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bib10676Geer 18791879Geer, Elihu, comp.
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bib10682Griswold 18711871Griswold, Louise M. (Mrs. Stephen M. Griswold)
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bib10683Griswold 19071907Griswold, Stephen M.
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bib10686Hagood and Hagood 19861986Hagood, J. Hurley, and Roberta Roland Hagood
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bib10687Hamilton Galleries 19811981Hamilton Galleries
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bib10691Harte 18651865Harte, Bret
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bib10694Herlihy 19861986Herlihy, Patricia
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bib10696Hesseltine 19571957Hesseltine, William B.
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bib10697Heyl 19531953Heyl, Erik
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bib10699Higginson 18681868Higginson, Thomas Wentworth
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bib10701Hingston 18811881Hingston, Edward P.
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bib10703Hirst 19781978Hirst, Robert H.
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bib10704Hirst and Rowles 19841984Hirst, Robert H., and Brandt Rowles
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bib10706Hittell 18971897Hittell, Theodore H.
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bib10708Hoeltje 19271927Hoeltje, Hubert H.
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bib10709Hogan and Schnitzer 19571957Hogan, John C., and Ewald W. Schnitzer
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bib10712Hopkins 19471947Hopkins, Caspar T.
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bib10713[House] 18671867[House, Edward H.]
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bib10715Hughes and Wolfe 19611961Hughes, Josephine L., and Richard J. Wolfe
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bib10716Hutchinson 19101910Hutchinson, Joseph
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bib10721Isham 18671867Isham, John G.
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bib107221867Jackson, Abraham Reeves
“Letter I. From the Mediterranean Excursion.” Letter to the editor (A. O. Greenwald) dated 22 June, clipping from the Monroe County (Pa.) Democrat preserved in a scrapbook owned by Horace Levy. Photocopy in CU-MARK. Reprinted in Regan and Dickinson 1995, 7–8. [bib10722]

bib10723Jackson 18671867Jackson, Abraham Reeves
“Letter II. From the Mediterranean Excursion.” Letter to the editor (A. O. Greenwald) dated 30 June, clipping from the Monroe County (Pa.) Democrat preserved in a scrapbook owned by Horace Levy. Photocopy in CU-MARK. Reprinted in Regan and Dickinson 1995, 8–10. [bib10723]

bib10724Jackson 18671867Jackson, Abraham Reeves
“Letter IV. From the Mediterranean Excursion.” Letter to the editor (A. O. Greenwald) dated 5 July, clipping from the Monroe County (Pa.) Democrat preserved in a scrapbook owned by Horace Levy. Photocopy in CU-MARK. Reprinted in Regan and Dickinson 1995, 14–16. [bib10724]

bib10725Jackson 18671867Jackson, Abraham Reeves
“Letter VI. From the Mediterranean Excursion.” Letter to the editor (A. O. Greenwald) dated 11 July, clipping from the Monroe County (Pa.) Democrat preserved in a scrapbook owned by Horace Levy. Photocopy in CU-MARK. Reprinted in Regan and Dickinson 1995, 18–19. [bib10725]

bib10726Jackson 18671867Jackson, Abraham Reeves
“Letter VII. From the Mediterranean Excursion.” Letter to the editor (A. O. Greenwald) dated 16 July, clipping from the Monroe County (Pa.) Democrat preserved in a scrapbook owned by Horace Levy. Photocopy in CU-MARK. Reprinted in Regan and Dickinson 1995, 20–22. [bib10726]

bib10727Jackson 18671867Jackson, Abraham Reeves
“Letter XIII. From the Mediterranean Excursion.” Letter to the editor (A. O. Greenwald) dated 11 August, clipping from the Monroe County (Pa.) Democrat preserved in a scrapbook owned by Horace Levy. Photocopy in CU-MARK. Reprinted in Regan and Dickinson 1995, 33–36. [bib10727]

bib10728Jackson 18671867Jackson, Abraham Reeves
“The Quaker City Pilgrimage. A Malcontent Passenger’s Story of the Excursion—The Serio-Comic Features of the Enterprise.” Undated letter to the editor, signed “A Passenger.” New York Herald, 21 November, 3. [bib10728]

bib10729Jackson 19641964Jackson, George Pullen
Spiritual Folk-Songs of Early America. New York: Dover Publications. [bib10729]

bib10730James 18671867James, William E.
“The Mediterranean Excursion.” Letter dated 30 August. Brooklyn Eagle, 20 September, 2. [bib10730]

bib10731“James Mason Family” n.d.n.d.“James Mason Family.”
“James Mason Family.” TS of records in a family Bible, Chenango County Historical Society, Norwich, N.Y., PH in CU-MARK. [bib10731]

bib10732Jensen 19501950Jensen, Mrs. Dana O.
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bib10734JLC 1861-701861–70JLC (Jane Lampton Clemens)
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bib10736Jorkins [pseud] 18681868-02-14Jorkins [pseud.]
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bib10738Julian 19081908Julian, John, ed.
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bib10739Kaplan 19661966Kaplan, Justin
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bib10741Kemble 19621962Kemble, Edward C.
A History of California Newspapers, 1846–1858. Reprinted from the Supplement to the Sacramento Union of December 25, 1858. Edited and with a foreword by Helen Harding Bretnor. Los Gatos, Calif.: Talisman Press. [bib10741]

bib10742Keokuk Census [1860] 1967[1860] 1967Keokuk Census
“Free Inhabitants in Keokuk.” National Archives Microfilm Publications, Microcopy no. 653. Washington, D.C.: General Services Administration. [bib10742]

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