndnd“William Maston Family.”
“William Mason Family.” TS of records in a family Bible, Chenango County Historical Society, Norwich, N.Y., PH in CU-MARK. [bib11101]

bib11103Wilson 18551855Wilson, H., comp.
Wilson’s Business Directory of New York City. New York: John F. Trow. [bib11103]

bib11104Wilson 18661866Wilson, H., comp.
Trow’s New York City Directory, . . . Vol. LXXX. For the Year Ending May 1, 1867. New York: John F. Trow. [bib11104]

bib11105Wilson 18671867Wilson, H., comp.
Trow’s New York City Directory, . . . Vol. LXXXI. For the Year Ending May 1, 1868. New York: John F. Trow. [bib11105]

bib11106Wilson 18681868Wilson, H., comp.
Trow’s New York City Directory, . . . Vol. LXXXII. For the Year Ending May 1, 1869. New York: John F. Trow. [bib11106]

bib11107Wilson 19471947Wilson, Rufus Rockwell, and Otilie Erickson Wilson
New York in Literature. Elmira, N.Y.: Primavera Press. [bib11107]

Private Collection [bib11108]

bib11110Winter 19091909Winter, William
Old Friends: Being Literary Recollections of Other Days. New York: Moffat, Yard and Co. [bib11110]

bib11111Winterich 19301930Winterich, John T.
“The Life and Works of Bloodgood Haviland Cutter.” The Colophon Book Collectors’ Quarterly. Vol. 1, pt. 2 (May): no page numbers. [bib11111]

bib11112Woodworth 18311831Woodworth, Samuel
Melodies, Duets, Trios, Songs, and Ballads, Pastoral, Amatory, Sentimental, Patriotic, Religious, and Miscellaneous. 3d ed. New York: Elliot Palmer. [bib11112]

Madison Memorial Union Library, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. [bib11113]

bib11115Young 19521952Young, James Harvey
"Anna Dickinson, Mark Twain, and Bret Harte." Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography 76 (January): 39–46. [bib11115]

bib11116Young 18681868Young, John Russell
“Illuminated Diary for 1868.” Box 36, John Russell Young Papers, Manuscript Division, DLC, transcript in CU-MARK. [bib11116]

bib11117American Art Association 19141914American Art Association
Catalogue of Autograph Letters and Documents . . . the Private Collection of George P. Upton, Esquire. Sale of 23 April. New York: American Art Association. [bib11117]

bib11118American Art Association 19241924-12-01American Art Association
Fine Books and Manuscripts of the Greatest Rarity and Interest. Including the Further Property of a Prominent Pennsylvania Collector. Sale of 1 and 2 December. New York: American Art Association. [bib11118]

bib11119American Art Association 19251925-01-08American Art Association
The Renowned Collection of the Late William F. Gable of Altoona, Pennsylvania. Part 6. Sale of 8 and 9 January. New York: American Art Association. [bib11119]

bib11120AAA/Anderson 19341934-05-09AAA/Anderson
The Fine Library of the Late Mrs. Benjamin Stern, Together with Autograph Letters from the Collection[s] of William L. Clements and E. W. Evans, Jr., and Other Properties. Sale no. 4111 (9, 10, and 11 May). New York: American Art Association, Anderson Galleries. [bib11120]

bib11121AAA/Anderson 19361936-01-29AAA/Anderson
The Library of the Late Elbridge L. Adams, New York City . . . First Editions and Manuscripts of Works by Samuel L. Clemens, Mainly the Collection of Irving S. Underhill, Buffalo, N.Y. Sale no. 4228 (29 and 30 January). New York: American Art Association, Anderson Galleries. [bib11121]

bib11123American Literary Bureau 18701870American Literary Bureau
The Lecture Season. Vol. 1, June. New York: American Literary Bureau. [bib11123]

bib11125Anderson Auction Company 19101910Anderson Auction Company
Library and Art Collection of George Bentham of New York City. Part 1—The Library. Sale no. 867 (28 and 29 November). New York: Anderson Auction Company. [bib11125]

bib11127Anderson, Gibson and Smith 19671967Anderson, Frederick, William M. Gibson, and Henry Nash Smith, eds.
Selected Mark Twain–Howells Letters, 1872–1910. Cambridge: Belknap Press of Harvard University Press. [bib11127]

bib11128Anderson Galleries 19281928-02-23Anderson Galleries
Historical Autograph Letters & Documents from the Collection of Schuyler Colfax. Part 2. Sale no. 2236 (23 February). New York: Anderson Galleries. [bib11128]

bib11129Anderson 19031903Anderson, John, Jr.
Catalogue of a Fine Collection of American Historical Autograph Letters. Sale no. 168 (15 April). New York: John Anderson, Jr. [bib11129]

bib11132American Publishing Company 18691869American Publishing Company
Opinions of the Press. Advertising circular and supplement to the prospectus for The Innocents Abroad, [1–4]. Hartford: American Publishing Company. A copy of the earliest impression of the circular and a copy of the revised version bound into the prospectus are in CU-MARK. [bib11132]

bib11133American Publishing Company 18691869American Publishing Company
“Paragraphs from Notices of this Book.” Advertising supplement in the prospectus for The Innocents Abroad, [1–7]. Hartford: American Publishing Company. Copy in CU-MARK. [bib11133]

bib11134American Publishing Company 18691869American Publishing Company
Paragraphs from Notices of this Book. In Stray Leaves from Mark Twain’s New Book. Hartford: American Publishing Company. Copy in the collection of Nick Karanovich. [bib11134]

bib11136Argus 19391939Argus
Letter from Argus Book Shop, Chicago, Ill., to George Hiram Brownell, 24 March (WU). [bib11136]

bib11137Arnold 19791979Arnold, Matthew
The Poems of Matthew Arnold. Edited by Kenneth Allott and Miriam Allott. 2d ed. London: Longman. [bib11137]

bib11138Austin 19651965Austin, James C.
Petroleum V. Nasby (David Ross Locke). Twayne’s United States Authors Series, edited by Sylvia E. Bowman, no. 89. New York: Twayne Publishers. [bib11138]

Private Collection [bib11139]

bib11140Bacon 18831883Bacon, Edwin M.
King’s Dictionary of Boston. Cambridge, Mass.: Moses King. [bib11140]

bib11141Bacon 18831883Bacon, Leonard Woolsey, ed.
The Church-Book: Hymns and Tunes for the Uses of Christian Worship. New York: D. Appleton and Co. [bib11141]

bib11142Baedeker 18841884Baedeker, Karl
Paris and Environs. 8th rev. ed. Leipzig: Karl Baedeker. [bib11142]

bib11144Baender 19591959Baender, Paul
“Mark Twain and the Byron Scandal.” American Literature 30 (January): 467–85. [bib11144]

bib11145Bailey 18671867Bailey, John C. W., comp.
Kane County Gazetteer. Chicago: John C. W. Bailey. [bib11145]

bib11147Barker 19551955Barker, Charles Albro
Henry George. New York: Oxford University Press. [bib11147]

bib11152Beecher 18961896Beecher, Julia Jones
“I Remember, I Remember.” In Park Church 1896[bib11429], 12–15. [bib11152]

bib11153Beecher 18681868Beecher, Thomas Kinnicut
“Friday Miscellany.” Elmira Advertiser, 25 December, 3. [bib11153]

bib11154Beecher 18691869-01-01Beecher, Thomas Kinnicut
“Friday Miscellany.” Elmira Advertiser, 1 January, 3. [bib11154]

bib11155Beecher 18691869-01-08Beecher, Thomas Kinnicut
“Friday Miscellany.” Elmira Advertiser, 8 January, 3. [bib11155]