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bib10640Duncan 18671867Duncan, Charles C.
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bib10641Duncan 18671867Duncan, Charles C.
“ ‘Quaker City’ Journal.” MS of 121 leaves, entries from 8 June through 13 November, MeBath. [bib34376] [bib10641]

bib10642Duncan 18681868Duncan, Charles C.
“The Quaker City Excursion Again—Captain Duncan’s Reply to ‘Mark Twain.’ ” Letter to the editor dated 31 December 1867. Brooklyn Eagle, 2 January, 3. [bib10642]

bib10643Duncan and Severance 18671867Duncan, Charles C., and Emily A. Severance.
“The Cruise of the Quaker City.” Extracts from letters dated 19 June and 4 July. New York Independent, 15 August, 2. Reprinted in Regan and Dickinson 1995, 55–57. [bib10643]

bib10644Duncan 19861986Duncan, John E.
The Sea Chain. Scotia, N.Y.: Americana Review. [bib10644]

bib10645Edwards 18661866Edwards, Richard
Edwards’ Annual Director to the Inhabitants, Institutions, Incorporated Companies, Manufacturing Establishments, Business, Business Firms, etc., etc., in the City of St. Louis for 1866. St. Louis: Edwards, Greenough and Deved. [bib10645]

bib10646Edwards 18671867Edwards, Richard
Edwards’ Annual Director to the Inhabitants, Institutions, Incorporated Companies, Manufacturing Establishments, Business, Business Firms, etc., etc., in the City of St. Louis, for 1867. St. Louis: Edwards, Greenough and Deved. [bib10646]

bib10647Ellet 18671867Ellet, Elizabeth F.
The Queens of American Society. New York: Charles Scribner and Co. [bib10647]

bib10648Elliott 18681868Elliott, George W.
“Mark Twain Lecture.” Mohawk Valley Register, 25 December, 3. [bib10648]

bib10650Elmira Census [1860] 1967[1860] 1967Elmira Census
“Free Inhabitants in Elmira.” National Archives Microfilm Publications, Microcopy no. 653. Washington, D.C.: General Services Administration. [bib10650]

bib10657Exeter Census [1860] 1967[1860] 1967Exeter Census
“Free Inhabitants in Exeter.” National Archives Microfilm Publications, Microcopy no. 653. Washington, D.C.: General Services Administration. [bib10657]

bib10659Fairbanks 18671867-06-13Fairbanks, Mary Mason
“Pilgrimizing.” Letter dated 9 June. Cleveland Herald, 13 June, 2. [bib10659]

bib10660Fairbanks 18671867-10-20Fairbanks, Mary Mason
“Pilgrimizing.” Letter Number Seventeen, dated 28 August. Cleveland Herald, 8 October, 2. [bib10660]

bib10661Fairbanks 18671867-11-20Fairbanks, Mary Mason
“Pilgrimizing.” Letter Number Twenty, dated 12 September, Cleveland Herald, 20 November, 2. [bib10661]

bib10662Fairbanks 18671867-11-14Fairbanks, Mary Mason
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bib10663Fairbanks 18681868Fairbanks, Mary Mason
“Library Association—Lecture of ‘Mark Twain.’ ” Cleveland Herald, 18 November, 1. [bib10663]

bib10664Fairbanks 18921892Fairbanks, Mary Mason
“The Cruise of the ‘Quaker City.’ ” Chautauquan 14 (January): 429–32. [bib10664]

bib10665Fairbanks 18981898Fairbanks, Mary Mason, ed.
Emma Willard and Her Pupils; or, Fifty Years of Troy Female Seminary, 1822–1872. New York: Mrs. Russell Sage. [bib10665]

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bib10669Ford 18451845Ford, Richard
A Hand-Book for Travellers in Spain, and Readers at Home. 2 vols. London: John Murray. [bib10669]

bib10670Ford 18691869Ford, Richard
A Handbook for Travellers in Spain 4th ed. 2 vols. London: John Murray. [bib10670]

bib10671Freeman 19361936Freeman
Valuable Library of Rare Books and Autographs of the Late Charles T. Jeffrey of Merion, Pa. Part 1. Sale of 23 March. Philadelphia: Samuel T. Freeman and Co. [bib10671]

bib10672Fuld 19851985Fuld, James J.
The Book of World-Famous Music: Classical, Popular and Folk. 3d ed., rev. and enl. New York: Dover Publications. [bib10672]

bib10673Fuller 19111911Fuller, Frank
“Utah’s War Governor Talks of Many Famous Men.” New York Times, 1 October, 5:10. [bib10673]

bib10674Ganzel 19641964Ganzel, Dewey
“Samuel Clemens, Sub Rosa Correspondent.” English Language Notes 1 (June): 270–73. [bib10674]

bib10676Geer 18791879Geer, Elihu, comp.
Geer’s Hartford City Directory, for the Year Commencing July, 1879; and Hartford Illustrated: Containing a Classified Business Directory. Hartford: Elihu Geer. [bib10676]

bib10677Gingrich 19681968Gingrich, Arnold
“Cruise Centennial Addenda.” Esquire 70 (August): 6. [bib10677]

bib10679Green 19351935Green, Floride
Some Personal Recollections of Lillie Hitchcock Coit. San Francisco: Grabhorn Press. [bib10679]

bib10680Greene 19251925Greene, Nelson, ed.
History of the Mohawk Valley, Gateway to the West, 1614–1925. 4 vols. Chicago: S. J. Clarke Publishing Company. [bib10680]

bib10682Griswold 18711871Griswold, Louise M. (Mrs. Stephen M. Griswold)
A Woman’s Pilgrimage to the Holy Land. Hartford: J. B. Burr and Hyde. [bib10682]

bib10683Griswold 19071907Griswold, Stephen M.
Sixty Years with Plymouth Church. New York: Fleming H. Revell Company. [bib10683]

bib10685Haas 1955-561955–56Haas, Robert Bartlett
“William Herman Rulofson: Pioneer Daguerreotypist and Photographic Educator.” Part 1, California Historical Society Quarterly 34 (December 1955): 289–300. Part 2, California Historical Society Quarterly 35 (March 1956): 47–57. [bib10685]

bib10686Hagood and Hagood 19861986Hagood, J. Hurley, and Roberta Roland Hagood
Hannibal, Too: Historic Sketches of Hannibal and Its Neighbors. Marceline, Mo.: Walsworth Publishing Company. [bib10686]

bib10687Hamilton Galleries 19811981Hamilton Galleries
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bib10689Harris 18671867Harris, George Washington [Sut Lovingood, pseud.]
Sut Lovingood. Yarns Spun by a Nat’ral Born Durn’d Fool. New York: Dick and Fitzgerald. [bib10689]

bib10691Harte 18651865Harte, Bret
“A Sheaf of Criticism.” Californian 4 (23 December): 8. [bib10691]

bib10694Herlihy 19861986Herlihy, Patricia
Odessa: A History, 1794–1914. Harvard Ukrainian Research Institute Monograph Series. Cambridge: Distributed by Harvard University Press for the Harvard Ukrainian Research Institute. [bib10694]

bib10695Hesseltine 19321932Hesseltine, William B.
“Tennessee’s Invitation to Carpet-Baggers.” East Tennessee Historical Society’s Publications, no. 4 (January): 102–15. [bib10695]

bib10696Hesseltine 19571957Hesseltine, William B.
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bib10697Heyl 19531953Heyl, Erik
Early American Steamers. Buffalo, N.Y.: n.p. [bib10697]

bib10699Higginson 18681868Higginson, Thomas Wentworth
“”The American Lecture-System.” Macmillan’s Magazine 18 (May): 48–56. [bib10699]

bib10701Hingston 18811881Hingston, Edward P.
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bib10703Hirst 19781978Hirst, Robert H.
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bib10704Hirst and Rowles 19841984Hirst, Robert H., and Brandt Rowles
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bib10706Hittell 18971897Hittell, Theodore H.
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bib10708Hoeltje 19271927Hoeltje, Hubert H.
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bib10709Hogan and Schnitzer 19571957Hogan, John C., and Ewald W. Schnitzer
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bib10711Holdredge 19671967Holdredge, Helen
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bib10712Hopkins 19471947Hopkins, Caspar T.
“The California Recollections of Caspar T. Hopkins.” California Historical Society Quarterly 26 (June): 175–83. [bib10712]

bib10713[House] 18671867[House, Edward H.]
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