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bib00095Schiller 18811881Schiller, Johann von
Schillers Sämtliche Werke. Volumes 9 and 10 in one volume. Stuttgart, Germany: J. G. Cotta. [bib00095]

bib00096Schiller 18811881Schiller, Johann von
Schillers Sämtliche Werke. Volumes 5 and 6 in one volume. Stuttgart, Germany: J. G. Cotta. [bib00096]

bib00204Angel 18811881Angel, Myron, ed.
History of Nevada. Oakland, Calif.: Thompson and West. Index in Poulton 1966 [bib10339]. [bib00204]

bib00376Gamble 18811881Gamble, James
“Wiring a Continent.” The Californian: A Western Monthly Magazine 3 (June): 556–63. [bib00376]

bib00877Pierson 18811881Pierson, Hamilton W.
In the Brush; or, Old-Time Social, Political, and Religious Life in the Southwest. New York: D. Appleton and Co. [bib00877]

bib00968New York Press Club 18811881New York Press Club
Eighth Annual Dinner of the New York Press Club, January 6, 1881. Albany, N.Y.: For Private Distribution. [bib00968]

bib01025Sismondi 18811881Sismondi, Jean Charles Leonard Simonde de
Historical View of the Literature of the South of Europe. Translated by Thomas Roscoe. 2 vols. London: George Bell and Sons. [bib01025]

bib01097House 18811881House, Edward H.
Japanese Episodes. Boston: James R. Osgood and Co. [bib01097]

bib10242Marsh 18811881Marsh, Grant
“Mark Twain’s Steamboating Days.” Unidentified clipping enclosed in John B. Downing to SLC, 15 August, CU-MARK. [bib10242]

bib10345Raymond 18811881Raymond, Rossiter W.
A Glossary of Mining and Metallurgical Terms. Easton, Pa.: American Institute of Mining Engineers. [bib10345]

bib10551Bartlett 18811881Bartlett, William C.
“Samuel Williams, Journalist.” Californian 4 (October): 323–30. [bib10551]

bib10701Hingston 18811881Hingston, Edward P.
The Genial Showman: Reminiscences of the Life of Artemus Ward. London: Chatto and Windus. [bib10701]

bib11739Clark 18811881Clark, Charles Heber [John Quill, Max Adeler, pseuds.]
An Old Fogey and Other Stories. London: Ward, Lock and Bowden. Includes “Professor Ban’s Adventures.” [bib11739]

bib12420Wolcott 18811881Wolcott, Samuel
Memorial of Henry Wolcott, One of the First Settlers of Windsor, Connecticut, and of Some of His Descendants. New York: Anson D. F. Randolph and Co. [bib12420]

bib12650Facts 18811881Facts
Facts. By a Woman. Oakland, Calif.: Pacific Press Publishing House. [bib12650]

bib12695Geer 18811881Geer, Elihu, comp.
Geer’s Hartford City Directory and Hartford Illustrated; for the Year Commencing July, 1881: Containing a General Directory of Citizens, Corporations, Etc. Hartford: Elihu Geer. [bib12695]

bib13202Strout 18811881Strout, A. O.
“Vaccination and Measles.” Medical and Surgical Reporter 44 (14 May): 558. [bib13202]

bib13482Engravings from Landseer 18811881Engravings from Landseer
Engravings from Landseer, Reproduced in Heliotype with a Sketch of the Life and Works of the Artist. Text by Frederic G. Stephens. Boston: James R. Osgood and Co. [bib13482]

bib21182SLC 18811881SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
“The Second Advent.” Unfinished MS of eighty-six leaves, CU-MARK. Published in FM[bib00155], 50–68. [bib21182]

bib21183SLC 18811881SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
[“Burlesque Etiquette.”] Untitled MS of 102 leaves, CU-MARK; two additional leaves, CL[bib20240]. Published in part in MTB[bib00012], 2:705–6, and SLC 1962[bib20734], 193–208. [bib21183]

bib30854Moffett 18811881Moffett, Pamelia (or Pamela) A.
“Deed. Quit-Claim,” recorded on 17 October, transferring title of Moffett’s Dunkirk, New York, property to Charles L. Webster, NPV. [bib30854]

bib31148SLC 0000 attrib1881SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
“High Art.” Mark Twain’s Burlesque Life. The Illustrated Funny Folks Library. Book 6. London: Funny Folks Library. 27–30. Attributed to Clemens here, but written by Charles Heber Clark and published in chapter 19 of Elbow-Room: A Novel without a Plot (New York: Lovell). [bib31148]

bib31415SLC 18811881SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
The Prince and the Pauper Leipzig: Bernhard Tauchnitz. [bib31415]

bib31436British Census1881The National Archives of the United Kingdom
Census Returns of England and Wales, 1881. Kew, Surrey, England. RG11/649. The National Archives of the United Kingdom: Public Records Office. Potocopy in CU-MARK. [bib31436]

bib31480SLC 18811881SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
“A Duel Prevented.” Untitled extract in History of Nevada. Edited by Myron Angel. Oakland: Thompson and West, 1881, 292, reprinting the Virginia City Territorial Enterprise, 2 August 1863, not extant. [bib31480]

bib31838SLC 18811881SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
“An Apology Repudiated.” Angel, History of Nevada, 293, reprinting the Virginia City Territorial Enterprise, 4? August 1863, not extant. [bib31838]

bib32035SLC 18811881SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
“From The Pilgrim’s Progress, by John Bunyan.” 8 leaves. [bib32035]

bib32188Dick 18811881Dick, William B.
Dick’s Recitations and Readings No. 13 New York: Dick & Fitzgerald [bib32188]

bib32189SLC 18811881SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
A Curious Experience Toronto: W. G. Gibson [bib32189]

bib32373Macpherson 18811881Macpherson, John, ed.
The Westminster Confession of Faith. Edinburgh: T. and T. Clark. [bib32373]

bib32967SLC 18811881SLC (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
“Bible citations about the devil.” 9 MS pages, CU-MARK. [bib32967]

bib33707Lamphere 18811881Lamphere, George N.
The United States Government: Its Organization and Practical Workings. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott and Co. [bib33707]