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bib10052 | CCamarSJ | St. John’s Seminary, Camarillo, California. Formerly home to the Estelle Doheny collection (now dispersed) [bib10052] | |||||
bib10054 | WaRi2 | Private Collection [bib10054] | |||||
bib10055 | Clark 1973 | 1973 | Clark, Dennis | The Irish in Philadelphia: Ten Generations of Urban Experience. Philadelphia: Temple University Press. [bib10055] | |||
bib10056 | MEC | Mary E. (Mollie) Clemens. [bib10056] | |||||
bib10057 | OC | Orion Clemens. [bib10057] | |||||
bib10058 | SLC | Samuel Langhorne Clemens [bib10058] | |||||
bib10060 | Colcord 1928 | 1928 | Colcord, R. K. | “Reminiscences of Life in Territorial Nevada.” Nevada Historical Society Quarterly 7 (June): 112–19. [bib10060] | |||
bib10061 | Collins 1874 | 1874 | Collins, Lewis | History of Kentucky. Rev. and enl. ed. 2 vols. Covington, Ky.: Collins and Co. Citations are to the 1966 reprint edition, Frankfort, Ky. [bib10061] | |||
bib10063 | Conde and Best 1973 | 1973 | Conde, Jesse C., and Gerald M. Best | Sugar Trains: Narrow Gauge Rails of Hawaii. Felton, Calif.: Glenwood Publishers. [bib10063] | |||
bib10064 | Congressional Globe 1835–73 | 1835–73 | Congressional Globe | Congressional Globe. 46 vols. Washington, D.C.: Globe Office. [bib10064] | |||
bib10065 | Copp 1864 | 1864 | Copp, Samuel | “Letter to Almarin B. Paul, 6 June, in “The Gold and Silver Bars from Nevada.” St. Louis Missouri Republican, 8 June, 3. [bib10065] | |||
bib10066 | Cordier 1901-2 | 1901–2 | Cordier, Henri | Histoire des relations de la Chine avec les puissances occidentales, 1860–1900. 3 vols. Paris: Felix Alcan, Editeur. [bib10066] | |||
bib10068 | Cowan, Bancroft, and Ballou 1964 | 1964 | Cowan, Robert Ernest, Anne Bancroft, and Addie L. Ballou | The Forgotten Characters of Old San Francisco. Los Angeles: Ward Ritchie Press. [bib10068] | |||
bib10069 | Cox 1862 | 1862 | Cox, Samuel Sullivan | Speech of Hon. S. S. Cox, of Ohio, in Vindication of Gen. McClellan from the Attacks of Congressional War Critics. Washington, D.C.: Towers and Co. [bib10069] | |||
bib10070 | Crone 1937 | 1937 | Crone, John S. | A Concise Dictionary of Irish Biography. Rev. and enl. ed. Dublin: Talbot Press. Citations are to the 1970 reprint edition, Nendeln / Liechtenstein: Kraus Reprint. [bib10070] | |||
bib10071 | CTcHi | North Lake Tahoe Historical Society, Tahoe City, Calif. [bib10071] | |||||
bib10072 | CtY | Yale University, Sterling Memorial Library, New Haven, Conn. [bib10072] | |||||
bib10073 | CU-BANC | University of California, The Bancroft Library, Berkeley. [bib10073] | |||||
bib10074 | CU-MARK | University of California, Mark Twain Papers, The Bancroft Library, Berkeley [bib10074] | |||||
bib10075 | Curtis 1888 | 1888 | Curtis, William E. | “The Gate City of Iowa: Keokuk and Her Famous Sons.” Chicago News (“Morning Issue”), 2 August, 1, clipping in Scrapbook 20:80–83, CU-MARK. [bib10075] | |||
bib10077 | Daggett 1893 | 1893 | Daggett, Rollin M. | “Daggett’s Recollections,” in “The Passing of a Pioneer.” San Francisco Examiner, 22 January, 15. Reprinted as “Enterprise Men and Events” in Lewis 1971[bib10211], 11–16. [bib10077] | |||
bib10079 | Dale 1863 | 1863 | Lily Dale [pseud.] | “Letter from Esmeralda.” Letter dated 30 November. San Francisco Alta California, 11 December, 3. [bib10079] | |||
bib10080 | C4 | Private Collection [bib10080] | |||||
bib10081 | Damon 1966 | 1966 | Damon, Ethel M. | Samuel Chenery Damon. Honolulu: Hawaiian Mission Children’s Society. [bib10081] | |||
bib10084 | Davis 1956 | 1956-05-00 | Davis, Chester L. | “Mining Days Sweetheart of Mark Twain.” Twainian 15 (May-June): 1–2. [bib10084] | |||
bib10086 | Davis 1981 | 1981-01-00 | Davis, Chester L. | “Mark’s Mother in Keokuk.” Twainian 40 (January-February): 1–4. [bib10086] | |||
bib10087 | Davis and Durrie 1876 | 1876 | Davis, Walter B., and Daniel S. Durrie | An Illustrated History of Missouri. St. Louis: A. J. Hall and Co. [bib10087] | |||
bib10088 | Daws 1968 | 1968 | Daws, Gavan | Shoal of Time: A History of the Hawaiian Islands. New York: Macmillan Company. [bib10088] | |||
bib10089 | Day 1968 | 1968 | Day, A. Grove | Hawaii and Its People. Rev. ed. New York: Meredith Press. [bib10089] | |||
bib10091 | De Vinne 1910 | 1910 | De Vinne, Theodore Low | The Practice of Typography: Correct Composition: A Treatise on Spelling Abbreviations, the Compounding and Division of Words, the Proper Use of Figures and Numerals, Italic and Capital Letters, Notes, Etc. 3d ed. New York: Century Company. [bib10091] | |||
bib10092 | Dickson 1947 | 1947 | Dickson, Samuel | San Francisco Is Your Home. Stanford: Stanford University Press. [bib10092] | |||
bib10093 | Dillon 1888 | 1888 | Dillon, William | Life of John Mitchel. 2 vols. London: Kegan Paul, Trench, and Co. [bib10093] | |||
bib10094 | Dixon 1903 | 1903 | Dixon, W. W. | Sketch of the Life and Character of William H. Clagett. Contributions to the Historical Society of Montana 4: 249–57. [bib10094] | |||
bib10095 | Doten 1866 | 1866 | Doten, Alfred | “Mark Twain’s Lecture—An Immense Success.” Virginia City Territorial Enterprise, 1 November, 3. [bib10095] | |||
bib10097 | Eberlein and Hubbard 1939 | 1939 | Eberlein, Harold Donaldson, and Cortlandt Van Dyke Hubbard | Portrait of a Colonial City: Philadelphia, 1670–1838. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott Company. [bib10097] | |||
bib10098 | Edwards 1864 | 1864 | Edwards, Richard | Edwards’ Annual Director to the Inhabitants, Institutions, Incorporated Companies, Manufacturing Establishments, Business, Business Firms, &c., in the City of St. Louis, for 1864. St. Louis: Richard Edwards. [bib10098] | |||
bib10099 | Edwards 1865 | 1865 | Edwards, Richard | Edwards’ Annual Director to the Inhabitants, Institutions, Incorporated Companies, Manufacturing Establishments, Business, Business Firms, etc., etc., in the City of St. Louis, for 1865. St. Louis: Richard Edwards. [bib10099] | |||
bib10100 | Elliott 1973 | 1973 | Elliott, Russell R. | History of Nevada. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press. [bib10100] | |||
bib10101 | Emrich 1950 | 1950 | Emrich, Duncan, ed. | Comstock Bonanza. New York: Vanguard Press. [bib10101] | |||
bib10102 | Estavan 1938-42 | 1938–42 | Estavan, Lawrence, ed. | San Francisco Theatre Research. 18 vols. San Francisco: Works Projects Administration. [bib10102] | |||
bib10106 | Exhibition Catalogue 1853 | 1853 | Exhibition Catalogue | Official Catalogue of the New York Exhibition of the Industry of All Nations. 1st rev. ed. New York: G. P. Putnam and Co. [bib10106] | |||
bib10109 | Fender 1976 | 1976 | Fender, Stephen | “‘The Prodigal in a Far Country Chawing of Husks’: Mark Twain’s Search for a Style in the West.” Modern Language Review 71 (October): 737–56. [bib10109] | |||
bib10111 | Foster 1872 | 1872 | Foster, John G. | Testimony of 20 February, in Report of the Commissioners and Evidence Taken by the Committee on Mines and Mining of the House of Representatives of the United States, in Regard to the Sutro Tunnel. Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office. [bib10111] | |||
bib10113 | Gallaher 1922 | 1922 | Gallaher, Ruth A. | “Hummer’s Bell.” Palimpsest 3 (May): 155–64. [bib10113] | |||
bib10115 | Garrett 1879 | 1879 | Garrett, Thomas E. | A Memorial of James Andrew Hayes Lampton, Past Master of George Washington Lodge, No. 9, A.F. & A.M. St. Louis: Woodward, Tiernan and Hale. [bib10115] | |||
bib10116 | Garrison 1959 | 1959 | Garrison, Raymond E. | Tales of Early Keokuk Homes. Hamilton, Ill.: Hamilton Press. [bib10116] | |||
bib10119 | Gillis 1864 | 1864 | Gillis, Stephen E. | “Personal Correspondence, Item VI.” Virginia City Territorial Enterprise, 24 May, clipping in Scrapbook 3:146, CU-MARK. [bib10119] | |||
bib10121 | Goode 1897 | 1897 | Goode, George Brown, ed. | The Smithsonian Institution, 1846–1896: The History of Its First Half Century. Washington, D.C.: [Smithsonian Institution]. [bib10121] | |||
bib10122 | Goodman 1892 | 1892-01-10 | Goodman, Joseph T. | “Artemus Ward: His Visit to the Comstock Lode.” San Francisco Chronicle, 10 January, 1. [bib10122] | |||
bib10123 | Greeley 1853 | 1853 | Greeley, Horace | Art and Industry as Represented in the Exhibition at the Crystal Palace New York—1853–4. New York: J. S. Redfield. [bib10123] |