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Bibl. Date: 1886 [x]
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bib00088Gilliam 18861886Gilliam, E. W.
“Chinese Immigration.” North American Review 143 (July): 26–34. [bib00088]

bib00108Smith 18861886Smith, William
Morley: Ancient and Modern. London: Longmans and Co. [bib00108]

bib00109Trumbull 18861886Trumbull, James Hammond, ed.
The Memorial History of Hartford County, Connecticut, 1633–1884. 2 vols. Boston: Edward L. Osgood. [bib00109]

bib00775Hicks 18861886Hicks, Urban E.
Yakima and Clickitat Indian Wars, 1855 and 1856: Personal Recollections of Capt. U. E. Hicks. Portland, Ore.: Himes the Printer. [bib00775]

bib10546Baedeker 18861886Baedeker, Karl
Le midi de la France depuis la Loire et y compris la corse. Manuel du voyageur. 2d ed. Leipzig: Karl Baedeker. [bib10546]

bib10622Cutter 18861886Cutter, Bloodgood H.
The Long Island Farmer’s Poems. Lines Written on the “Quaker City” Excursion to Palestine, and Other Poems. New York: N. Tibbals and Sons (published for the author). [bib10622]

bib112121886Cummings, Anson Watson
The Early Schools of Methodism. New York: Phillips and Hunt; Cincinnati: Cranston and Stowe. [bib11212]

bib11307Hollister 18861886Hollister, O. J.
Life of Schuyler Colfax. New York: Funk and Wagnalls. [bib11307]

bib12066Park 18861886Park, Edwin J.
A Day with Mark Twain. Chicago Tribune, 19 September, 12. Reprinted in Mark Twain Society Bulletin 2 (June 1979): 3–5. [bib12066]

bib12290SLC 18861886SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
“Unmailed Answer.” MS of four pages. An undated letter to “Many Citizens, an unidentified critic in the Jamestown (N.Y.) Journal of 24 January 1870. The current location of the MS (formerly in the Estelle Doheny Collection at St. John’s Seminary in Camarillo, California) is not known. Published in Lorch 1953, 315, and in facsimile in Morgan, 95–98. [bib12290]

bib12636Durfee 18861886Durfee, Charles A.
Index to Harper’s New Monthly Magazine. Alphabetical, Analytical, and Classified. Volumes I. to LXX. Inclusive, from June, 1850, to June, 1885. New York: Harper and Brothers. [bib12636]

bib13013Reid 18861886Reid, James D.
The Telegraph in America and Morse Memorial. New York: John Polhemus. [bib13013]

bib13337Appletons’ Dictionary 18861886Appletons’ Dictionary
Appletons’ Dictionary of New York. New York: D. Appleton and Co. [bib13337]

bib13419Clark 18861886Clark, Charles Hopkins
“The Growth of the County.” In Trumbull[bib00109], 1, 207–14. [bib13419]

bib13420Clark 18861886Clark, Charles Hopkins
“Insurance.” In Trumbull[bib00109], 1, 499–510. [bib13420]

bib13421Clark 18861886Clark, Charles Hopkins
“The Press.” In Trumbull[bib00109], 1, 605–27. [bib13421]

bib13596Howells 18861886Howells, William Dean
Indian Summer. Boston: Ticknor and Co. [bib13596]

bib30638Davis 18861886Davis, Sam P.
Short Stories. San Francisco: Golden Era Company. [bib30638]

bib30700Leman 18861886Leman, Walter M.
Memories of an Old Actor. San Francisco: A. Roman Company. [bib30700]

bib30816Annual Cyclopaedia 18851886Annual Cyclopaedia 1885
Appletons’ Annual Cyclopaedia and Register of Important Events of the Year 1885. Vol. 25 (n.s. vol. 10). New York: D. Appleton and Co. [bib30816]

bib30817Geer 18861886Geer, Elihu, comp.
Geer’s Hartford City Directory; July 1, 1886: Being a Fifteen-Fold Directory of Hartford. Hartford: Elihu Geer. [bib30817]

bib30911Howells 18861886Howells, William Dean
Tuscan Cities. Boston: Ticknor and Co. [bib30911]

bib30921Grant 18861886Grant, Ulysses S.
“Personal Memoirs of U. S. Grant: Preparing for the Wilderness Campaign.” Century Magazine 31 (February): 573–82. [bib30921]

bib30959Agassiz 1886.1886Agassiz, Louis
Louis Agassiz: His Life and Correspondence. Edited by Elizabeth Cary Agassiz. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin and Co. [bib30959]

bib32550SLC 18861886SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn London: Chatto and Windus. [bib32550]

bib33594U.S. Congress 18861886U.S. Congress
In the Senate of the United States. May 21, 1886. . . . Mr. Chace, from the Committee on Patents, Submitted the Following Report. (To Accompany Bill S. 2496.) Washington: Government Printing Office. [bib33594]

bib33647Lang 18861886Lang, Andrew
“At the Sign of the Ship.” Longman’s Magazine 7 (February): 445–46. Reprinted in Anderson and Sanderson 1971[bib00228], 146–47. [bib33647]